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Free Payroll Clerk cover letter example

Dear Mr. Gilles:

As a self-motivated and detail-focused professional with a strong commitment in continuing to grow my career in human resources with a special emphasis on payroll operations, I am confident that you will find my dedication and enthusiastic attitude to be of value to your organization as your next Payroll Clerk.

My background in payroll functions includes two years of excellent experience with Mettias, Inc., ensuring accurate and timely payroll distribution for 75+ employees on a biweekly basis. From collecting timesheets and inputting data to tracking attendance records and providing general administrative support, I have amassed a solid skill set to effectively drive optimal payroll operations and ensure personnel satisfaction. Furthermore, I have continually made significant contributions to optimizing departmental efficiency and productivity while excelling within team-oriented environments.

Highlights of my experience include…

Analyzing and processing payroll transactions for all employees including those for new hires, transfers, and terminations.

Entering insurance deductions, retirement benefits, and garnishments accurately while tracking employees’paid time off and sorting checks for timely distribution.

Responding to and quickly resolving—or escalating when necessary—employee inquiries regarding paychecks, timecards, and other payroll-related concerns.

Facilitating the implementation of the ADP payroll system in conjunction with Mettias’s HR Manager.

Delivering comprehensive administrative assistance in areas such as phone support, records management, and data entry; proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.

With my proven skills in payroll processing, communication, and organization, I am well positioned to surpass your expectations for this role. It would be a pleasure to discuss this position and my qualifications in further detail. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Michaela J. Long

Include These Payroll Clerk Skills

  • Payroll processing experience
  • Good math skills
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • Data entry skills
  • Integrity and confidentiality
  • Organization and planning
  • Knowledge of financial software
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
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