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Chief Of Police Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Conducted routine surveillance/security surveys using a squad car, performed high risk security assessments, regular patrols and risk assessments; prepared written and verbal reports for States Attorney/Village Attorney, identifying discrepancies, recommendations for alternative security measures and actions as appropriate; enforced state/local laws according to and within the IL jurisdiction; actively participated in public speaking engagements; accountable for interviewing, recruiting and training new officers including conducting background checks
- Successfully secured new grant funding for purchase of new Squad car, saving Village approximately $16K.
- Solicited and received funds for the purchase of video cameras and a speed trailer for Village creating cost savings of $10K.
- Developed department’s premier policy and procedure handbook.
- Conceived and launched Village’s first “Notice to Abate” forms sent to violators of city ordinance.
- Conceptualized social media page for department that allowed citizens to contact PD directly, achieving higher responses 24/7.
0-5 years of experience
- Oversaw departmental operations and sought to increase efficiencies, reduce costs to taxpayers and department alike.
- Hired, trained, and supervised new and veteran officers and encouraged a culture of respect and honesty.
- Instrumental in the implementation of new training program which lead to reduction in cost as the program reduced officer injury and litigation.
6-10 years of experience
- Command a police department of 68 sworn officers and 9 civilians, organized into an Operations Division, Administrative Division, and Office of Professional Standards, serving a 22 square mile community of 44,000 residents. Effectively develop, acquire approval, and manage a police budget of over 7 million dollars.
- Execute all aspects of human resources to include hiring entry level police officers and civilians, promotional process, discipline, adjudication of grievances, payroll, and union collective bargaining negotiations.
- Prioritized technology upgrades to include body cameras, electronic ticketing, conducted energy devices, and software packages that improve efficiency of the field training program, K-9 program, policy and training management, accreditation, and scheduling.
- Achieved opportunities for budget savings through shared services agreements with County level government by transferring police 9-1-1 dispatch responsibilities and records management servers to the County Public Safety Department resulting in an annual savings of over $600,000 for Mount Laurel Township.
- Communicated orally on numerous occasions to coworkers, elected officials and community stakeholders at various events and meetings to convey police department’s mission, goals and objective and receive feedback. Completed hundreds of written correspondence discussing all aspects of police operations.
- Established a new police training program that addresses a variety of police officer training needs to include active shooter response, de-escalation of the use of force, terrorism response, and the Incident Command System.
- Implemented a Data Driven Approach to Address Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS), which involved analyzing crime and vehicle crash data and redeploying police resources to identified hot spots. Results included a 26% decrease in crime and 9% decrease in motor vehicle crashes resulting in injury in targeted areas.
- Identified by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission as a subject matter expert on law enforcement leadership and operations. Contributed to the development of promotional exams for the positions of Police Sergeant, Lieutenant, Deputy Chief, and Chief of Police.
- Provided leadership to facilitate the [company name] becoming one of the first agencies in New Jersey to receive Accreditation from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police and recognition from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
- Lead a committee seeking to establish a Civil Disturbance Response Team in Burlington County, NJ. Obtained buy-in from nearly every Chief of Police in Burlington County and anticipate establishment of a 90 person multi-jurisdictional team no later than October 2017.
6-10 years of experience
- Assumed command of the department in the 2009/2010 second quarter in a budget deficit but ended the fiscal year within budget with almost no experience in managing department finances.
- Reduced the 2010/2011 budget by over $50,000 without sacrificing efficiency or level of services provided. This was done by taking a forced full time manpower loss and converting it to a successful part-time gain increasing the level of patrol coverage to near 24 hours a level never experienced in the history of the [company name].
- Successfully implemented commercial motor vehicle, canine and employee evaluation programs.
- Updated and re-wrote more comprehensive department policies and procedures based on the MML LEAF program for high liability policy writing.
- Implemented and maintained a successful firearms and taser training programs in accordance with State Standards.
- Key individual in forming the Monroe County Municipal Chiefs of Police Association and assuming the leadership role for the first several years of the organization.
