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Free Finance Officer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Cody Brooks:

Offering over 10 years of proven experience developing and implementing analytical and strategic financial processes for major institutions, I am a dynamic and innovative Finance Executive. I possess a solid fundamental knowledge of accounting and financial principles that can be applied universally to all types of industries. I have achieved proven success leading teams in creation of business plans and forecasts, performing complex financial analysis of capital expenditures, driving quarterly projections and reconciliation of budgets to actual performance.

An instinctive leader with the ability to create, clearly communicate and build consensus in the sharing of a high level business vision, I am now seeking the opportunity to join an organization such as yours as Finance Officer.

Simply stated, I offer an unmatched array of experiences and achievements, including:

Spearheaded automation of the financial modeling process, reducing production time from 5 days to 1 day, resulting in more accurate data.

Designed and implemented a financial model and associated framework used to quantify financial risk, produce monthly income forecasts and annual budgets, and perform market valuation of assets and liabilities for a $32B bank.

Restructured an outdated and insufficient financial model, implementing a more robust balance sheet valuation tool, allowing for the effective interest rate risk position for the entire bank. This new tool allowed for reduced risk profile and maximized return on assets.

Superior ability to perform complex, sensitive data analysis, communicate results to executive management, and steer the strategic decision process in order to ensure products and pricing are in line with corporate business objectives.

I am a resourceful problem solver and team organizer with the ability to aggressively drive customer focused strategies in an efficient and profitable manner. For a more detailed presentation of my skills and offerings, please review the enclosed resume and feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to our conversation.


Joann Gilbert

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