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Packaging Operator Duties and Qualifications

No two packaging operators are exactly alike, since specific skills vary from employer to employer. However, after analyzing various online job postings, we identified several core duties and responsibilities common to the job:

Operate Product-Packaging Equipment Running product-packaging equipment is a key responsibility of packaging operators. They are in charge of basic start up and set up at the beginning of the day. They also turn off machines at the end of a shift. They ensure that equipment runs properly according to company guidelines.

Sort and Weight Products Packaging operators use machines to sort and weigh products after package sealing is over. They double check to make sure no errors have been made, and apply the correct labeling to each product. In some cases, they sort raw materials prior to packaging.

Conduct Product Quality Control Checks Conducting product line quality control inspections is a critical task of packaging operators. They check for machine parts and equipment challenges. Packaging operators also collect samples to evaluate packaging integrity and functionality. They segregate any defective material and record inspection results. When problems arise, they report malfunctions to supervisory staff immediately. Their job is to communicate any quality control issues to minimize rework costs.

Perform Administrative Work and Training Packaging operators fill out administrative paperwork at the end of their shift, ensuring that all information is entered correctly. When needed, they complete paperwork and other administrative tasks. Packaging operators also train new hires on the processes of equipment operation.

Oversee Product Transfers Once materials are packaged, packaging operators help transfer them to their final shipping area. They keep products organized to help execute processes such as handling material, applying inserts, and stacking. They work with shipping crews to get materials to their final destination.


Packaging Operator Skills and Qualifications

Packing machine operators have excellent mechanical and troubleshooting skills. Employers typically look for candidates with a high school diploma and at least two years of machine or manufacturing experience. The following skills are essential to getting the job done:

  • Mechanical skills – since packaging operators run machinery as a primary part of their job, they need strong mechanical skills
  • Dexterity – packaging operators specifically need excellent finger dexterity and hand-eye coordination to perform their job well
  • Equipment maintenance – preventative maintenance is a critical task that packaging operators perform regularly
  • Troubleshooting – when production-related issues arise, packaging operators serve as frontline troubleshooters to resolve them quickly
  • Physical fitness – packaging operators need the physical stamina to stand for hours at a time and operate heavy machinery without getting fatigued or distracted
  • Administrative skills – packaging operators handle minor administrative tasks and record needed paperwork
  • Communication skills – packing operators use written and verbal communication to update relevant documentation and share needed information with superiors and peers

Packaging Operator Education and Training

It is common for packaging operators to have a high school diploma. Employers find candidates who have an associate’s degree and at least two years of relevant experience especially attractive. Most packaging operators complete apprenticeships that teach them the basic skills of the trade.


Packaging Operator Salary and Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary of packaging operators is $29,430. The lowest 10 percent of earners make less than $29,350, while the highest 10 percent of earners make more than $48,550. Industry employment of packaging operators is projected to grow 2 percent through 2026. The BLS notes that this rate of growth is slower than average for all occupations.


Helpful Resources

We searched the web for the best industry resources to help you continue exploring a career as a packaging operator. Here are more ways to learn whether becoming one is right for you:

Independent Packaging Association – IPA is a national organization representing over 250 manufacturers that work with packaging operators to get the job done

Principles of Machine Operation and Maintenance – learn how machinery works and develop the skills needed to diagnose and troubleshoot typical equipment problems with this book

Packaging and Filling Machine Operator and Tender Career: The Insider’s Guide to Finding a Job at an Amazing Firm, Acing the Interview and Getting Promoted – this simple, easy-to-understand book covers tips you need to win your dream packaging operator job and be the first in line for a promotion

International Corrugated Packaging Foundation – ICPF is a global organization offering career resources for aspiring packaging operators. Access job listings, internship opportunities, and more from top firms in the industry

National Association of Manufacturers – the largest manufacturing association in the United States, NAM advocates on behalf of the more than 12 million men and women employed in the sector