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Additional Education Resume Samples
Literacy Coach Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Recruited, trained, and supervised a team of literacy coaches; observed and provided feedback to coaches.
- Served as a literacy coach, conducted monthly classroom observations, and provided feedback directly to teachers implementing the Youth Education for Tomorrow (YET) K-5 Balanced Literacy Program.
- Designed and facilitated series of monthly literacy workshops for teachers.
- Created Project BLAST, a literacy-driven project based curriculum for struggling elementary school readers.
- Managed data collection from program implementation sites.
- Managed implementation of private sector grant funded programs, including managing due diligence requirements, reports, budgets, and deliverables.
0-5 years of experience
Managed all facets of library collection; check out, repair and prepare books for circulation.
- Oversee all technology troubleshooting within the building including computers and printers, hardware, software, telephones and copiers.
- Develop and currently maintained a well-organized catalog system, ensuring easy access for students.
- Administrated a $25,000 budget, with oversight for technology integration, purchasing, and supplier relations.
- Collaborated with other professionals to resolve ongoing issues. Designed and created information literacy lessons.
- Implement various technology advances such as computer technology, shared databases and circulation systems to efficiently organize and locate materials.
- Supervised Name That Book Contest for PK-2 and 3rd-5th, Houston Real Men, Millionaire Club, and the March of Dimes Reading Program.
- Developed and organized annual “literacy appreciation month” in order to raise awareness of the library’s purpose, available resources, future plans, and rewards associated with reading.
10+ years of experience
Taught all grades levels 1st through 4th, 20-30 students per classroom
- Developed multiple subject standards based lesson plans
- Utilized assessment data to individualize student instruction
- Supervised test administration of teachers and analyzed results in order to determine strengths and areas for improvement
- Provided professional development training for 20 teachers on literacy topics
- Served on School Site Council to identify student needs and allocate funding for special programs
- Increased number of identified gifted students by 50% as Gifted Coordinator
- Mentored five new teachers, specifically focusing on lesson planning and classroom management support
0-5 years of experience
Collaborated with School Improvement Team to develop a Literacy Improvement Action Plan.
- Assessed literacy skills, modeled effective classroom instruction and coached teachers
- Promoted productive relationships with and among school staff.
- Supported teachers by providing Lesson Plans
- Co-developed strategies to assist teachers with academic literacy implementation.
- Provided Professional Development for staff.
0-5 years of experience
Evaluated the effectiveness of current instructional practices in developing student literacy
- Compiled testing data for multiple student cohorts to evaluate the effectiveness of curricular sequence in developing student literacy
- Spearheaded the creation of a freshman literacy program with classes geared towards three ability levels
- Initiated a committee which successfully changed graduation requirements to include literacy course
0-5 years of experience
Developed and provided staff with Professional Development opportunities in reading
- Served on Literacy Team to develop, implement and evaluate programs in reading
- Communicated and collaborated with teachers to plan for interventions based on data
- Assessed students, analyzed data, communicated results with administration, teachers and parents
- Coached 3rd-4th grade teachers in guided reading implementation and library leveling
- Systematic and strategic planning daily to meet the needs of individuals
- Consistently evaluated the learning styles of students and staff to improve growth
- Planned school wide community involvement including teacher volunteers, PTSA, community donations, advertisement, fundraising, and implementation
0-5 years of experience
Tutored elementary school students one-on-one that were behind in reading levels.
- Significantly improved students’ reading scores by at least one grade level.
- Established and communicated clear objectives for lessons to students.
- Maintained positive relationships with school administrators, teachers, parents, and students.
10+ years of experience
Aligned and implemented standards based curriculum
- Promoted professional learning for continuous classroom improvement
- Improved outreach to families, crossing diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds
- Helped direct installation of The Learning Network in the district
- Introduced and implemented Daily 5 curriculum framing system to foster literacy
- Led collaborative efforts to improve teaching practices via observations, demonstrations, action
- Facilitated data-driven professional development
0-5 years of experience
Provided scientifically based professional development to teachers
- Modeled effective instructional strategies in reading classrooms
- Assessed all kindergarten through third grade students in literacy
- Observed teachers to identify strengths, areas of potential growth and steps to take to improve
- Assisted teachers with lesson planning, record keeping, classroom management, differentiated
- Analyzed, interpreted and shared assessment data and instructional recommendations
- Managed the reading intervention program
- Consulted with teachers one to one and grade level teams in identifying areas of need in learning
0-5 years of experience
Developed reading curricula and program, including scope and sequence, lesson plans, including the five strands of reading.
