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Victim Advocate Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Provided crisis intervention, referral, and ongoing non-clinical support to sexual assault victims within the Department of Defense (DOD).
- Educated victims on their rights and sexual assault reporting options and developed safety plans.
- Trained over 200 members of the Department of the Army on the DOD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program to increase awareness and reduce number of sexual assaults.
- Conducted strategic planning, monitored policy and regulatory changes, and performed trend analysis to advise senior leadership on SAPR program implementation.
0-5 years of experience
- Assessed individuals that have experienced trauma and developed service plans based on their emotional, physical, and psychological status as well as provided referrals to agencies/individuals within the organization and community.
- Accompanied and assisted clients through the process of going to hospitals, court, DA, CPS, APS, child advocacy centers, and law enforcement agencies.
- Provided individual and group counseling to individuals who have experienced various forms of distress as a result of abuse and/or sexual assault.
0-5 years of experience
- Supported clients of domestic violence and sexual assault through military and Alaska legal systems, i.e., protective orders, court accompaniment, safety planning, and crisis intervention
- Case review within multidisciplinary team, i.e., social worker, Unit Commander, Family Advocacy Team, and law enforcement
- Developed and facilitated domestic violence and sexual assault annual trainings for military and civilian personnel
- Organized and maintained statistical data to evaluate program productivity
0-5 years of experience
This non-profit organization provides supportive services, counseling, finds victims and their families’ shelter who have been in involved or threaten by sexual assault and domestic violence. Coordinates with local Law enforcement and other Domestic violence agencies.
- Provide comprehensive case management services: assessment, service plan development and implementation, goal setting, treatment planning, address survivor’s basic needs (housing, safety planning, family needs, etc.), community orientation, information and referral.
- Provides emotional support and encouragement to victims and witnesses as the case moves through the criminal justice system, including providing support during court proceedings, if requested
- Consult with High Risk Team (HRT) about cases that are in imminent and life threating danger and make referrals to other agencies within the HRT.
- Provided a 24 hour on-call assistance program to the Oceanside Police Department for Domestic Violence.
- Schedule and attended meetings and appointments for victims, provide fundraising, performed Interviews for potential volunteers as well as training. Conduct community outreach and education about domestic violence.
0-5 years of experience
- Answer emergency hotline calls and complete screenings for victims of domestic violence.
- Conduct intakes, needs assessments and safety plans with participant according to state standards.
- Established service plans with clients while identify long and short term goals.
- Provide participants with full case management, including referrals to community programs.
- Transport and accompany victims to their court hearings during Injunction for Protection Petition Process.
- Facilitate Primary Prevention comprehensive training and technical assistance at local middle schools.
0-5 years of experience
- Provides coverage and back up for both 24-hour hotlines, ensuring callers have immediate access.
- Screens and conducts initial intake with all people requesting services
- Conducts intake interviews and provides orientation and follow-up to new shelter residents and non-residents.
- Provides monthly reports to the Executive Director
- Ensures that precautions are taken to provide security and confidentiality.
0-5 years of experience
Provide crisis counseling to non-offending caregivers throughout the life of the case and forensic
interview process
- Refer children and families for medical examinations and mental health services
- Provide Spanish-Bilingual Translation through Multidisciplinary Team meetings for caregivers
- Perform duties according to VOCA standards
- Assist families with Victims Compensation Assistance of Pennsylvania applications
0-5 years of experience
Providing the utmost customer service with handling distraught calls from beginning to end
- Being able to relate to customer and provide empathy in the time of desperate need
- Research non-clinical information and resources as to assisting the customer with pursuing the complaint
- Maintain a continuous relationship with the victims through the healing process
- Regulate a high level of calls
0-5 years of experience
- Provided information on victimization and crime prevention
- Assisted victims with finding shelter and transportation as needed
- Informed victims about their legal rights and protections
- Attended and observed trials, hearings and other judicial and administrative proceedings
- Processed all applicable forms
- Retrieved case files, witness lists and calendars for morning and afternoon courts
- Enter case dispositions into the tracker
- Maintained a high level of confidentiality and discretion
0-5 years of experience
- Train and mentor service members on sexual assault prevention measures and reporting processes in accordance with Department of Defense and Federal Regulations
- Manage unit sexual assault prevention by developing training timelines, resulting in 100% compliance of yearly training requirements
- Provide case management and assistance to victims of sexual assault, ensuring routine follow up on the welfare of recovering sexual assist victims and reporting concerns to appropriate medical providers.
