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Free Paramedic cover letter example

Dear Mr. Francis:

As an experienced and skilled professional with comprehensive experience delivering critical medical attention and advanced life support to injured individuals at emergency scenes—both on site and in transit—I am confident that I can make a substantial impact on your team’s success as your next Paramedic.

My background includes treating and bandaging patients, evaluating acute care needs, and facilitating hospital transfer logistics to ensure superior patient treatment. For more than 11 years I have served as an accomplished and committed paramedic, and I am prepared to put my expertise and dedication to work for you.

My qualifications include the following:

Completing paramedic training and earning certification as well as licensure; participating in ongoing professional development seminars and programs.

Provided advanced life support during medical emergencies

Documenting all services provided to reduce liability, protect employer, and enhance patient care.

Building and sustaining excellent working relationships with other emergency personnel including doctors, nurses, and ancillary specialists.

Selected to serve as field training paramedic for new hires.

Consistently demonstrating a solid commitment to providing quality patient care in alignment with established protocols, organizational standards, and legal regulations.

With my dedication to providing outstanding patient care in acute medical / trauma circumstances, as well as my strong communication and leadership skills, I believe I would be an excellent addition to your team. I look forward to discussing the position with you further. Thank you for your consideration.


Debra M. Walls

Include These Paramedic Skills

  • Clinical skills
  • Decision making and sound judgment
  • A caring and empathetic personality
  • Emotional stability
  • Stamina and resilience
  • Attention to details
  • Navigational skills
  • Physical fitness
  • Being able to stay calm under pressure
  • A highly-motivated approach to work and reliability
Paramedic Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!