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Free Clinical Nurse cover letter example

Dear Ms. Wong,

I am submitting my resume for the position of Clinical Nurse. With a bachelor’s and master’s degree of science in nursing, nationally recognized certification, three years of general experience and three years of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) experience, I believe I would make a valuable addition to the Sunny Valley Hospital NICU team.

My professional experience includes caring for hundreds of patients and their families in a warm and reassuring manner, developing cutting-edge practices to optimize patient care, acting as a patient advocate, conducting in-depth research to design the most comprehensive care plans possible, training NICU staff and analyzing treatment results to improve treatment plans.

Here are a few highlights of my experience and qualifications:

Earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from California State University Long Beach

Earned a Master’s of Science in nursing from the University of California Los Angeles

Received ACCNS-N (neonatal) certification from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

Modified communication practices in the interest of maximizing the comfort and confidence of patients’families

Successfully developed new treatment practices to reduce preventable infant mortality rates

Trained NICU nurses to adopt all new practices

Collaborated with patient care managers to improve the efficacy and accessibility of patient care

Followed up with all patient families after discharge to learn from their feedback and experience

Performed neonatal nursing duties of all varieties

I am committed to providing the best care available to all patients and their families, and I hope to bring my experience, patient dedication and love of nursing to the Sunny Valley Hospital NICU.

I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to discussing this position with you further.

Warm regards,

Valerie O—Connell

Include These Clinical Nurse Skills

  • Bachelor’s of science in nursing or a related field
  • Master’s of science in nursing or a related field
  • Certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center or another recognized national certifying body
  • Status as a state-licensed Registered Nurse
  • 5+ years of experience
  • Extensive knowledge of the specialty of their choice (acute care, oncology, gerontology, women’s health, pediatric care, etc.)
  • Relevant certification in the specialty of their choice
  • Willingness to pursue further education after earning a master’s degree
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Good management skills
  • Working knowledge of various computer software programs
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