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VMware Administrator Duties and Responsibilities

The organizations VMware administrators work for determine the exact responsibilities they take on. Based on our analysis of job listings, common duties typically include:

Implement Infrastructure VMware administrators build and install computer infrastructure, which encompasses hardware, servers, and virtual machines, using a VMware environment such as vSphere. Afterward, they configure it for production by creating user accounts, controlling access to networks, and managing storage and security settings.

Perform Maintenance Software must go through regular maintenance, and it’s up to VMware administrators to monitor client systems daily and pinpoint problem areas. They proactively design and install upgrades, releases, and application patches. On a less frequent basis, they also update drivers, servers, and firmware with newer technology.

Provide Technical Support In order to provide technical support to clients at all times, VMware administrators may remain on call during irregular hours. They must respond promptly to issues reported by clients, conducting root cause analysis and going through various testing scenarios for thorough resolution.

Recommend Solutions VMware administrators participate heavily in planning client infrastructures. This entails gathering system data, researching possible solutions, developing and presenting their design ideas, and thoughtfully evaluating suggestions from others. In addition, they evaluate industry trends and assist in implementing standards and best practices.

Create Documentation Those in this role must create and maintain documentation for all system-related processes and procedures that they’re in charge of, including project requirements, changes and upgrades, implementation plans, and support tickets. Another paperwork-heavy task is creating summary reports for clients or internal management.


VMware Administrator Skills and Qualifications

VMware administrators are detail-oriented individuals with strong technical expertise and multitasking skills. They thrive in an agile, fast-paced environment, and they keep abreast of innovations, regulation changes, and other industry developments. In addition to a bachelor’s degree related to technology, employers look for VMware administrators with the following skills:

  • VMware expertise – VMware administrators should have advanced proficiency with vSphere, vSAN, and other VMware products and platforms. In general, they must be adept at network engineering, with working knowledge of firewalls, servers, networks, and operating systems
  • Troubleshooting – it’s important for VMware administrators to be excellent problem-solvers who can determine the main source of product issues and provide quick, elegant solutions
  • Attention to detail – when building and maintaining computer infrastructure, VMware administrators must ensure that all details are correct, from software code to configuration settings, in order to avoid malfunctions, bugs, and security breaches
  • Customer service – although their work is mostly analytical, VMware administrators must possess a strong customer orientation, as they provide technical support as requested and explain complex topics in layman’s terms
  • Technical writing – VMware administrators must be comfortable with technical writing if they are to produce documentation about infrastructure design, quality standards, testing procedures, and other essential project information. Likewise, they must be able to interpret diagrams and system plans

VMware Administrator Education and Training

The minimum education requirement to become a VMware administrator is a degree in information technology, computer science, computer engineering, or a related field. Aside from this, employers seek candidates with at least five years of experience with VMware tools or system administration. It’s also advantageous to obtain VMware certification, which comes in varying levels and requires passing at least one official exam.


VMware Administrator Salary and Outlook

The median annual salary for network and computer system administrators, the sector that includes VMware administrators, is $81,000. VMware administrators in the 10th percentile earn less than $50,000 annually, and the highest-paid 10 percent make more than $130,000. Employment for this sector is projected to increase 6 percent through 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Demand for network and computer system administrators is likely to grow because of the high global investment in technology and the emergence of cloud computing.


Helpful Resources

We’ve collected some of the best resources to help you grow in your career as a VMware administrator:

VMware Technology Network – for questions and discussions about VMware products, there’s no better resource than this specialized community for enthusiasts with more than 100 forums. It also contains crowd-curated blog posts, industry news, and YouTube videos

VMware vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive – written by VMware architecture experts, this book explains how to build optimized virtualization hosts while providing an in-depth background on server-related topics such as networking and resource allocation

Networks and Systems Professionals Association – join this nonprofit organization to gain access to an award-winning publication, training programs, job opportunities, and professional events. On top of that, its website contains more than 4,000 articles and downloadable technology tools

Networking for VMware Administrators – this textbook discusses the basics of networking and its applications in a VMware environment. A must-read for administrators who handle vSphere, it goes into detail about features, proper configuration, and implementation scenarios