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Free Real Estate Manager cover letter example

Dear Ms. Harless:

When I learned of your search for a real estate manager, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. As an accomplished and successful real estate property manager with more than 16 years of experience managing commercial property operations, staff, and maintenance while optimizing tenant relations and driving significant revenue growth, I am prepared to significantly contribute to your company’s objectives.

My background includes experience managing general operations, financial performance, marketing and sales strategies, and healthy tenant relations for successful commercial real estate properties. From performing day-to-day operational responsibilities to recruiting and directing staff, I excel at assessing tenant needs, sourcing and negotiating with vendors, and developing effective communication and organizational procedures to enhance rates of retention.

Highlights of my experience include…

Spearheading comprehensive purchasing, leasing, and development responsibilities for a 730,000-square-foot commercial complex valued at more than $40M in Atlanta comprising retail stores, restaurants, a health club, and a conference center

Consistently increasing property values and dramatically increasing monthly lease rates while maintaining a low vacancy factor through successful property purchase and rehabilitation efforts

Driving leasing and renewals as well as large-scale building improvements valued at up to $4.4M

Handling financial/budget management and cost control to ensure alignment with goals and surpass revenue objectives; preparing and monitoring all financial reporting, including forecasting, operating budgets, reconciliations, and Argus models

Excelling at balancing multiple tasks within deadline-driven environments while providing top-level organization and communication skills and improving operational systems

Earning a bachelor of business administration with a concentration in real estate management from Georgia State University; currently pursuing my MBA

My skills in outstanding real estate management have been finely honed, and I am confident my additional strengths in property investment, development, and construction will readily translate to your environment. The chance to offer more insight into my qualifications would be most welcome. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Edith C. Goldstein

Include These Real Estate Manager Skills

  • Property operations and development
  • Lease negotiations and renewals
  • Acquisitions and dispositions
  • Capital expenditures
  • Due diligence
  • Project planning and management
  • Financial reporting and oversight
  • Staff recruitment and supervision
  • Building improvements
  • Tenant relations, satisfaction, and retention
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