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Sourcing Specialist Duties and Responsibilities

In order to facilitate an efficient sourcing process, a Sourcing Specialist performs many different tasks. We analyzed job listings for Sourcing Specialist in order to identify these core duties and responsibilities.

Build Relationships with Suppliers In order to facilitate the sourcing process, the Sourcing Specialist forms relationships with important suppliers in the industry. It’s important that Sourcing Specialists maintain relationships with their suppliers in order to ensure continual improvement in sourcing.

Negotiate Deals Sourcing Specialists are responsible for negotiating deals and contracts with suppliers. They negotiate pricing, quantity, and delivery schedules. Should anything change in the sourcing process, they’re responsible for renegotiating new contracts as well.

Draft Contracts The Sourcing Specialist then drafts detailed contracts to be reviewed by both their company and the supplier. They work in conjunction with legal council to include all of the details of their negotiation. Once the contract is complete they submit necessary paperwork and communicating contact deals with their company.

Understand Company’s Commodities In order to be an expert in the sourcing process for their company, the Sourcing Specialist must have an in-depth knowledge of their commodity industry. They have to understand the ins and outs of the commodity to know how to effectively source it, and they also have to have knowledge of all key players and suppliers in the industry.


Sourcing Specialist Skills

Sourcing Specialists are there to solve problems and increase efficiency, so they must be highly analytical and detail-oriented. In order to successfully negotiate, they also need to be excellent communicators who are persuasive and have great interpersonal skills. Juggling many tasks at once, they’re great at prioritizing and highly organized.

  • Having sourcing experience
  • Showing industry-specific experience
  • Demonstrating deep understanding of commodity
  • Showing proficiency in basic computer applications

Advanced skills: While most employers did not require the following skills, multiple job listings included them as preferred. Add these to your Sourcing Specialist toolbox and broaden your career options.

  • Master’s degree in Business Administration
  • Certified in Production and Inventory Management
  • Certified Supply Chain Professional
  • International experience


Sourcing Specialist Resources

We searched the Web to find the best industry resources to help you continue exploring a career as a Sourcing Specialist. From thought leaders to industry groups, this list is packed with opportunities to learn, connect and engage. On the Web Supply Chain Nation – A large blog from a supply chain company

Supply Chain Management Review – A leading supply chain management blog

Cerasis – A blog on the sourcing and manufacturing process Industry Groups

Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals – A leading professional organization for supply chain professionals

APICS – The biggest association for operations and supply chain professionals

Institute for Supply Management – An institute for supply management professionals Sourcing Specialist Books

Lean Supply Chain and Logistics Management – A book on streamlining sourcing and supply chains

Essentials of Supply Chain Management – A comprehensive supply chain management resource

Operations and Supply Chain Management – A high-rated textbook on operations and supply chain