0-5 years of experience
Appointed as Chief of Police for the [company name] for the City of Uvalde. Chief Executive Administrator of full service police department consisting of 41 sworn positons, and 16 non-sworn staff. Agency budget is 3.8 million dollars. As Chief, accountable for all policies, discipline and organizational direction of the department. Work closely with the City Manager, Mayor and Council and other agencies. The department consists of patrol division, investigative division, and staff support division. Also oversee the department’s communications center of ten dispatchers. All duties and responsibilities associated with Chief of Police job description.
- Completed transitioning of 911 center to a larger and more modern system. PD dispatches for all entities in Uvalde County.
- Have implemented city ordinances for the City of Uvalde.
- In process of having department accredited through the Texas Best Practices Program.
- Work closely with other law enforcement agencies.
- Drafted and submitted city ordinances for approval.
- Regional 911 board committee
- Work with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies with the goal of community safety.
- Chairman of Coalition Resources against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
- Overall crime reduced by 30 % percent in the last two years.
- Approved for State Grant for mobile computer data terminals for the patrol cars.
0-5 years of experience
- Built and maintained community relations
- Gathered, recorded and analyzed intelligence to achieve community safety and crime
- Maintained law and order in the area while leading a team, executing daily duties and remained vigilant
- Collaborated with other law enforcement officials
6-10 years of experience
- Developed and implemented the K-9 Unit, Crime Stoppers Program, and Motorcycle Unit
- Created a department-wide efficient filing system for criminal cases
- Wrote grants for the department
- Assisted in carrying out all operations of the Police Department
- Assumed the duties of the Chief in his absence
- Assisted the chief in formulating budgetary controls, purchasing, personnel, education, and training
6-10 years of experience
- Managed safety and security of large, urban school district with 12,000 students/staff in 20 buildings.
- Recruited, hired, trained, disciplined, scheduled and supervised 20 police/safety officers and conducted
- Oversaw investigations, arrests, crime reports and crime prevention efforts.
- Developed and implemented plan to create and maintain a certified police department.
- Created and implemented safety plans for large public athletic events with 9000+ attendees, in accordance with OSHA and NFPA standards.
- Planned and executed building inspections to assess emergency preparedness.
- Daily communication and collaboration with senior level administrators.
- Coordinated efforts with local law enforcement officials, mental health facilities and court officials.
- Wrote executive summaries of critical incidents to inform school officials.
10+ years of experience
- Supervised daily operation of the police department
- Managed department budget
- Created working policies and procedures
- Developed training procedures
- Coordinated and collaborated with local law enforcement
- Patrolled jurisdiction
0-5 years of experience
- Reviewed and corrected all police reports for agency, reported to SLED and FBI for Uniform Crime Reporting standards
- Coordinated with US Marshals, Bureau of Prisons to calculate bills charges for Federal Prisoners
- Managed accounting spreadsheets detailing yearly, monthly and daily revenue from Federal Jail
- Coordinated and documented City Council sub-committee meetings and executive sessions
0-5 years of experience
- Provided administrative support to the Chief of Police.
- Maintained the Chief of Police’s calendar.
- Scheduled, prepared and processed the necessary documentation for the police officers to attend the South Carolina Police
- Provided broad confidential clerical support to the Chief of Police and Internal Affairs Department which included creation and distribution of in-coming and out-going correspondence, and dictation on internal investigations.
6-10 years of experience
Responsible for enforcing the motor vehicle, criminal code, and town ordinances. The Department Prosecutor and Training
- Responsible for the supervision of 10 officers this includes full and part-time.
- Was voted employee of the year for 2011 by peers
- Made changes to policy
- As Chief of Police I was responsible for the day-to-day
10+ years of experience
Provide leadership and administer police operations within the City of Macon
- Supervise 25 employees while training and all other aspects of Law Enforcement.
- Plan and oversee approximately $1,000,000 budget.
