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Free Sales Administrative Assistant cover letter example

Dear Ms. Culler:

Upon learning of your posting for a sales administrative assistant, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. As an experienced and enthusiastic professional with experience providing excellent administrative support and customer service while facilitating the achievement of business and sales goals, I would be a valuable asset to your team.

My background includes providing overarching operational and administrative support, achieving customer retention and satisfaction, and enhancing sales and revenue volumes. With strong inner motivation and keen business acumen, I am prepared to excel in helping sales team members implement new strategies and meet sales goals while simultaneously providing comprehensive administrative assistance to ensure optimal business efficiency and profitability.

Highlights of my qualifications include…

Excelling as an administrative assistant with the sales team at Dynamo Industries, where I was responsible for tasks such as scheduling and calendar management, presentation development, RFP submissions, expense reports, marketing and sales collateral, database maintenance, meetings and conferences, and travel arrangements

Instrumental in facilitating Dynamo’s exponential growth, realizing a bottom-line increase of a stunning 483% in just three years

Demonstrating expertise in supporting financial activities, inventories, forecasts, marketing efforts, and customer relations

Steadfast dedication to providing outstanding customer service and satisfaction

With my demonstrated commitment to providing comprehensive administrative assistance to achieve sales success, I am well prepared to extend my record of service to your team at Global Synchronicity. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this position and my qualifications with you further. Thank you for your consideration.


William B. Martinez

Include These Sales Administrative Assistant Skills

  • Calendar management and scheduling
  • Travel arrangements
  • Expense reports
  • Customer database management
  • Presentations and proposals
  • Collateral development and distribution
  • Special bulk mailings
  • Special event coordination
  • Project management
  • Customer service
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