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Additional Special Education Resume Samples
Special Education Coordinator Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
- Built and organized a legally compliant Special Education department for 70+ students
- Collected and reported pertinent information in regards to Medicaid and SHARS
- Observed, evaluated, and coached teachers to improve teaching techniques
- Developed curricula that fulfilled the state and district requirements and guidelines
- Analyzed information from educational and medical records, consulted with other professionals, and Diagnosticians to assess clients’ abilities, needs, and eligibility for services
- Supervised department staff, ensuring all legal guidelines and mandates were implemented
- Responsible for the writing of all IEPs, conducting all ARDs and ensuring compliance of every aspect of a special education department
0-5 years of experience
Educator responsible for providing leadership and professional development to drive special education program in an inclusive setting.
- Lead and manage Child Study Team to develop interventions to support students academically and socially.
- Case manage all Individual Education Plans and all Section 504 Plans.
- Coordinate initials, annuals, re-evaluations, and triennials for students with special needs.
- Work to develop appropriate Individualized Education Plans to promote educational and social development.
- Collaborate to conduct Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.
- Provide direct services to students with special needs.
- Hire and support service providers and paraprofessionals.
6-10 years of experience
Scheduled and facilitated IEP meetings
- Coordinated with outside state agencies to acquire services for students ages 18-21
- Coordinated meetings with District Transition specialist to transition students from high school to post high school trainings/college enrollment
- Member of the Special education administration team to analyze and troubleshoot areas of need/barriers for staff and students
- Supervised special education teachers
- Maintained contact with parents addressing concerns and needs of their child
- Maintained connections with various detention facilities such as Cleveland White School, Terry Center, and Rockford to keep track of students and their academics
- Worked with families to provide resources for their child outside of the school district
0-5 years of experience
Develop a Special Education handbook with RTI process and other laws/rules for the school.
- Supervise special education teachers and general education teachers instruction to ensure all students receive appropriate instruction as stated on their IEP.
- Weekly team check-in meetings with special education teachers and social worker.
- Works collaboratively with General Education Teachers to ensure instruction, education, and accommodations adhere consistently with each student’s IEPs.
- Schedules and conducts initial IEP meetings, annual IEP reviews, Eligibility Determination Meetings, Manifestation Meetings, and Review of Existing Data meetings.
- Communicator between parents, general education teachers, and other school staff and support providers regarding student progress.
0-5 years of experience
Participate in leadership team responsibilities; managing daily staff and student involvement in all academic activities
- Manage and maintain all special education services for all student with disabilities, including meeting with students, completing all state regulated paperwork, implementing individual accommodations, and coordinating educational accommodations and services with a caseload of over 80 students
- Interpret and analyze student academic data to maintain student development as well as encourage student retention
- Coordinate events, student incentives and activities to promote student recruitment, retention, as well as recognize achievements of excelling students
- Establish and maintain strong working relationships with students, teachers, faculty members and other administrative figures
- Plan, prepare lessons, and co-teach high school level remedial writing, English, and science courses
- Attend and participate in staff meetings pertaining to the students within the program, to coordinate services, expand program activities, and create individualized learning opportunities for students
- Coordinate students individualized education plans and manage the data obtained on each student to monitor academic progress for each student
- Establish and supervise the student council
0-5 years of experience
Work with administration and teachers to assess at-risk students
- Assist and guide classroom teachers through referral process
- Follow up with parents, administration, teachers and NYC CSE regarding referred students
- Analyze and interpret received IEP’s
- Update and maintain master document of student classifications, needs, and accommodations
0-5 years of experience
- Attending NYC Department of Education’s CPSE Meetings (Committee of Preschool Special Education) including Annual Reviews, Requested Re-Convene, and Initial Evaluation meetings.
- Analyze & review student evaluations & progress reports administered by psychologists, special educators, speech therapists & OT/PT professionals.
- Collaborate with parents, administrators and service providers to determine age-appropriate functional goals and required services to ensure student success in the New York City Department of Education.
- Confer with parents/guardians, teachers, counselors & administrators to resolve students’ behavioral & academic difficulties.
6-10 years of experience
- Provide training and guidance to all team evaluation participants
- Responsible for scheduling and implementation of all team evaluations
- Placement of students in appropriate settings with appropriate services
- Monitors all reports to ensure all state and federal requirements are met
- Maintains effective communication with community agencies and out of district schools
- Prepares appropriate documents for all state and federal reports
- Supervision and evaluation of all staff members
- Provides guidance to principals and school-based staff on all matters relating to special education
0-5 years of experience
- Coordinate all services for special education students
- Staff and supervise special education staff
- Lead the administration of 504 Plans
- Manage non-public schools (ETRs, IEPs, 504s, Service Plans, and Scholarships)
- Oversee paraprofessionals and change of placement decisions
- Instruct staff about testing accommodations, policies and legal issues
- Develop extended school year program
- Budget and forecast three and five-year plans
- Communicate with parents and lead team meetings where difficult issues arise