- Provided a leveled library for students, where each student was assessed to determine a reading level.
- Assisted administration with the implementation of a school wide literacy program to increase reading levels.
- Provided professional development to teachers and administration on student achievement, standardized test, and learning objectives.
0-5 years of experience
Created the literacy vision for the school, which encompassed reading and writing across the curriculum.
- Provided workshops and tools for teachers to incorporate reading and writing across the curriculum.
- Demonstrated effective reading for teachers during instructional block.
- Spearheaded and coordinated reading parent and community reading nights.
- Managed budget and spending for after school reading tutorial program.
0-5 years of experience
Provided large/small group literacy support for nine classrooms
- Created lesson plans/reports for individual child goals
- Worked with ELS/Special Education students
- Provided classroom supports and implemented literacy strategies to reach all learners
- Presented Parent/Child literacy workshops
0-5 years of experience
Full charge responsibility for designing and delivering bi-monthly professional development sessions targeted for the districts K-12 literacy and math specialists that focus on content knowledge and methods of enriching and broadening pedagogy. These sessions are unique to the specific needs of the schools and the district based upon in-depth analysis of the data from School Net.
- Developed curriculum for 2008 Summer School for First Graders
- Developed and delivered professional development for first grade summer school teachers
- Supported teachers and literacy specialists to grow in their professional skills, understandings and interests.
6-10 years of experience
Responsible for instructional support of K-6 teachers and students in all aspects of literacy
- Responsible for planning Literacy staff development for K-6 teachers
- Plan and lead collaborations and book studies
- Modeled whole-class and small group lessons in reading and writing
- Performed assessments, analyze data and presented results to staff
- Planned and implemented instruction to meet diverse needs of students
- Participate on building Intervention Team and Child Study Team
- Participated in district Instructional Coaches meetings/training
0-5 years of experience
Coached teachers, model lessons, and provide feedback to colleagues in order to implement literacy, as well as, social studies programs
- Worked closely with the principal and assistant principal to assess teachers’ needs and student data, in order to plan relevant professional development
- Mentored and work closely with new fifth grade teacher team
- Student achievement increase on 5th grade ELA test scores 22%in 2006-2007
- Facilitated literacy and social studies workshops, curriculum planning meetings as well as study groups to enhance the educational practices of teachers
- Attended literacy coach sessions to provide applicable professional development to teachers and other staff members
0-5 years of experience
Created curriculum and planned course content and methods of instruction
- Helped the supervisor establish and monitor individual and program objectives.
- Employed a variety of assessment tools and strategies to improve instruction methods.
- Regularly ordered supplies for the classroom and laboratory.
- Wrote and designed continuing education examinations.
- Assigned lessons and corrected homework.
0-5 years of experience
Prepared weekly staff development on pedagogy, the 8th Grade State exams, Exit Projects, mathematics, and literacy.
- Organized classroom libraries and mathematics room. Advised teachers, assisted in planning, prepared and performed
- Literacy: Assisted teachers in learning the City’s mandated Balanced Literacy program, created libraries, and modeled mini- lessons.
