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Free Medical Records Clerk cover letter example

Dear Ms. Hanes:

Upon consideration of your posting for a detail-focused and dedicated Medical Records Clerk, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. As a highly skilled professional with key experience in healthcare information management and a proven commitment to top-notch accuracy, I would significantly contribute to the success of Mountain State Medical Center in this role.

My experience includes efficiently and accurately creating, collecting, and managing high volumes of medical records while ensuring full data integrity, security, and confidentiality. Throughout my career I have proven to excel at ensuring quality results by adhering to hospital standards and regulations. Additionally, my superior strengths in patient communications, information management, and general administrative support are sure to render me an asset to your team.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Successfully assigned new record numbers, maintained a master patient index, helped clients to complete intake and discharge forms, and prepared reports for state audits of medical charts as a Medical Records Clerk with the Colorado Springs Women’s Health Center.

Developed, improved, and analyzed a daily report of missing chart information for supervisors’review.

Preparing to achieve a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Informatics and Information Management from the Colorado State University.

Expertise in medical support services and general medical terminology.

Possess and continually demonstrate strong diligence, ambition, and personal accountability.

Fully prepared to exceed your expectations for this position and substantially benefit your team, I look forward to meeting with you to discuss how my qualifications position me to make an immediate and positive impact in this role. Thank you for your consideration.


Muriel G. Albert

Include These Medical Records Clerk Skills

  • Knowledge of medical terminology and coding
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • Time management
  • Computer proficiency
  • Multitasking
  • The ability to work under pressure
  • Teamwork
  • Reporting skills
  • Effective communication
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