0-5 years of experience
- Providing emotional support to victims and notifying victims of inmates’ release or escape.
- Provide continuous victim support throughout the process
- Provides all information to the victim so that he/she can make the best decision
- Serve as liaison between victim and service providers
- Provide support through initial/ongoing investigation
0-5 years of experience
- Provided information to military service members who were victims of sexual assault.
- Provided a clear and concise explanation to victims regarding reporting options and services offered by the Sexual Assault and Response Program
- Maintained a strict confidentiality policy.
- Accompanied victims, at the request of the victim, to any medical, counseling, and judicial proceedings.
- Conducted Sexual Assault Prevention and Response training to all Marines.
0-5 years of experience
- Respond to after our call outs to assist victims of violent crimes.
- Coordinate with Cook County State’s Attorney Office, Cook County Medical Examiner’s office, and area hospitals to assists victims and their families
- Coordinate with police staff to make death notifications.
- Assist in victim compensation process where applicable.
- Provide family and individual crisis counseling as needed.
0-5 years of experience
- Advocate for victims of domestic violence on the scene
- Provide ex parte assistance and crisis intervention for clients
- Work closely with law enforcement to ensure clients are receiving services
- Assist with tasks around the shelter and interact with residents
- Provide PRN advocacy for victims of sexual assault that have been taken to the hospital
0-5 years of experience
- Accompany survivors of domestic violence to injunction hearings, family law proceedings, and criminal trials.
- Advocate on behalf of survivors of domestic violence by connecting them to various social service agencies such housing agencies, counseling and therapeutic agencies, and agencies that provide court ordered services.
- Provide supportive counseling, advocacy, crisis intervention, safety planning, and follow-up services to domestic violence survivors and their families
- Conduct lethality assessments with clients and assist individuals in filing for Victims Compensation and Relocation Assistance through the Office of the Attorney General
0-5 years of experience
- Offer emotional support and crisis intervention to clients
- Assist clients in court advocacy and information on the criminal justice system
- Answer hotline calls to respond to clients seeking community resources
- Assist clients with obtaining protection orders while ensuring their safety
6-10 years of experience
- Assist clients with filing orders of protections, child support, visitation and custody petitions
- Accompanies clients to court, probation and social services
- Provide advocacy and crisis intervention to victims of sexual assault & domestic violence
- Raise awareness for sexual assault and domestic violence by participating in community events
- Responsible for answering crisis hotline & providing advocacy for walk-in clients in crisis
- Developed and implemented lesson plans and curriculums in local middle/high schools
- Responsible for giving presentations and lectures to students and faculty on various topics
- Engaged and challenged students to combat intolerance and celebrate differences
0-5 years of experience
- Provide case management and follow up with clients to ensure that their situations have improved.
- Assist with the preparation of Orders of Protection and Restraining Orders.
- Act as a liaison to other law enforcement, government, and social services agencies.
0-5 years of experience
- Provide information, referrals, and practical assistance to victims experiencing crime
- Conduct client centered safety assessments and safety planning suited to the individual’s needs
- Conduct training with police personnel
0-5 years of experience
- Prepare reports and documents, update website and assist with planning fundraisers
- Prepare meeting agendas and supporting material for distribution
- Provide crisis intervention by receiving hotline calls and responding to hospital for victim accompaniment