- Mathematics: Advised teachers on how to use Connected Mathematics; instructed how to design unit projects and how to utilize
0-5 years of experience
Facilitated on-site professional development based on the Comprehensive Literacy Framework
- Assisted teachers in implementing effective literacy strategies in the classroom
- Trained teachers in online Reading and Writing instructional programs
- Collaborated with administration to develop a school wide literacy curriculum
- Member of Learning Team
- Served on the Reading First Committee
- Conducted district level workshop on Differentiated Instruction in Literacy
- Directed the Comprehensive Literacy Plan’s Fidelity of Implementation Protocol
0-5 years of experience
provided professional development training to teachers
- coached and mentored teachers in how to teach literacy effectively
- pulled under achieving readers for interventions
- analyzed qualitative and quantitative literacy data
- coordinated ELD program at the site level
- collaborated with colleagues to set literacy goals
0-5 years of experience
Assisted in enhancing children’s literacy skills ages 3 to 5 through reading, writing and art
- Helped express children’s thoughts and feelings through images and dictation
- Taught children the value of living a healthy lifestyle
- Developed physical activities for the children
- Illustrated posters representing the importance of eating healthy
6-10 years of experience
Provided instructional support, mentoring and guided assistance to teachers
- Analyzed data to direct and suggest program implementation and modification
- Facilitated supplemental intervention strategies and programs for struggling students
- Led school based research projects to determine areas of success and opportunities
0-5 years of experience
Facilitated weekly Professional Learning Communities
- Facilitated monthly Language Arts Department Meetings
- Facilitated weekly coaches meeting, with members of the ROE, administration and math coach
- Co-facilitated the school improvement meetings
- Presented and facilitated at all three district wide professional learning comminute days
- Led professional development for colleagues
- Analyzed and presented data at faculty meetings and PLC meetings
- Served as a resource provider for teachers
- Wrote and was awarded two grants for my school
0-5 years of experience
Promoted healthy living to children ages 4 to 14
- Monitored children and reported any concerns to Supervisor
- Chaperoned participants on field trips and other outings
- Served meals to campers
- Instructed children on basic food groups
0-5 years of experience
Provide intensive coaching, professional development, and training opportunities to enhance teacher performance and improvement of early literacy skills for students
- Provide onsite assistance, adult workshops, and literacy activities for families.
- Identify and assess educational and training needs through needs assessments, surveys, interviews, focus groups, and consultation
- Provide extensive on-boarding for new hires and facilitates educational opportunities for existing employees
- Manage monthly and annual budgets, purchase orders, and invoices that are documented and submitted to administrative team
- Manage, schedule, and coordinate staff and volunteers to implement the Read and Eat program that serves an average of 90 families per week
- Developed and implemented an enrichment and intervention program for trainees requiring more individualized support
- Collaborated with SME’s and various departments to develop appropriate learning solutions that resulted in a 68% increase in the overall student assessment
6-10 years of experience
Collaborated with school administration to help build instructional capacity in the development of comprehensive, organized plans to assist classroom teachers and students.
- Administered, gathered and analyzed assessment data to drive instruction using Dibels screening, progress monitoring, and outcome results. Conducts needs assessments to determine the placement of students, responsible for examining data, monitoring data collection, and insuring interventions are implemented.
- Modeled and demonstrated literacy strategies that addressed the needs of the students
- Provided and organized quality on-going Professional Development on the following topics:
- Reviewed data associated with action items as it pertains to Performance Management with Administrative team (ILT Team) and by grade level
- Attended professional development on RTI, assisted teachers to implement differentiated instruction to accommodate all needs and modalities of students
0-5 years of experience
- Coached teachers using Teacher’s College model for Reading and Writing workshop
- Prepared tests and materials for teachers
- Supported teachers K-4 with mini-lesson demonstrations using the workshop model
6-10 years of experience
Provided standards based curricular instruction in all subject areas.
- Monitored tracking and paper work for adjudicated special education students.
- Developed a behavioral tracking and intervention system.
- Helped to align the district’s IEP process to IDEA’s transitional requirements.
0-5 years of experience
Modeling, individual coaching, and in-service presentations for balanced literacy.
- School wide lead mentor.
- Coordinating evaluation components including K-3 Assessments, Reading First and SRI.
- Developing social and academic interventions for at-risk students.
- Purchased and monitored distribution of K-3 guided reading programs.
0-5 years of experience
Provided onsite literacy enhancement, behavior modification and literacy intervention services. Created family literacy kits and modeled literacy-rich activities. Assisted with transitions to kindergarten.
- Modeled teaching and classroom management techniques
- Facilitated feedback sessions using video observations
- Completed child assessments and progress monitoring
- Made referrals for special educational services
- Participated in planning differentiated instruction
0-5 years of experience
Conduct monthly grade level meetings with teachers to share data and provide
professional development on topics ranging from word study to fluency stations to reader’s theater
- Developed and ran school-wide vocabulary word of the week program
- Participated in PLC on Reading Workshop
- Provide in-class coaching for grades K-5
- Assist with data management (DIBELS, MONDO, NYSELA)
0-5 years of experience
- Developed an after school program for 45 + inner city children and teens.
