Proficiency in patient assessment
Describe your ability to safely conduct comprehensive patient assessments, identify health concerns, and create effective care plans with patients and their primary care providers.
Use our extensive library of cover letter examples as practical starting guides. You’ll also find ready-made content with our helpful Cover Letter Generator — simply click, customize and download.
Although your RN resume summarizes key skills, training, and experience, your cover letter can indicate your warm personality and bedside manner. Visit our helpful cover letter format and writing guide for additional advice on how to customize your application, or read on to find nursing-related advice.
Make sure your professional cover letter header matches your resume for a cohesive look. Include your name, phone number, and email.
Visit the company’s directory to research the hiring manager and contact info. Add the date of writing, followed by the manager’s name, job title, and professional mailing address.
Use a professional salutation. We prefer the following formal greetings: “Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,” “Hello, Mr./Ms. Last Name,” or the last resort, “To whom it may concern.”
Open your letter by sharing the position and company you’re applying to, how you found out about the opportunity, and a key nursing skill or accomplishment that highlights your suitability.
Use one or two paragraphs to elaborate on one or two accomplishments listed on your resume. The goal is to quantify your training further and prove your proficiency.
In your last paragraph, restate your interest in the position and highlight your qualifications. Express your eagerness to discuss your candidacy in an interview further.
End the letter with a formal closing followed by your full name and, if applicable, your professional titles or certifications. Acceptable signatures include “Salutations,” “Best,” or “Regards.”
Nursing covers a vast blend of social soft skills and learned technical skills. Use our Cover Letter Builder to source tailored nursing skills based on your professional experience. Try this starter list of 15 technical registered nursing skills or accomplishments that you could feature on your cover letter:
Describe your ability to safely conduct comprehensive patient assessments, identify health concerns, and create effective care plans with patients and their primary care providers.
Highlight your expertise in administering medications safely and accurately, along with your knowledge of various drugs, interactions, and potential side effects.
Mention your experience in assisting with or independently performing procedures such as IV insertion, wound care, and catheterization.
Showcase your ability to think quickly on your feet, make sound clinical judgments, or handle emergent situations with confidence.
Emphasize how you educate patients and their families about treatment plans, medications, and disease management.
Demonstrate your proficiency using EHR systems to document patient information, maintain accurate records, and improve healthcare efficiency.
Discuss your knowledge of and commitment to maintaining strict infection control protocols to ensure patient safety and prevent the spread of diseases.
If applicable, mention any specialized certifications you hold, such as ALS or pediatrics advanced life support (PALS).
Describe how you actively advocate for patients’ rights, ensuring they receive quality care and are well-informed about their treatment options.
Highlight your ability to work effectively within interdisciplinary healthcare teams, fostering positive communication and cooperation.
Explain your experience continuously monitoring patients’ vital signs, symptoms, and overall condition and how you use this information to provide timely interventions.
Discuss your proficiency in assessing and managing patients’ pain levels to ensure their comfort and well-being.
If relevant, detail your experience managing complex wounds and promoting wound healing using evidence-based practices.
Mention your competence in starting and maintaining IV lines and your knowledge of IV medications and fluids.
Describe your commitment to patient safety, including participation in safety initiatives and dedication to minimizing medical errors.
Don’t overstuff your cover letter — limit yourself to one or two skills so you can adequately highlight your accomplishments. Prioritize skills or achievements requested on the job advertisement to score well on applicant tracking systems (ATS). Visit our ATS resume article to learn more about these tools.
Felicia S. Tucker
Kansas City, MO
January 1, 2025
Robert Bianchi
Hospital Administrator
Sacred Heart Hospital
123 Alphabet Rd
Kansas City, MO
Dear Mr. Bianchi
As a Registered Nurse with over six years of experience delivering high-quality care in critical care settings, I bring proven expertise in managing post-operative recovery in cardiac patients and maintaining positive patient feedback. My skills in coordinating multidisciplinary care plans with a patient’s primary care team will allow me to substantially assist Sacred Heart Hospital in meeting — and exceeding — its healthcare goals.
My background includes preparing surgical rooms and equipment, utilizing highly technical devices/equipment, monitoring patient progress, and communicating with cross-functional medical teams to coordinate patient care. Tracking patient vitals, maintaining detailed patient and procedure records, and providing overarching bedside nursing support are just a few of the many tasks I perform each day, consistently providing a superior level of compassionate patient care.
Highlights of my experience include the following:
1. Providing comprehensive nursing support in various surgical cases, including general, orthopedic, neuro and spine, ENT, gynecological, plastic, vascular, urological, and endoscopic procedures.
2. Consistently demonstrating solid commitment to providing quality patient care in alignment with nursing philosophy, organizational standards, and legal regulations.
3. Communicating effectively across diverse medical teams to ensure appropriate and necessary patient care; tracking patient progress and reports.
4. Achieving credentials as a Certified Critical Care Nurse (CCRN) and a Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN); possessing a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.
With my expertise in managing patient care and support, I am confident that I can greatly contribute to your organization. I look forward to discussing this opportunity and my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to hearing from you.
Felicia S. Tucker
This registered nurse cover letter persuasively presents the candidate’s relevant experience, qualifications, and achievements. The candidate communicates how her skills align with the employer’s needs and demonstrates confidence and enthusiasm for the opportunity. Let’s see how she expands on her skills to help elaborate on her resume:
This registered nurse cover letter highlights six years of critical care nursing experience and specific skills, such as post-operative cardiac recovery, which directly align with the needs of a healthcare provider like Sacred Heart Hospital.
This registered nurse cover letter provides specific accomplishments, such as preparing surgical rooms, utilizing advanced equipment, and earning CCRN and CEN certifications, which demonstrate expertise and dedication.
The tone is professional and confident, ending with a polite invitation for further discussion, which leaves a strong impression of eagerness and professionalism.
A cover letter helps promote your resume — but your resume acts as an essential building block for your job search. This concise summary helps hiring managers trace your training, experience, skill development, and accomplishments. The following help articles, online tools and sample can help you improve your resume.
A well-written cover letter for a registered nurse typically ranges from 250 to 400 words. Be concise, focusing on relevant experiences, skills, and your passion for nursing. Please keep it to one page, ensuring that essential information stands out to the hiring manager.
To address your cover letter, we recommend including your contact information and using the same formatting and styling choices as your resume. These matching headers create a cohesive application packet that helps your resume stand out and helps hiring managers find your information. Our Cover Letter Builder features a matching resume tool to help you craft both documents on one convenient site.
Although you can create a master cover letter template with most of your qualifications, you should tailor this for each job. Trim your cover letter down to two or three accomplishments that match the job requirements, company values, and job description. Please address the hiring manager by name to make it more personalized and impactful.
It’s generally not recommended to mention salary expectations in the cover letter. Focus on showcasing your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role. Salary negotiations usually occur during the later stages of the hiring process.
Highlighting your relevant licenses and certifications in the cover letter is crucial. It demonstrates your qualifications and compliance with the necessary regulatory requirements for the nursing position. Include any specialized certifications or training that align with the job you’re applying for.