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Additional Teaching Resume Samples
5th Grade Teacher Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Taught all subjects in an all-inclusive classroom setting to a population of students in which 95% have at least one parent in the military, and 5% are low-income, on an army post
- Created a safe classroom environment that provided flexibility for the high transient population of a school on an army base
- Implemented “Thinking Maps” into specific curriculums to incorporate visual learning, and to extend writing in a cross-curricular way
- Collaborated with the 5th grade team to ability group students in math and reading, and provide differentiation based on individual student needs
- