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Patent Engineer Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Managed and maintained a patent portfolio database for patent prosecution and reporting purposes.
- Acted as liaison between engineering and non-engineering professionals.
- Wrote patent applications and responded to official office actions from the patent and trademark office.
- Analyzed company’s R&D technology for patentable material.
- Created and presented synopsis of patentable material before a patent review board.
- Created presentation materials for Intellectual Property Rights training classes.
- Provided Intellectual Property Rights training classes.
- Performed analysis in the following technical areas that included software and hardware solutions: Radio Access Networks relating to GSM/EDGE/W-CDMA communications; 2.0 and 2.5 GPRS technology; IMS core technology; and BSC/MSC.
0-5 years of experience
Managed over 150 patent applications in the United States, Taiwan, China, Japan
- Drafted and reviewed over 150 patent applications both in English and Chinese for electronics, mechanism and communication
- Managed and supervised over 2,000 invention proposals
- Involved in infringing disputes of US Patents with multinational companies
0-5 years of experience
- Provided technical analysis on a wide variety of areas, comprising semiconductors, circuit design, wireless cellular communication, and software.
- Assisted with settling litigation and licensing of various technologies, including 3D integrated circuits, memory devices, and RF receivers.
- Determined patent infringement of reverse-engineered products and wrote detailed reports on how specific components of the products infringed.
- Helped craft legal opinions on ownership, inventorship, infringement, and validity issues.
0-5 years of experience
- Discussed with clients and composed patent specifications and prepared reference materials for Taiwan and international patent applications
- Provided technical analysis and recommendations to clients on intellectual property issues
- Conducted phone session with clients to assess client needs and expectations
- Collaborated with patent attorneys to evaluate the validity of patents
0-5 years of experience
Searching operations that include infringement studies, invalidity searches and prior art searches
- Developed evidence-of-use and due-diligence reports and evaluating patent and/or patent pools for a specific field of technology in the context of infringement studies.
- Portfolio management, Strategy analysis, conduct patent tracking, Patent Landscape analysis and coordinate management of the IP-portfolio.
- Drafted Office Action responses closely working with the in-house lawyer(s).
- Publication in ‘Journal of Intellectual Property Rights’, India on “IP AUDITS”.
- Writer for Sinapseblog – an IP blog published by Brain League.
6-10 years of experience
Built out 7-person Patent Engineering team supporting 5 business units
- Established competitor infringement analysis process delivering 40+ product evaluations resulting in 18 claim-charted infringements, 8 patents, 80+ claims
- Facilitated a 3X increase in invention disclosure submissions
- Inventoried over 2300 patent records
- Mapped patent coverage on 34 GE products to support infringement analysis and litigation
- Co-developed “Patent Strength vs. Product Value” analysis technique
- Reduced invention review cycle time – 752 inventions rated with median cycle time of 35 days
- Team’s success resulting in “Excellent” performance appraisal ratings in 2010 and 2011
0-5 years of experience
- Provided patent consulting for over 3,000 clients worldwide
- Generated patent search reports with engineering recommendations, utility patents, and design patents
- Generated 3-D design prototypes and figure files of inventions using SolidWorks, Adobe Illustrator, and Inkscape
- Specializing in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, medical, biotechnology and pharmaceutical inventions
0-5 years of experience
- Drafted and translated about 30 patent specifications, in English or Mandarin or both, for worldwide patent applications, including the United States, Taiwan, People’s Republic of China, Europe, and Japan
- Replied to the Office Action issued by the patent offices worldwide, including the USPTO, TPO (Taiwan Patent Office), SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C.), WIPO, etc.
- Conducted legal and technical research for about 25 cases, focusing upon preliminary analysis of patentability or patent infringement analysis
0-5 years of experience
Conducted invention excavation and patent searching for 400+ inventions
- Developed detailed claim strategies for 250+ new patent applications
- Developed response strategies for 350+ office actions
- Conditioned JP priority patent applications for US filing
- Developed patent portfolios in key technical areas (Safety, Fuel Cell, Autonomous Vehicle)
0-5 years of experience
- reviewed invention disclosure materials and consulted patent attorneys
- drafted patent applications and USPTO communication letters
- drafted, reviewed and approved client communication letters
- drafted technology summaries for boilerplate language
- provided consultation in meetings with inventors
0-5 years of experience
Conducted Project TIP reviews for R&D and Engineering
- Coordinated all patent activities with outside counsel and inventor/associates
- Managed the Invention Disclosure and review process
- Trained R&D associates on Mars’ TIP policies and procedures
0-5 years of experience
Managing a patent portfolio worth approximately $250 million
- Prosecution experience through responding to office actions related to patents submitted worldwide
- Interviewing engineers and brainstorming new ideas by analyzing blueprints and technical drawings to determine patentability and utility of engineering designs and technology
- Performing extensive patent searches of engineering concepts and consequently preparing and drafting patent applications
- Conducting monthly cross-team patent meetings to provide updates on IP matters and decisions
- Representing the IP team in any potential sales of technology to interested buyers
- Assisting engineers with design development through infringement, clearance and prior art studies
- Preparing training tools for engineers for effective and timely patent filing
0-5 years of experience
Draft original US patent applications for new [company name] inventions including figures and claims.
- Work closely on international teams including inventors and [company name] senior legal professionals.
- Determine necessary requirements to turn new inventions into real [company name] products.
- Work on a wide variety of technology ranging from semiconductor manufacturing to social media data mining.
0-5 years of experience
Wrote U.S. and Foreign filed patent applications for major international corporations through the formulation of specifications, drafting of claims, construction of technical figures, and searching of U.S. and Foreign databases for related prior art
- Prosecuted patent applications in response to U.S. and Foreign patent office actions
- Communicated with engineers at the international corporations during disclosure of inventions
- Discussed opinions on patentability of inventions with perspective inventors
0-5 years of experience
Patent Engineer
Provided patent support for [company name] CDMA unit in San Diego, CA.
- Provided filling recommendations for all information disclosures submitted
- Provided technical interface for all inventors and outside counsel
- Provided technical and patent guidance for all inventors to insure broad patent coverage
- Provided management with monthly status reports on all patent activity and related expenses
- Provided support to system/project engineering group
- Led the transition from Qualcomm system engineering to [company name] system engineering
- Managed a group of 12 system engineers and 7 international deployments
- Technical responsibility for all of [company name]’s CDMA deployments which included network design and optimization as well as new feature development
0-5 years of experience
Collaborated with clients to refine details of inventions
- Authored technical descriptions for patent applications
- Created 3D models using SolidWorks
- Generated patent figures using Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape
0-5 years of experience
- Provided technical advice on engineering documents
- Examined patent applications for any possible infringements
- Provided draft response for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- Analyzed the cited rejections from the patent applications and present arguments
0-5 years of experience
- Prepared patent specifications related to electrical engineering and pharmaceutical inventions for filing an application after patent searches, 3 applications per month, e.g. US Patent No. 8802846B1 granted without rejection
- Compared citations to discover differences and filed a response in Chinese to TIPO, 3 responses per month
- Translated the Office Action from USPTO into Chinese and filed a response in English to USPTO by reviewing and comparing citations, 3 rejections per month
0-5 years of experience
Assist RWD HEV inventors in writing invention disclosures, creating illustrations, and concept development
- Ensure that invention disclosures are complete and intelligible to the Patent Committee, FGLT Patent Attorney and Outside Council
- Reduce processing time from submission to assignment
- Assist FGLT Patent Attorney and Outside Council in writing and proofreading patent drafts and capturing signatures
- Conduct brainstorming sessions
- Encourage and assist others in the development of ideas into quality invention disclosure submissions
- Maintain log of disclosures with status
0-5 years of experience
Prepared foreign and domestic provisional and utility patent applications
- Analyzed patentability and clearance of various inventions
- Assisted in prosecution of domestic and foreign patent applications to secure IP rights
- Worked in various product fields including: medical devices, engine design, vacuum cleaners, vehicle
0-5 years of experience
- Drafted patent applications.
- Analyzed patent infringement.
- Communicated electrical and electric relevant cases with our customers.
- Gained knowledge of patent law and writing skills on giving proper application.
- Assisted with purchasing computer hardware and software.
0-5 years of experience
- Wrote claims for new patent application
- Searched for Prior Arts (existing patents or inventions related to the patent the company wants to apply for)
- Translated academic articles from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English
- Assisted with writing and submission of patents applications
- Wrote essays about hepatitis B prevention and epidemiology situation
0-5 years of experience
- Drafted over 50 US utility patent applications and corresponding foreign filings
- Responded to several hundred office actions from various patent offices including US, United Kingdom, Japan, China and Korea
- Conducted invention mining sessions and defensive analysis including creating claim charts
- Occasionally translated technical documents from Japanese to English
0-5 years of experience
- Work with clients to identify inventive concepts to include in patent applications.
- Prepare and prosecute U.S. and foreign patent applications in the fields of software engineering and applications, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
- Assist attorneys with prior art searches and monitoring events during the life cycle of a patent application.
- Interface with engineers and inventors to identify and discuss patentable subject matter as well as procure documents required to file patent applications.
0-5 years of experience
- Interact with all product development teams to stimulate inventive discipline.
- Provide training for directors, managers, and developers on the IP process and awareness training for the proper handling of proprietary matters.
- Head monthly IP committee meetings.
- Coordinate with outside counsel (both domestic and foreign) to prepare and prosecute patent applications.
0-5 years of experience
- Participate and drive the intellectual property information gathering and analysis activities with regard to current and future product applications for [company name] Services.
- Develop high value invention ideas with inventors ensuring quick conversion to formal Invention Disclosure Letters (IDLs) for assessment by [company name] patent review board.
- Prepare and support IP landscaping for multiple businesses across [company name].
- Interface with legal counsel and inventors on regular basis concerning clearance process and patent portfolio management and taxonomy.
- Six Sigma Green Belt project centered on reducing IDL cycle time by 75%.
- Prepare and present Intellectual Property training modules in subject matter such as analysis of patents, prior art searching, IDL preparation, product clearance to avoid infringement, introductory patent law, and other related intellectual property topics.
0-5 years of experience
- Analyzing and translating chemistry/engineering related patent applications from Chinese to English and vice versa
- Improving drafting skills of patent claims, technical writing skills, and utilizing professional vocabularies
- Adapting the knowledge of consumer demand, innovation and technical writing skills