- Create and implement all policies and procedures of the police department.
- Review all police department investigation reports.
- Assist with the review and investigation of all City of Macon employee accidents.
0-5 years of experience
- Directly reported to the Mayor; operated with general guidance of the city council
- Managed operational issues and motivated officers and employees
- Establish department goals, long range plans, objectives, directives, regulations, and procedures based upon the needs of the town and the police department
- Budget preparation and implementation
6-10 years of experience
36 sworn personnel / 14 non-sworn personnel
- 2010 Budget 4.0 million / 2009 Budget 4.2 million / 2008 Budget 4.0 million / 2007 Budget 3.7 million
- 24,725 Population /14.1 Square Mile City / 1.5 Officers per 1000 population
- Commander of the South Central Drug Task Force serving four county region
- Developed and executed strategic planning and annual business plans
- Institutionalized performance measurement, accountability and self-evaluations
- Developed and implemented professional standards in leadership development requirements and built internal leadership capacity under the philosophy of “Every Officer a Leader”
- Implemented proactive community policing initiatives through neighborhood policing districts and action officers incorporating intelligence-led, data driven decision-making, hot spot policing, and predictive analysis
- Leveraged technology to maximize responsiveness, outreach and service delivery as follows: LOGIS-E-Ticketing/E-Charging/E-Briefing; Field Based Reporting; Electronic Crash Reporting; Data Analysis
- Revitalized the Crime-Free Multi-Housing Program and City of Owatonna Landlord Association (COLA)
- Optimized agency branding and communications through website and development thereof, creating transparent
6-10 years of experience
Plans, coordinates, supervises and evaluates police department operations.
- Develops policies and procedures for the Department.
- Works closely with the Village Administrator and other Village Departments to coordinate police operations with the operations of the other Village Departments as needed. Coordinates the information gathered and work accomplished by various officers; assigns officers to special investigations as the needs arise for their specific skills and assure that personnel are assigned to shifts which provide optimum effectiveness of situations and circumstances governing deployment.
- Analyzes and recommends improvements to equipment and facilities, as needed.
- Supervises and coordinates the preparation and presentation of an annual budget for the Department with the Village Administrator and Budget Officer; directs the implementation of the department’s budget; plans for and reviews specifications for new or replaced equipment.
- Directs the development and maintenance of systems, records and legal documents that provide for the proper evaluation, control and documentation of police department operations.
10+ years of experience
- Provide leadership and administer police operations within the City of Macon
- Supervise 20 employees during training and all other aspects of Law Enforcement.
- Plan and oversee approximately $1,000,000 budget.
- Implement the policies and procedures of the police department.
0-5 years of experience
- Coordinate department’s annual budget and monitor department and program expenses ($15 million)
- Develop operational and administrative processes for internal and cross department programs
- Execute projects for department, city, and workgroups, manage events for community and city
- Manage personnel files, databases, and spreadsheets ensuring all are up-to-date and in compliance
- Coordinate recruitment including scheduling interviews, physicals & polygraphs and academy registration
- Manage department grant applications, processing, and expense and revenue tracking
0-5 years of experience
- Patrol throughout the community
- Conduct speed enforcement activities and investigation
- Developed a multi-spreadsheet Incident Reporting system for reports using Microsoft Excel
- Developed a multi-spreadsheet officer daily tracking system with Excel; this information is presented to the village board so they know what the departments activates been per month and annual
- Developed a department Policy and Procedures Manual
- Earned a State Certificate as a Basic Pistol Instructor
- Earned a State Certificate in Management of a Small Law Enforcement Agency
- Earned a State Certificate in Incident Command Systems (ICS) 100 and 200
- Earned a State Certificate in a 40 hour Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff
- Earned a certificate for a 2 day Terrorism Course
0-5 years of experience
- Enforce laws and regulations pertaining to the safe operation of the railway and make arrest when applicable.
- Conduct investigations involving employee theft and misconduct and report findings to the legal division of Iowa Pacific Holdings.
