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Additional Special Education Resume Samples
Behavior Specialist Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Established rapport with families and recognized family dynamics.
- Awareness of different cultures and signs of neglect and abuse.
- Analyzed and provided treatment for socially significant behaviors.
- Taught families intensive ABA techniques to replace problem behaviors.
- Understand the functional relationship between antecedent, behavior, and consequent.
- Encouraged families to use differential reinforcements and proactive interventions.
- Measured and recorded behaviors during and after client session.
0-5 years of experience
- Worked one-on-one with children with developmental disabilities and emotional disturbances
- Developed treatment plans for children with various needs and behavioral concerns based on needs presented in evaluation
- Modeled research-based interventions for families and natural supports to implement with children across all environments
- Trained therapeutic support staff and oversaw implementation of behavioral interventions from treatment plan
- Provided supervision to master’s level staff and assisted in solving clinical issues in discussed cases under the supervision of a board certified behavior analyst
- Reviewed and corrected treatment plans for master’s level clinicians
- Coordinated collaborative meetings with all supports in children’s natural environments to provide the most effective level of care across all environments
0-5 years of experience
Provided consultation and modeling, to school personnel, for classroom management techniques and individualized behavior plan training and implementation for students educated in sub-separate specialized programs and within the general education setting
- Conducted Initial Assessments, 3 year Re-Evaluations, Assessments for Home Based Services, Functional Behavior Assessments and made service recommendations accordingly
- Participated inTEAM meetings for the purposes of determining special education eligibility, developing IEPs and discussing transition plans for students return to the Lynnfield Public School system
- Completed progress reports based on data collection pertaining to each student’s goals and objectives
- Facilitated small group social skills training for elementary aged students
- Designed and provided home-based consultation and parent training centered on adapting and reducing challenging behavior, teaching daily living skills, communication and socialization
0-5 years of experience
Utilize clinical background to evaluate behavioral issues (self-injurious behavior, aggression, verbal abuse, etc.) displayed by individuals with intellectual disability and at least one mental health diagnosis
- Create goal-focused and individualized 15-20 page behavior plans to guide direct care staff in how to best address behavioral issues that arise daily with individuals in care
- Collect and analyze behavior data and consult with Psychiatrist on potential medication additions or reductions
- Develop and implement behavior plan trainings for all staff working with the individual
- Work with staff, Psychologist, and other team members to achieve positive outcomes for the individual in care
- Provide insight and recommendations to team members regarding current clinical needs of individual in care
6-10 years of experience
- Help design and implement behavioral strategies for the formation of behavior plans.
- Responsible for developing, training, and clinically assessing the implementation of behavior plans for an adult population with mental and developmental disabilities.
- Assist with physical interventions as needed and/or provide clinical over site to ensure techniques are being carried out appropriately.
- Participate in recreational outings when deemed and directed by BS/Administrator to assess the individual’s behavior in the community in order to make transitions to the community more successful for all.
- Attend team meetings and psychiatric appointments as needed and directed by the Behavior Specialist.
- Selected and completed the Professional Development Institute Leadership Series of [company name].
0-5 years of experience
- Designed and implemented behavior modification plans for adults with traumatic brain injury and other mental health diagnoses (depression, alcohol and substance abuse, bi-polar, anxiety, intermittent explosive, and more)
- Conducted behavior modification trainings for staff
- Conducted individual and group sessions (psychoeducational and therapy) for clients
- Exhibited strong clinical documentation skills
0-5 years of experience
Assist Program Behavior Analyst in identifying goals and objectives, skills and behaviors for the Individualized Behavior Program and Master Treatment Plan.
- Document and maintain summarized and raw data.
- Collecting, summarizing and presenting data on client in treatment team and IEP
- Following of an individualized rotating PEC schedule.
- Academic instruction for reading, math, and writing.
- Conducting daily task analysis for tooth brushing, stuffing letters, data entry, and folding/hanging clothes.
6-10 years of experience
Meet individually with students to discuss courses, develop course schedules and address schedule issues, grades, behavior, college preparedness, and other issues or concerns.
- Maintain contact with parents, instructors, and guidance counselors to develop a network of support and communication around each student.
- Observations, data collection & interpretation, intervention strategy plans, Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.
- Monitor student success plans for fidelity and revision as needed.
- Use multiple student information systems (TERMS, Conference Form eSembler, Pasco Star, MS and Excel), to record and retrieve student data.
- Crisis assessment and intervention using Nonviolent Crisis Intervention training strategies.
0-5 years of experience
Writing and implementing Behavior Support Plans for individuals with various developmental disabilities, mental illnesses, and maladaptive behaviors (aggression, problematic sexual behavior, substance abuse, etc.)
- Presenting the Behavior Support Plans to local Human Rights Committees
- Training all program managers on the approved Behavior Support Plans in order to qualify them as trainers for their staff
- Facilitating training sessions on various topics for [company name] staff members including Positive Behavioral Supports and Preventative Services Trainings
0-5 years of experience
Write Behavior Modification Plans to assist individuals with maladaptive behaviors.
- Provide staff training.
- Present Behavior Modification Plans to the Human Rights Committee.
- Obtain parental/guardian consent for psychotropic medication as well as pre-sedation medication consent.
- Attend regularly scheduled psychiatric appointments.
- Complete monthly progress notes.
- Attend ISP and IDT meetings.
- Attend additional trainings offered through Drexel University.
0-5 years of experience
- Providing direct services to youth and families
- Assisting teams in developing a hypothesis of function and underlying unmet needs in an effort to develop individualized, strength based strategies, and interventions that will result in positive behavior change.
- Developing intervention plans that support the decrease in behaviors while incorporating strengths into skill development plans, a time-line regarding implementation and transition of plans to the youth and family, as well as both proactive and reactive strategies that can be used before, after and during escalating incidents.
- Understanding and engaging in therapeutic opportunities in crisis situations and providing corrective experiences in times of crisis.
- Offering constructive feedback and creative suggestions in the use of non-aversive approaches to behavior change to all members of the team.
- Model, train, and practice with the child, family, and natural supports behavioral interventions and skill development plans.
- Providing positive demonstration of professional behavior in all aspects, maintaining positive relations with youth and families and modeling the value of these relationships internally and externally.
- Actively participating in continuous quality improvement processes and projects.
0-5 years of experience
Youth Advocate
- Identify interventions for betterment of family systems
- Outpatient involvement with parents and children
- Seek alternatives for behavior improvement for youth