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Tire Technician Duties and Responsibilities

Based on job postings that we analyzed, tire technicians share a number of core responsibilities:

Inspect Vehicle Tires One of the primary duties of a tire technician is inspecting customer tires for signs of wear and areas for potential failure. The technician examines the tires’ treads to determine if they are wearing evenly, checks for debris that has lodged within the treads that pose a puncture threat, and runs diagnostic tests to see if the tires are properly balanced and securely attached.

Perform Tire Repairs Tire technicians make tire repairs if they believe the tire does not need to be replaced. These repairs tend to include patches to repair cracks or holes in the tire’s tread but can also involve replacing individual tire components, such as valve tubes, if the rest of the tire is structurally sound. In addition, the tire technician may also perform repairs to balance the tires and ensure steady performance.

Rotate Tires Tire technicians periodically rotate tires to ensure that they are wearing evenly. Typically, tire rotations take place along with regular maintenance such as filter replacement and fluid changes. After rotating the tires, the tire technician checks them to ensure that they are properly balanced and may perform further diagnostic tests for reliability.

Replace Tires In many cases, tire technicians replace a customer’s tires to ensure safe vehicle operation. If after examining the tires the technician determines that they present a risk to the customer or vehicle, the tire technician locates replacement tires and attaches them to the vehicle after consulting with the customer. After installation, the tire technician checks the tire’s seals and balances the new tires.

Make Recommendations to Customers The tire technician also speaks directly with customers to make recommendations about tire care or replacement. They may recommend replacement tires that offer the performance the customer requires or provide advice regarding tire pressure or routine maintenance tasks. Additionally, the tire technician may provide the customer with several options for replacing and repairing tires, including pricing details.


Tire Technician Skills and Qualifications

Tire technicians inspect, repair, and install tires on a variety of vehicles. Most tire technicians have at least a high school diploma and the following skills:

  • Tire inspection – in this role, tire technicians should have extensive familiarity with tire inspection, including checking for tire pressure, uneven wear, or areas where debris has punctured the tire
  • Tire installation and repair – tire technicians need a strong grasp of tire installation and repair processes, including patching, removing tires from their rims and replacing them, and balancing tires
  • Team collaboration – most tire technicians work with teams of mechanics and automotive repair technicians, so they should be able to successfully collaborate on vehicle repair and maintenance tasks
  • Customer service – tire technicians frequently interact with customers to provide them with information on tire repair and replacement options, so they should have some experience with customer service best practices
  • Physical fitness – this can be a physically demanding role, since tire technicians need to remove and replace tires that may be on cars that are elevated during service

Tire Technician Education and Training

Tire technicians do not need any formal education, although most have at least a high school diploma or GED. In addition, tire technicians may need to complete certifications and courses focused on tire repair and maintenance. There are many opportunities for on-the-job training in this role as tire technicians gain familiarity with the processes involved in tire inspection, repair, and replacement.


Tire Technician Salary and Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), tire repairers and changers earn a median hourly wage of $13.71. The highest-paid 10 percent of workers in this role earn over $19.10 per hour, while the lowest-paid tire repairers and changers earn less than $9.40 per hour. While the BLS does not provide employment outlook information specifically for tire technicians, it estimates that employment for automotive and mechanics will grow 6 percent by 2026.


Helpful Resources

We searched the web and found several resources if you’d like to learn more about working as a tire technician:

“Tire Tech Tips” – while this blog post specifically focuses on tires that are used for off-road driving, it still contains a lot of valuable information about tire tread and wear and how they can affect vehicle performance

Tires, Suspension, and Handling – this book provides an in-depth exploration of tires, clear explanations of how they work with a vehicle’s suspension, and handling systems and test questions to measure your knowledge

“Tire Program Best Practices” – this blog post explains the keys to ensuring reliable tire performance through regular maintenance and inspection, providing customers and tire technicians with thorough information regarding these practices

Tire Forensic Investigation: Analyzing Tire Failure – read this book to learn about reasons for tire failure as well as preventive measures tire technicians can take to reduce the likelihood of failure