Acing a teaching interview is more than convincing the employer you have all the necessary qualifications; you must show your passion for shaping society’s young minds. How do you successfully achieve this?

Our expert guide will help you prepare thoughtful answers for teacher interview questions and impress employers with your knowledge and dedication to teaching. 


10 Common Teacher Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

Start gathering your school supplies because these 10 examples will teach you how to answer teacher interview questions with confidence and ease.  

1. Why do you want to teach?

This is the most common question to ask a teacher in an interview. However, even though it’s common, you should still give a well-thought-out answer. Consider a specific person, life event or personal interest that led you into education. Use that to display your enthusiasm for teaching while including the value you bring to the school. For example: 

“I vividly remember when my high school math teacher helped me understand a complex concept that stumped me for weeks. Witnessing that lightbulb moment in myself ignited a passion to inspire others similarly. Teaching allows me to pay forward the guidance and support I received, shaping young minds and fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. I aim to cultivate an inclusive and supportive classroom environment where students feel valued and empowered to reach their fullest potential.”

2. What is your teaching philosophy?

The school administration wants to know if your values align with theirs and if your dedication goes beyond academic knowledge. Research the school’s philosophy and emphasize your shared values — this will also help you see if the school is the right fit. Also, show them your interest in teaching life skills to help the kids grow socially and emotionally. A potential answer could be: 

“I believe learning thrives in a community where collaboration, respect, and support are paramount. I view my role as an instructor and a facilitator who nurtures an environment where students feel valued and encouraged to engage with each other’s ideas. By fostering a sense of belonging and collective responsibility, I aim to empower my students to become active participants in their learning journey, enriching their academic growth and sense of belonging within their broader community.”

3. How can you help our students?

This question gauges how much research you’ve done on the school and its district. No need to worry! Identify the school’s areas of improvement and discuss how your expertise and skills can help the school address the issue. This is how it should look for a school with low test scores: 

“I talked to several of your teachers and heard about the student’s low test scores. I can support our students by implementing differentiated instruction tailored to their individual learning styles and needs. Through ongoing assessment and feedback, I can identify areas of difficulty and provide targeted interventions to address gaps in understanding. By fostering a growth mindset and instilling confidence in their abilities, I aim to empower students to excel academically and achieve their full potential, ultimately contributing to an upward trend in the school’s test scores.”

4. Describe a challenge you faced while teaching. How did you address it?

A question like this is an excellent opportunity to show your problem-solving skills and a results-driven mindset. The employer wants to know if you’re able to perform under stress. Pick a situation where you had to solve a complex challenge and use the STAR method to discuss the results. Here’s how it should look: 

“In a previous teaching position, I encountered a particularly disruptive class where maintaining focus and order seemed daunting. I had to figure out how to regain control and create a conducive atmosphere for learning. I implemented proactive strategies, including establishing clear expectations, engaging activities, and positive reinforcement for desired behaviors. Over time, the class dynamic shifted positively, with students actively participating and demonstrating improved behavior, leading to a more productive and harmonious learning environment.”

5. What techniques do you use to keep students engaged and motivated?

A big part of teaching is knowing how to engage with students to maintain a strong learning environment. Everyone has a different learning method, and some students may need more help than others, so it’s essential to show you can apply an individualized approach to teaching. For example: 

“I employ various techniques tailored to individual preferences and learning styles. This includes incorporating interactive activities such as group discussions, hands-on projects, and multimedia presentations to cater to diverse interests. Additionally, I regularly provide personalized feedback and recognition, acknowledging each student’s progress and celebrating their achievements to foster a sense of pride and intrinsic motivation in their learning journey.”

6. What is your approach to disciplining students during teaching?

There always comes a time when the teacher must enforce discipline to maintain a robust learning environment for every student. The strategy will depend on the student’s age, district policies, and the school’s philosophy. Focus on your discipline approach and how correctly implementing it can positively affect the classroom. Here’s an example answer: 

“My approach to disciplining students is rooted in empathy, clear communication, and positive reinforcement. In addressing behavioral issues with understanding and compassion, taking the time to listen to students’ perspectives and concerns. By implementing consistent expectations and consequences while offering support and guidance, I aim to cultivate a respectful and cooperative classroom environment where students feel valued, accountable and empowered to make positive choices, ultimately fostering a conducive atmosphere for learning and growth.”

7. How do you incorporate parents/guardians into students’ education?

Parents are a critical part of every child’s educational success. Teachers must effectively communicate with parents to share their child’s progress and areas of improvement. Concentrate on the parent’s role and how you plan to involve them in their child’s learning experience. You might say: 

“I prioritize open communication channels with parents, regularly sharing updates on their child’s progress, achievements, and areas for improvement. Additionally, I encourage parental involvement through opportunities for participation in school activities, parent-teacher conferences, and collaborative goal-setting sessions, recognizing their invaluable role in their child’s educational journey and their engagement’s positive impact on student success.”

