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Reading Specialist Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Developed and provided staff with Professional Development opportunities in reading
- Served on Literacy Team to develop, implement and evaluate programs in reading
- Communicated and collaborated with teachers to plan for interventions based on data
- Assessed students, analyzed data, communicated results with administration, teachers and parents
- Coached 3rd-4th grade teachers in guided reading implementation and library leveling
- Systematic and strategic planning daily to meet the needs of individuals
- Consistently evaluated the learning styles of students and staff to improve growth
- Planned school wide community involvement including teacher volunteers, PTSA, community donations, advertisement, fundraising, and implementation
6-10 years of experience
Worked with learning disabled students
- Acted as consultant for 7th grade and 8th grade Arts and Humanities teachers
- Developed and implemented curriculum for IEP students
- Created Directed Studies Curriculum successfully used with about 600 students
- Initiated School Wide Reading Screens & support for struggling readers
0-5 years of experience
Gathered, analyzed and used data to inform instruction
- Conducted early intervention programs in small group setting
- Supported classroom teachers in implementing the reading and language arts curriculum mandated by the county
- Organized and facilitated county and state testing
- Conducted reading assessments on at-risk students
- Assisted in developing and executing staff development and parent orientations
- Prepared staff allocation proposals
0-5 years of experience
Reading and writing specialist using Orton-Gillingham teaching style for struggling readers and those with learning disabilities
- Increased client base by 50%
- Differentiated activities and goals to meet each student’s individual needs and abilities
- Conducted initial literacy assessments and quarterly progress assessments
- Managed 7 employees
- Engaged in regular dialogue with parents, administrators, and various service providers to ensure student success inside and outside of the classroom
6-10 years of experience
Taught grammar, vocabulary development, literature, phonics, reading comprehension, oral and written communication skills and math to culturally diverse students.
- Improved below-grade level students’ reading proficiencies to the appropriate grade level.
- Introduced the school library function and process to students beginning with Kindergarten.
- Consulted with educational professionals to develop and implement alternative learning strategies.
- Screened students for Title 1 Program eligibility.
0-5 years of experience
Designed a unit on creative short stories
- Created vocabulary lessons using methodologies to address different learning styles
- Developed student’s creative writing through poetry
- Formed reading groups based on D.R.A. scores.
- Taught Inference, Prediction, Sequencing, Details, Fact vs. Opinion, and Comprehension Strategies
- Implemented cultural-based thematic units, Black History, Chinese New Year and Native Americans that instilled an awareness and appreciation for multiculturalism
0-5 years of experience
Designed and modified reading instruction for students performing at various reading levels
- Member of the school’s leadership team.
- Provided ongoing professional development for teachers, staff, and administration to improve their content knowledge and instructional strategies.
- Provided support to the principal and superintendent in data analysis through SchoolPace.
- Enhanced instructional practices at the classroom level and raised the level of student achievement through co-teaching and strategy groups.
0-5 years of experience
Operate as a site leader for the reading intervention Program for Accelerating Literacy (PAL)
- Facilitate teacher training at local and district level
- Manage and support strategic reading interventions to meet the instructional needs of identified
- Perform functionary resources to K-8 teachers in subject matters of literacy and interventions
- Provide assistance to school literacy team in analyzing and determining literacy needs specific to student population and school staff
- Educate and support teachers in the use of assessment data and evaluation of reading
- Collaborate with administrators and staff to further school-wide literacy goals
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for Title 1 reading instruction for grades K-4.
- Fostered a team-work/open door environment for positive dialogue and exchange of ideas with classroom teachers and administrators.
- Organized Project Reach for students in low income community.
- DIBELS Testing and Training Coordinator for classroom teachers.
0-5 years of experience
Assisted children in advancement of their reading levels
- Administered reading and fluency evaluation tests
- Provided supervisor with weekly student progress reports
- Led children in group warm up activities
0-5 years of experience
Provides speech therapy for middle and high school students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504
- Administers Rigby and Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency (TOSCRF)
- Provides reading assistance for students who read 2-3 grade levels below their actual grade
- Attend quarterly case conferences regarding student improvement
- Analyze and report student achievement scores
- Consults and assists social worker, school psychologist, and special education coordinator
10+ years of experience
Instruct literacy and test taking skills to ninth and tenth grade students
- Provide differentiated instruction to meet the needs of the students
- Use data from various standardized tests and assessments to drive instruction
- Apply Reading Apprenticeship strategies to actively engage students
- Manage classroom behaviors using Restorative Practices
- Communicate with parents about strengths and concerns
- Collaborate with peers through Professional Learning Communities
0-5 years of experience
- Conducted assessments, remediation and enrichment activities for target students
- Provided reading support for classroom teachers
- Acted as liaison with principals/counselors to develop innovative methodologies for special students
6-10 years of experience
Assessed students learning formally and informally using a variety of assessments, modified instruction based on results, shared results with classroom teacher, principal and parents.
- Worked with a culturally and socio-economically diverse group of students.
- Caseload included 40-45 students.
- Taught a small group of students in a pull-out situation.
- Individualized instruction of reading or math to students.
- Maintained communication on regular basis with school staff, and parents.
- Held parent conferences, provided workshops for parents and students, kept parents informed by monthly progress reports, newsletters, and phone calls.
- Strengthen students reading and math skills on all levels.
0-5 years of experience
Taught both push in and pull out classes for students at risk for reading failure
- Responsible for management of the Title I program
- Implemented and directed school wide reading assessments to reflect best practice.
- Trained teachers in administering new reading assessments
- Provided training and workshops on the reading process to staff
- Developed a system to monitor student progress in reading
- Mentored new staff
0-5 years of experience
Consult with classroom teachers regarding instruction and materials.
- Help teachers diagnose reading strengths and weaknesses of students and provide strategies and materials for remediation.
- Consult with curriculum committees regarding textbook selection and supplementary materials.
- Design pacing guides and align standards with essential skills.
- Select questions from data bank for benchmark tests.
- Facilitate coordination of state implemented Istation, Voyager Reading and MyAccess programs.
- Remediate small groups as necessary.
0-5 years of experience
Develop and teach reading intervention for below level students in kindergarten
- Develop and implement phonetic awareness activities
- Responsible for collecting student data and conducting assessment
- Collaborate with the students’ classroom teachers to best meet the needs of each student
- Create lessons and activities for whole class “Reading Specials”
0-5 years of experience
Intensive Reading Teacher for middle school students.
- Assess middle school students to determine reading level.
- Develop and instruct lessons based on students’ reading level.
- Assess elementary students to determine reading level.
- Report assessment findings to classroom teachers.
- Assist teachers in developing Language Arts/Reading lessons for students below level.
0-5 years of experience
Work with at-risk kindergarten, first grade and second grade students
- Design and deliver learning opportunities that implement best practices to increase decoding, comprehension and fluency
- Monitor student progress through running records, miscue analysis, DRA testing, fluency assessments and anecdotal observations
- Collaborate with classroom teachers
10+ years of experience
- Create lessons to motivate and focus on the needs of each student
- Provide materials that encouraged students to become life long readers
- Communicate expectations to students
- Challenge students through higher order questioning
0-5 years of experience
Assess student reading abilities
- Make recommendations as needed
- Work with individual students to improve reading skills
- Co-teach groups in a classroom setting
0-5 years of experience
- Teaches first grade students the fundamentals of reading
- Provides extra assistance in areas of reading for children who are at a below average level
- Plans daily activities and facilitates assessment tests