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Guidance Counselor Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Supervised four employees on Basic Training protocol for case management, job search performance and shipping procedures
- Managed applicant case management files to ensure compliance with employment requirements
- Provided counseling, guidance and referrals to applicants
- Trained 40+ personnel weekly
- Processed and reported training class statistics weekly
0-5 years of experience
Conducted individual academic counseling sessions with high school students from grades 9th-11th.
- Worked closely and monitor student who have poor academic performance.
- Transferred students to Transfer or zone schools.
- Conducted study skills and time management group sessions for freshman
- Created referrals for students to receive outpatient services.
- Presented classroom presentations about the school requirements and programs.
- Managed the student opportunity announcements for student volunteer or service credit.
0-5 years of experience
Provided student-centered support services to better enhance the student’s high school experience
- Interacted with parents in regards to their child’s progress and academic status
- Assisted with advising services including evaluation of transcripts, incomplete grades, and overall diploma progress
- Advised at-risk students with life or other circumstances to ensure course attendance
- Guided students through the college application process
- Motivated students to achieve their academic goals
- Programmed students into their necessary classes
6-10 years of experience
Counseled students and provided classroom supports for them; conducted parent workshops
- Coordinated the Special Education Process and met deadlines in a timely manner.
- Trained students and staff in peer mediation techniques and facilitated weekly student peer mediation sessions.
- Served as chairperson of the testing committee and conducted professional development for faculty.
6-10 years of experience
- Designed innovative counseling curriculum for students interested in math and science careers in collaboration with the Howard University Upward Bound Math and Science Program
- Partnered with community and national organizations such as Job Corps to aid students in exploring traditional and alternative career opportunities
- Collaborated with social service agencies such as the Domestic Violence Association, and Child and Family Services to address the specific needs of students assessed to be in abusive familial relationships
- Established and coordinated after-school programs designed to assist teen mothers with parenting and help them identify community and government support resources
- Managed and coordinated counseling staff operations to ensure that student schedules are completed and distributed in a time sensitive manner that remains consistent with school and district deadlines
- Assisted teachers with the placement of students by administering educational assessments such as the DC CAS, SAT, and ACT
0-5 years of experience
Counselor to two hundred 9th graders in all aspects of school counseling
- Worked with students with IEP’s and 504 accommodations
- Offered academic counseling and college admissions advice to college-bound students
- Counseled on social, emotional, and academic issues
- Evaluated grades, entrance exams and drafted letters of recommendation.
0-5 years of experience
Counselor to two hundred 9th graders in all aspects of school counseling
- Worked with students with IEP’s and 504 accommodations
- Offered academic counseling and college admissions advice to college-bound students
- Counseled on social, emotional, and academic issues
- Evaluated grades, entrance exams and drafted letters of recommendation.
10+ years of experience
Provided academic, social and emotional assistance and support to staff and students.
- Delivered a comprehensive developmental school guidance curriculum
- Developed activities and services that enhanced the quality of students’ school experience.
- Developed activities to promote a positive, healthy school environment.
- Taught 7th and 8th Grade students Social Studies
0-5 years of experience
Conducted freshman groups-helping student to understand school policies, rules, and solving inter-personal difficulties.
- Conducted junior bilingual groups, preparing students for college search stress.
- Helped student with College search, by teaching time management/goal setting skills.
- Answered Senior’s questions regarding college application and test taking, allowing them to respond professionally and accurately.
0-5 years of experience
- Provided academic and social/behavioral guidance to entire student body (700 students).
- Created a “Career Center” from the ground up to provide college and career information.
- Organized parent nights, college information sessions, and career/military recruiting visits.
- Developed curriculum for and taught a “Peer Mediation and Mentoring” course.
0-5 years of experience
Sole guidance counselor for dropout prevention charter school with 500 students. Third administrator in charge of school. Met with all incoming students to explain academic and behavioral expectations of
school and to offer academic, career, and personal/social counseling.
- Designed Motivational Group Counseling program to assist students toward achieving graduation
- Complied data for students needing to be tested for state FCAT exam and organized all testing as the school coordinator.
- Checked students credit history to approve graduation and assigned appropriate classes.
- Represented Pinellas County at the Florida School Counselor Association Convention
0-5 years of experience
Assist students on the middle and high school level with promoting their academic, career, personal and social development.
- Successfully completed College Boards training to ensure college readiness standards for students.
- Serve as Lead Educator Assistant (LEA) for educational planning.
- Overseer of Accelerated Learning Centers for student credit/grade recovery to ensure promotion and graduation.
0-5 years of experience
Counseling students with disciplinary problems, adaptation issues, and social growth concerns.
- Collaborating with teachers to present guidance curriculum lessons.
- Analyzing grade-point averages in relationship to achievement.
- Interpreting student records
- Assisting the school principal with identifying and resolving student issues, needs and problems
- Collaborating with teachers to present proactive, prevention-based guidance curriculum lessons
0-5 years of experience
Provide individual counseling and group counseling sessions for students from kindergarten through fifth grade with Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- Create IEPs for caseload of more than 55 pupils including current level of functioning, measurable goals, and students’ social and emotional needs
- Participate in meetings with parents and IEP team to assess and discuss student issues
- Record students’ session notes and their progress toward goals on SEIS program
- Collaborate with guidance team and social worker to plan monthly school assemblies and parent workshops
6-10 years of experience
Helped write the District Developmental Counseling Curriculum
- Participate in staffing and IEP meetings for Special Education students
- Organize largest Advanced Placement testing event in Illinois and administer over 3,000 AP tests annually
- Run weekly meetings for the Student Intervention Team
6-10 years of experience
- Identify cases involving domestic abuse or other family problems affecting students’ development.
- Sponsor extracurricular activities such as clubs, student organizations, and academic contests.
- Provide crisis intervention to students when difficult situations occur at schools.
- Counsel and provide guidance to students regarding personal, academic, vocational, or behavioral issues.
- Plan and conduct orientation programs and group conferences to promote the adjustment of individuals to new life experiences such as starting college.
- Teach classes and present self-help or information sessions on subjects related to education and career planning.
- Observe and evaluate students’ performance, behavior, social development, and physical health.
6-10 years of experience
- Assist in the cultivation of students academic skills development through planning and classroom guidance
- Provide course, scheduling and registration guidance to students
- Participate in professional growth activities and completion of student development plan
- Provide individual counseling for students regarding organizational skills, studying and test-taking skills
- Meet with students individually or in groups to discuss credits, courses and entrance exams required by colleges and technical schools
- Develop peer relationship and effective social skills through student mentorship programs
- Communication, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict resolution and study skills