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Event Producer Duties and Responsibilities

In order to produce high quality events, an Event Producer performs many different tasks. We analyzed job listings for Event Producers in order to identify these core duties and responsibilities.

Coordinate Technical Needs The Event Producer must oversee all production and technical aspects of an event, from directing production staff to testing equipment to managing the control room. They ensure the set-up and working order of all audio-visual equipment and work closely with technical directors to implement their vision.

Create Event Concepts During the initial stages of the event, the Event Producer participates in ideation, collaborating with art and technical directors for the event in order to generate concepts and brainstorm ideas. The Event Producer then utilizes extensive experience and event knowledge in order to help develop a plan for the execution of these ideas. They will also review and edit project and event proposals from other team members.

Perform Site Inspections In order to ensure the event runs as it should, the Event Producer will perform initial site inspections and test all equipment to ensure that the venue is adequate and the equipment functions up to standard. He or she will attend event rehearsals to ensure that everything continues to run smoothly and oversee show run-downs before the actual event to solve any technical errors or event issues.

Work with Vendors The Event Producer is responsible for contracting vendors and staffing of all sorts, from venues to AV equipment to catering to talent. They implement the original vision for the event by hiring appropriate vendors and searching for talent and technical staff who can do the job according to the needs of the directors.

Manage Budgets The Event Producer is usually responsible for developing and overseeing the event’s budget. Throughout the ideation process they must review proposals for cost and profitability and keep the budget in mind when selecting proposals. Throughout the process of contracting vendors and hiring staff and talent, they’re responsible for doing so in a way that aligns with the event budget. They may also be responsible for securing funding.


Event Producer Skills

Creative and analytical thinkers, Event Producers are capable of handling quantitative and technical duties while also using their eye for design to implement the visual aspects of an event. They juggle many different tasks and collaborate with a wide range of teams in order to oversee events, so they must be highly-organized, great communicators with the ability to prioritize many different simultaneous tasks. Event Producers are decision makers and are assertive and capable of directing others and implementing projects with little to no supervisions. Core skills: Based on job listings we looked at, employers want Event Producers with these core skills. If you want to work as an Event Producer, focus on the following.

  • Possessing event experience
  • Having some background in production
  • Proving project management abilities
  • Having management or supervisory experience

Advanced skills: While most employers did not require the following skills, multiple job listings included them as preferred. Add these to your Event Producer toolbox and broaden your career options.

  • Bilingual abilities
  • Previous Associate Producer experience
  • Knowledge of specific event niche (such as sports, music or theater)
  • Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite

Event Producer Resources

We searched the Web to find the best industry resources to help you continue exploring a career as an Event Producer. From thought leaders to industry groups, this list is packed with opportunities to learn, connect and engage. On the Web

Hello Endless – Endless Entertainment’s blog for event planning tips

Event Planning Blueprint – Advice from an event planner

Event Manager – A blog from leader in event management trends and news Industry Groups

Production and Operations Management Society – A group for professionals in production and operations management

Event Planners Association – A group for professional event planners

International Special Events Society – An organization for event professionals Event Producer Books

Professional Event Coordination – A comprehensive guide to planning and executing events

Become an Event Planner – A beginner’s guide to becoming an event planner without experience

Special Event Production – The process and resources for producing events