- Responsible for behavior modification and conflict resolution to create new ways for interaction with others
- Implemented effective and innovative teaching techniques and nurture an effective learning environment
- Equipped students with individual resources, tool and knowledge to meet and exceed their goals
- Created an interactive and stimulating learning environment that allowed students to reach their full potential and achieve maximum results
0-5 years of experience
Assisted in developing and implementing new ideas to assist children in caring learning environments.
- Identified educational needs and choose the best possible teaching methods to accomplish those needs.
- Responsible for reading to children and assisting them with recreational/educational games as needed.
- Assisted children with self-esteem, emotional support, and positive reinforcement.
- Encouraged children’s literacy development through positive self-concepts and activities.
- Made sure all work, learning, and play areas were clean during and after each shift.
0-5 years of experience
Designed and delivered professional development opportunities for certified and classified staff at 10
elementary buildings.
- Built teacher leadership capacity in the areas of exemplary literacy instruction across disciplines, technology
- Cultivated relationships of trust with students, teachers and administration and differentiated support according to their strengths and needs in an effort to implement Common Core state standard initiative.
- Analyzed state, district and building data for trends and coached staff in designing goals, subsequent action
- Tasked with cognitively coaching staff of 40 certified/classified and facilitating school improvement plan (WISE
- Lead member of Multi-Tiered System of Support state grant, responsible for examining and improving building
- Researched, attended national conferences and collaborated with content specialists, in an effort to revise the district’s curriculum, scope & sequence, assessment and instructional practices to meet the Common Core
0-5 years of experience
Assisted teacher in grades k-3 in effectively implementing all core reading.
- Conducted classroom visitation bi-weekly; more often for teacher needing additional support.
- Demonstrated/modeled reading lessons for classroom teachers, as needed.
- Assisted teachers with classroom management of whole and small group instruction.
- Mentored teachers in creating print rich environment for students.
- Assisted the principal in chairing and conducting local school monthly Literacy Team meetings.
- Conducted professional development sessions for teachers in grades k-3.
- Provided support and materials for the intervention program.
- Utilized and interpreted formal and informal assessment data Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) in classroom practice.
0-5 years of experience
Tutored individual students and small groups in Reading and Math in a school environment
- Assisted classroom teacher with any instruction that was not understood by students
- Conducted literacy, comprehension, and fluency assessments
- Combined creative instruction with traditional instruction to help students who needed an alternative approach
0-5 years of experience
- Modeled lessons for teachers
- Provided professional development for teachers
- Coordinated assessment & analyzed data
- Conducted one-on-one coaching conversations with teachers
- Supported teachers in their own professional growth
- Supported school partnerships and activities with families and community members that enhance literacy development
- Coordinated literacy events
0-5 years of experience
Demonstrated and modeled lessons, coach classroom teachers and deliver whole-school staff development
- Administered QRI-4 & assessed findings
- Observed teachers/monitored progress
- Recorded data/analyzed data
- Embedded the teaching of literacy in all subject areas
- Assisted the principal in developing a school wide literacy plan
- Worked with individuals and teams to provide support in reading, writing, and core subject areas
- Selected strategies to help teachers meet content goals
- Provided professional development, observations and feedback
- Disaggregated data and used the data to drive instruction
0-5 years of experience
Served as part of a team with the program leader and staff to plan for the summer and implement the thematic curriculum and literacy strategies.
- Modeled best practices for experiential curriculum and literacy strategies for program staff.
- Used coaching techniques to build the capacity of staff to carry out strategies.
- Assisted in the overall implementation of literacy program and evaluation.
0-5 years of experience
Increased the reading level of over 50% of participants within the first 3 months
- Oversee 40+ students in the participation of the 100 Book Challenge and Project Based Learning programs
- Responsible for individual reading level assessments and reading coaching
- Develops of lesson plans, maintains proper logs, and record keeping
0-5 years of experience
- Supported teachers in examining their classroom practices and beliefs.
- Reviewed data and linked assessment results to instruction.
- Presented staff development on fluency and differentiated instruction.
- Received ongoing professional development in the areas of the workshop model, conferring, critical literacy, and reading comprehension.
0-5 years of experience
My role is to support teachers with small and whole group instruction.
- Analyze data vertically for the purpose of supporting teachers.
- Assist in making informed decisions relative to instructional practices and to implement a school and district-wide monitoring of student achievement.
