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Union Organizer Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Aided workers to form unions for the first time including public employees, nurses, hospitality workers and maintenance staff. Worked to raise standards for employees by identifying, recruiting, developing and motivating leaders in the workplace.
- Led new organizing campaigns in Michigan, Connecticut and California
- Directed job actions, press conferences, workshops and rallies
- Developed and implemented training programs for new organizers
- Recruited and managed participation of union supporters, including clergy, elected officials, community and environmental leaders.
- Trained worker leaders to testify about healthcare, immigrant and organizing rights
- Liaised with press to ensure adequate coverage of union events
0-5 years of experience
- Coordinate union functions for local promotions, meetings, and develop relations with public authorities.
- Train and manage thirty union members during phone drive and significantly increased
- Resolve work issues and negotiate individual grievances for union members.
- Design agendas for all four city regional meetings.
- Supervise daily operations for phone banking and provided support for union members
- Educate union members on contract specifications and membership.
- Evaluate union member performance and provide supportive feedback.
0-5 years of experience
- Travel to different boroughs to inform staff regarding union organization
- Scheduled on-site or at home meetings with staff members
- Made phone calls
- Translated in Bangla for fast food workers (verbal and written)
- Distributed fliers
- Participated in fast food strikes
- Convince people to participate in strikes
6-10 years of experience
- Organize nonunion hospitals and or nursing homes into the union.
- Id leaders and build strong organizing committees.
- Run NLRB union elections.