8. Describe how you like to implement technology in your lessons.

Technology is an excellent tool to encourage learning, and many teachers are incorporating it fully into their lesson plans. Discuss your thoughts on technology’s role in education and how you would use it to maximize learning in the classroom. Here’s an example answer: 

“I embrace technology as a powerful tool to enhance learning experiences and prepare students for the digital age. I aim to integrate technology thoughtfully, selecting tools and resources that complement and enrich the curriculum while catering to diverse learning styles. Whether through interactive presentations, educational apps, or virtual simulations, I strive to leverage technology to create dynamic and engaging lessons that foster critical thinking, collaboration and creativity, ultimately preparing them for success in an increasingly interconnected world.”

9. How would your past students, peers or administrators describe you?

This question encourages you to be introspective and think about yourself objectively. How would others describe you? Be honest, but also use it as an opportunity to highlight soft skills. For example: 

“I’ve had students describe me as approachable because of my ability to connect with them. I like cultivating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel valued and motivated to succeed. My colleagues might define me as a strong communicator and collaborator as well. I enjoy coming up with ways to use teamwork to foster student growth and encourage bonding with other teachers.”

10. How do you evaluate your students?

The school’s administration wants to gauge if your evaluation style aligns with theirs and how diverse your assessment techniques are. Beyond that, this is an opportunity to mention an accomplishment you may have had with a student. For example, you might say: 

“I evaluate my students using various assessment techniques tailored to their individual needs and learning styles. This includes traditional methods such as quizzes, tests, essays and more dynamic approaches like project-based assessments, presentations and peer evaluations. I once had a student who consistently scored poorly on written exams but excelled in collaborative projects, demonstrating a deep understanding of the material when allowed to apply it in a hands-on, interactive setting. Working closely with him, I discovered he had an undiagnosed vision problem. He got corrective lenses, and his test scores matched his performance in collaborative projects.”



30 General Teacher Interview Questions

We gathered 30 more teacher interview questions to help you prepare for that all-important meeting. 

  • What makes you a good fit for this school?

  • How would you get your classroom ready for the first day of school?

  • What do you love most about teaching?

  • What are you currently learning?

  • How do you handle a student who is challenging to teach?

  • What has been your most significant teaching success?

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

  • Have you ever made a mistake with a student? How did you address it?

  • What teaching experience do you have at this grade level?

  • What do you think the students expect and need from their teachers?

  • Walk me through a lesson. 

  • How do you approach lesson planning?

  • How do you help students prepare for standardized testing?

  • How do you confirm your students understand the material while teaching?

  • Describe your classroom management structure. 

  • How do you communicate and implement classroom rules?

  • What behavior management strategies do you find most effective?

  • What support do you expect to receive from school administrators?

  • How do you approach remote teaching?

  • What do you think is the greatest challenge teachers face today?

  • How do you cope with stress?

  • What is your educational background?

  • What extracurricular activities did you enjoy while you were in school?

  • What are your teaching strengths and weaknesses?

  • What is your favorite subject to teach?

  • What do you dislike most about teaching?

  • Describe your worst teaching day. What did you learn from the experience?

  • How do you encourage students to express their creativity?

  • How do you support students with learning difficulties?

  • What would you do if most of your class failed an evaluation?


What Questions to Ask in an Interview for a Teacher

Asking inquisitive questions shows interest in the position and can leave a lasting impression. We suggest arriving at the interview with a couple of questions and bringing a notebook to write down any others that may arise during the interview. Here’s a list of 10 possible questions to ask the interviewer: 

1How would you describe the school's culture?

2What qualities do you look for in a teacher?

3What extracurricular activities do you offer the students?

4What are some of the school's greatest achievements?

5What are your expectations for my first year?

6What's the average classroom size?

7Do you have an active PTA?

8How do you handle bullying?

9How do you measure a teacher's success?

10Is the school involved in community initiatives?

Teacher Interview Tips

These five expert tips are just what you need to feel confident and convince the school you’re the best teacher for the job. 

  • Bring a portfolio:

    Materials like lesson plans, worksheets and sample evaluations will show your expertise. 

  • Advocate for yourself:

    Use any opportunity to highlight how your hard skills have helped you in past work experience.

  • Do your due diligence:

    Research the school’s needs, faculty and district. 

  • Keep the focus on the students:

    While the interview is about whether you’re qualified for the role, maintaining your answers about your students shows your dedication and commitment. 

  • Come prepared with examples:

    Like teaching, the best way to demonstrate you’re equipped is with many examples from past teaching experiences. 

Key Takeaways

Now that you’re ready to ace that interview and start shaping young minds, let’s review the key points: 

  • Researching the school will help you understand what the students need and how you can help them. 

  • Show that you can accommodate student’s needs to facilitate learning for all.

  • Emphasize your shared values with the school without compromising your ideology. 

  • Displaying your versatility in teaching and evaluating students is critical. 

  • Incorporating parents into students’ learning process is essential to maximize their education opportunities. 


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