- Investigate report and photograph accidents involving train strikes that result in death, serious injury and property damage to the Federal Railroad Administration.
- Conduct security assessments of buildings, storage facilities, train stations and depots owned by [company name] and report deficiencies and corrective recommendations to management.
- Ensure worker and pedestrian safety regulations are being adhered to at construction projects and train stations.
- Coordinate with local law enforcement agencies, investigations and enforcement of laws and safety regulations that affect the public in that particular jurisdiction.
10+ years of experience
Planning, directing and evaluate the daily operation of the Police Department by conducting field audits to monitor departmental performance.
- Perform the function of Chief of Police in the absence.
- Preparation, planning and presenting the annual fiscal budget to city council.
- Departmental Safety Director: Responsible for safety investigations and follow-ups.
- Assist or direct any other police department employees and respond to investigate thoroughly complaints concerning departmental personnel and recommend administer discipline for violation of rules and regulations.
- Respond to and assume command of police actions and coordinate departmental activities among units, platoons and divisions.
- Responsible for special research or planning of activities including writing reports, federal grants and inventory of departmental supplies.
- Evaluate new employees for hiring process of sworn and civilian positions within the department.
- Proficient in outlook, excel, word and accounting system.
0-5 years of experience
- Responsible for total direction and assurance of departmental policies covering the administrative and operational activities of the [company name].
- Develops budgets and is accountable for approval and auditing of departmental budgetary expenditures.
- Plans, coordinates, directs and supervises the activities of the Support Services, Law Enforcement and Professional Standards Bureaus of the Police Department.
- Provides operational and administrative leadership and provides effective team building for the members of these Bureaus.
10+ years of experience
- Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the [company name]
- Create and administer an annual operating budget of approximately 1.2 million dollars
- Receive and respond to written grievances
- Chair disciplinary proceedings and administer disciplinary action up to termination of employment
- Procure Local, State, and Federal grants for various projects
- Assist in negotiating labor agreements with unionized personnel
- Share timely and accurate information with the City Manager and City Council
- Media Liaison presenting on air and print interviews relating to major crimes and department initiatives
0-5 years of experience
- Oversee the day to day operations of the [company name]
- Complete payroll for police department employees
- Training Coordinator
- Develop and implement departmental policies and procedures
- Pay invoices and other outstanding bills for police department equipment
- Contribute to planning of yearly department budget
0-5 years of experience
- Perform General Police Duties / Enforcement of State and Local Laws.
- Perform administrative duties for the department. Hire new employees and maintain a department schedule for officers.
- Supervise Law Enforcement Officers.
10+ years of experience
- Multiple Arrests Made For Traffic & Criminal Violations
- Restructured Administration Duties
- Obtained Computer
- Computerized Data Based Files
- Brought DUI Checkpoints Into Twp.
- Obtained A Permanent Station For Police Department
- Ordering supplies along with uniforms
0-5 years of experience
- Answering calls on the non-emergency line to police department
- Payroll for 30 officers
- All records request
- Office manager, all functions of ordering supplies working with contractors and residents
- Back up to the clerk of courts for traffic court
- All record keeping scanning, indexing
- Multi-tasking daily as needed
0-5 years of experience
- Manage Total of 21 Officers
- Fleet Manager
- Conduct Training
- Firearms Instructor
- DWI Task Force
- Narcotics Intervention Task Force
- Boat Captain on Marine Division
Chief of Police Duties and Responsibilities
Chiefs of police perform varied daily job duties based on the size of their department and the number and nature of the crimes occurring within their community. However, in every police department these core tasks are usually the same:
Manage Personnel and Operations Chiefs of police manage all police officers and detectives in the department, which requires frequent meetings with supervising officers and other management personnel. It also includes hiring and firing department personnel and conducting and supervising training. Additionally, chiefs of police manage all daily operations for the police department, which includes writing reports, reviewing reports submitted by staff members, and issuing instructions regarding current investigations.
