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Free Town Manager cover letter example

Dear Mr. Young:

It is with great interest and dedication that I submit my resume outlining my credentials for your review in response to the opening for Town Manager. As a lifelong resident of Appleton with 18+ years of experience in organizational management and administration, budget development, and personnel leadership, I feel confident that I would significantly benefit the town in this position.

From preparing budgets and managing assets to implementing reporting procedures and hiring staff, my background has consistently been characterized by my steadfast commitment to managing fiscal responsibility and achieving municipal objectives. My proven ability to strategically define and meet goals, along with my communication and time management capabilities, position me ready to excel in this role.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Excelling for the past 12 years as the Chief Administrative Officer for the town of Appleton (population 15,490), managing staffing/resource requirements, finances, a $2.3M budget, and general life cycle tasks; promoted from previous roles as Junior Administrative Officer and Accounting Officer, respectively.

Working collaboratively with various municipal departments including public works, administration, tax collection, and planning and zoning.

Establishing and maintaining a comprehensive records management system, including presiding over the transition from paper records to an electronic database; recognized as the official custodian of all town records.

Responding to and effectively resolving difficult citizen inquiries and complaints to mutual satisfaction.

Developing solid, trusting relationships with staff, citizens, and government and local entities.

Earning a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Wisconsin State University.

With my record of success in operations, financial oversight, and process management and administration with the town of Appleton, coupled with my team leadership skills and my tireless enthusiasm and dedication, my natural progression into the position of Town Manager would be a logical and foresighted decision. I will certainly surpass your expectations for this role, and I look forward to discussing this opportunity in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Tamara S. Garvin

Include These Town Manager Skills

  • Asset/fiscal management
  • Council meeting leadership/materials
  • Budget development and administration
  • Financial reporting
  • Records management
  • Process improvement
  • Personnel hiring and oversight
  • Relationship management
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