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Additional Safety Security Resume Samples
Security Contractor Resume Samples
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6-10 years of experience
Survey the grounds with a keen sense of detail for suspicious activity occurring on related properties and act accordingly to any disturbances
- Utilize problem solving and communication skills to defuse difficult and potentially hazardous situations with an intended outcome of a non-violent resolution
- Exercise mental control in demanding customer service related situations to provide the customer with a pleasant experience even when they do not receive their intended outcome
- Prepare daily shift reports summarizing any suspicious activity for cross reference with future occurrences
- Monitor activity employing technology including computer systems and closed circuit security systems
0-5 years of experience
- Responsible for the safety of more than 4,000 students, faculty, and employees at the Universities at Shady Grove.
- Monitor the activities of employees, visitors, and other persons across multiple buildings on the university campus to actively maintain a secure environment.
- Warn individuals of rule infractions or violations, and apprehend or evict violators from premises, when necessary.
- Write reports of daily activities and irregularities such as property damage, theft, presence of unauthorized persons, or unusual occurrences.
- Monitored the central security system for fire, security, and other safety breaches and responded when needed.
0-5 years of experience
- Deployed to Kuwait working as an operational security specialist, protecting outer perimeters of a military base. ([company name]).
- Took part in a two week class put on by Acedemy on protection services in North Carolina.
- Worked as a security contractor for Madicorp protecting area of operations against striking employees in Phoenix Arizona.