- Assesses skills and needs of teachers.
- Leads and participates in on-going, job-embedded professional development.
- Prepare a variety of written materials (lesson plans, pacing guides, reports, etc.) for the purpose of demonstrating best practices.
- Performs other related duties as assigned for the purpose of ensuring the efficient and effective expectations as outlined for student achievement.
0-5 years of experience
Research and provide content knowledge and resources to staff about learning and teaching literacy.
- Research and provide information and guidance regarding a range of effective and innovative literacy practices through various activities such as:
- Maintain paperwork consistently, appropriately and in a timely manner.
- Maintain the confidentiality of schools, teachers, and classrooms.
- Coordinate/facilitate instructional material pilots and implementations (including software).
- Obtain prior approval from the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction before distributing written communication and other media.
- Meet monthly with the other district Literacy Coaches Supervisors.
0-5 years of experience
Test at risk students on DIBELS, WJIII, & PPVT-III.
- Perform interventions with students that scored low on these tests.
- Entered test scores and progress monitoring into MGT.
- Performed small group instruction for intervention.
- Composed data reports and meeting reports for the Literacy Coach.
- Maintained lesson plans and notebook on class activities.
0-5 years of experience
Administered DIBLES and Informal Reading Inventories to second grade students
- Analyzed assessment data including STAR, Read Naturally, DIBLES, Roe & Burns Informal Reading Inventory and used data results to drive classroom instruction
- Provided mini-lessons to small groups of students, explicitly modeling comprehension strategies
- Provided classroom teacher with evidence-based suggestions for improving classroom instruction in reading
0-5 years of experience
- Trained in Step Up to Writing Curriculum.
- Focused on teacher development as well as student mastery in the areas of reading, writing, and vocabulary development.
- Facilitated small training sessions with teachers and students in all core areas.
0-5 years of experience
Providing daily technical support to administrators and teachers in implementing the five components of reading
- Modeling effective coaching and conferencing techniques
- Designing and conducting professional development based upon the needs of the administrators and teachers
- Modeling effective lessons in teaching the five components of reading
- Conferencing with individual teachers to ensure proper planning and rigorous teaching strategies
- Meeting with school administrators to review data and to make recommendations for adjustments in instructional practices
- Collaborating with other coaches to support the Literacy-Based Promotion Act
- Maintaining and promptly submitting reports on progress of literacy teaching and learning to assigned schools
- Participating in on-going training, support, and networking to promote grade level reading
0-5 years of experience
- Tutored 3rd grade students who tested below suggested reading level
- Collaborated with teachers and other team members to improve reading levels
- Administered tests to track students’ progress
0-5 years of experience
Engaging 3-5 year olds in fun activities that laid down the basic foundation that prepares them for reading.
- Answering and transferring telephone calls to other parts of the facility
- Performing healthy eating experiments, exercises, and activities that encouraged healthy eating throughout the camp
- Teaching healthy eating habits that would prolong health as well as assisting in daily classroom routine.
0-5 years of experience
Build capacity in assigned schools through coaching, professional development and collaboration with school reading coaches and principals
- Conduct progress monitoring of student data and coaches log reporting hours to support recommendations for instructional decisions
- Develop, implement and monitor action plans to establish district support to schools in literacy development
- Conduct fidelity checks of research based K-12 Reading Plan.
- Design and assess reading curriculum for the district
- Design reading assessments
- Support school based leadership literacy teams
- Plan and deliver monthly professional learning opportunities to Reading Coaches and other professionals
- Collaborate with other professionals from the Curriculum Services Department, including Assessment, Professional Development, Grants, etc., to enhance our services to best fit the district’s needs.
0-5 years of experience
Build capacity among teachers through modeling lessons and working through coaching cycle.
- Manage conflict, help team members set and achieve goals, delegate effectively, make and implement decisions, enforce school policies
- Establish and communicate clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects to students.
- Confer with other staff members to plan or schedule lessons promoting learning, following approved curricula.
- Confer with parents, administrators, testing specialists, social workers, or other professionals to develop individual education plans (IEPs).
- Develop or implement strategies to meet the needs of all students.
- Confer with parents, guardians, teachers, counselors, or administrators to resolve students’ behavioral or academic problems.
- Interpret the results of standardized tests to determine students’ strengths and areas of need.