Develop Policies Chiefs of police develop new policies and regulations. These policies include arrest procedures, dress codes, use of equipment and vehicles, and other day-to-day operational concerns.
Plan Budgets Chiefs of police plan the budget for the entire police department.
Design Programs Chiefs of police design various community and department programs to prevent crime, make it easier to report crime, and increase officer involvement within the community.
Hold Meetings Chiefs of police hold meetings with other law enforcement officers to discuss crime rates, unsolved crimes, behavioral issues within the department, and other pertinent matters.
Speak at Press Conferences Chiefs of police speak at press conferences regarding high-profile criminal cases and criminal activity within the community.
Make Public Appearances Chiefs of police make public appearances at community events.
Analyze Crime Data Chiefs of police look at crime data maps and statistics to find patterns and determine areas where a greater police presence may be required.
Stay Current
on Relevant Laws Chiefs of police stay aware of all city, county, and state laws, and take notice when new laws are introduced or existing laws are changed.
Lead Investigations Chiefs of police sometimes lead investigations of particularly high-profile criminal cases. This includes going into the field to investigate crime scenes, examine evidence, and oversee investigative operations.
Gun Certification All officers who carry firearms, including the chief of police, must be recertified every single year. This is done at the gun range used by the police department to test and certify all officers.
Chief of Police Skills and Qualifications
Chiefs of police are public servants and leaders who manage daily police department operations, supervise department staff members, and maintain a community presence. Governments appoint chiefs of police who have the following skills:
- Public speaking – chiefs of police use public speaking skills to host meetings and to speak with the media and the community
- Communication skills – chiefs of police write reports and speak with police officers and detectives, which requires verbal and written communication skills
- Budgeting – chiefs of police use math and budgeting best practices to plan budgets and make cuts when necessary
- Computer skills – chiefs of police use software programs to write and read reports and review crime statistics and graphs, tasks that require good computer skills
- Analytical thinking – chiefs of police use analytical skills to look at figures, facts, and maps to determine where crimes are occurring and to design budgets and protocols
Chief of Police Education and Training
Before they’re eligible to be appointed as chief of police, professionals must obtain a bachelor’s degree in police administration, criminal justice, law enforcement, or a related field. Candidates must also achieve multiple years of work experience (usually a minimum of five years) in law enforcement as a commanding officer, such as a commander, lieutenant, or captain. The chief of police must also be a resident of the city, county, and state where the department is located. Also, chiefs of police must pass a physical and psychiatric exam. Testing procedures vary by department. A chief of police must also have a valid driver’s license to travel to various crime scenes and community events. Because chiefs of police are required to have extensive education and experience, no training is provided. Chiefs of police assume their duties upon appointment.
Chief of Police Salary and Outlook
According to PayScale, chiefs of police earn a median annual salary of $70.97. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data shows that police and detectives earn a median salary of $62,960 annually, or $30.27 hourly. The BLS expects employment in this field to rise 7 percent through 2026. This rate is as fast as the national average. Chiefs of police are provided with benefit packages that include health, dental, vision, and life insurance. Chiefs of police also receive retirement packages and paid leave. Some governments additionally provide extra benefits, such as tuition assistance and free access to fitness facilities. Chiefs of police may also be awarded with take-home vehicles, pension plans, and access to unions that offer their own benefits.
Helpful Resources
These books and websites provide news updates, event dates, networking opportunities, and other helpful information for chiefs of police:
National Association of Police Organizations – stay current on news and policy issues, find dates for professional events, and explore information about training seminars at this website for all law enforcement officers
Police Chief 101: Practical Advice for the Law Enforcement Leader – written by a professional with 40 years in law enforcement, this book offers a complete overview of what it’s like to be a chief of police
Fraternal Order of Police – the FOP website provides content for all police officers, including education information, news, and details about upcoming conferences
Police Chief: How to Attain and Succeed in This Critical Position – learn what it takes to be a chief of police with the techniques and strategies in this book, which includes information about hiring officers and leading a police department