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Free Practice Manager cover letter example

Dear Ms. Witherington:

When I learned of your need for an experienced Practice Manager to join your team at Grennell Gynecological Associates, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. With my experience in seamless medical practice administration coupled with my proven ability to successfully spearhead operations and staff, I am confident in my ability to significantly benefit your practice.

From overseeing patient scheduling and managing organizational procedures and systems to stimulating business development and ensuring full regulatory compliance, I excel at providing comprehensive leadership and overarching support for established medical practices. My ability to interface across levels and functions to drive policy development and enhance productivity and efficiency—along with my excellent problem solving and communication skills—prepares me to thrive in this challenging position.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Overseeing comprehensive administrative responsibilities as a Practice Manager with Blossom Health Family Practice, encompassing daily practice operations, business development, patient scheduling, medical records management, billing and insurance claims, A/R and A/P, and registration.

Creating and implementing new marketing strategies to measurably increase patient volume and revenue; boosting practice’s gross revenue by 27% within 12 months.

Leveraging expertise in overarching process improvement to continually enhance internal tools and procedures and significantly boost productivity and efficiency.

Hiring, training, and supervising medical office team; conducting performance reviews and maintaining physician records and credentialing.

Utilizing superior leadership, issue resolution, mentoring, and motivational skills to propel staff to peak results.

Earning a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Administration from Connecticut State University.

With my demonstrated practice management experience and my enthusiasm and dedication to achieving success, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position in detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Dominick A. Smith

Include These Practice Manager Skills

  • Medical administration expertise
  • Organization and planning
  • Time management
  • Being able to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Attention to details
  • Computer competences
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Customer service and selling skills
  • Teamwork
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