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Free Fundraising Coordinator cover letter example

Dear Mr. Lopp:

When I learned of your need for a fundraising coordinator, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. With my strong experience leading funding solicitation, grant writing, and relationship building and management, I feel confident in my ability to significantly benefit your nonprofit organization in this role.

My background has consistently been characterized by my steadfast dedication to enhancing organizational performance and achieving – and often exceeding – fundraising objectives. With the ability to leverage my communication, networking, and persuasion talents to make significant contributions within the nonprofit sector, I am confident that my proven skills and qualifications will readily translate to this position and render me an invaluable asset to your team.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Thriving as the fundraising manager for the past five years with Celebrate Global Kids in New York City and holding responsibility for designing fundraising events and initiatives, obtaining sponsorships and donations, and maintaining superior relationships with sponsors and donors

Working closely with senior administrators and managers to identify funding needs and requirements, monitor donations and payments, and secure funds to keep Celebrate Global Kids sustainable and successful

Organizing and scheduling volunteers to support fundraising events and activities; creating content for fundraising training webinars for local and state staff and volunteers

Developing solid, trusting relationships with peers, sponsors, and donors to achieve organizational objectives and accelerate funds generation

Utilizing superior organizational, interpersonal, and presentation skills to propel programs and staff to peak results

With my record of success in fundraising coordination and alliance building, coupled with my superior communication talents and my commitment to continuing my work in the nonprofit sector, I am confident that I would surpass your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position, and your organization’s needs, in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Madeline E. McCarthy

Include These Fundraising Coordinator Skills

  • Event coordination and leadership
  • Program development and management
  • Goal definition and achievement
  • Sponsorship and donation attainment
  • Donor and sponsor prospecting and recruitment
  • Relationship building and management
  • Volunteer training, coordination, and scheduling
  • Team building and management
  • Grant writing and applications
  • Best practices and compliance
  • Report generation and analysis
  • Community outreach and partnerships
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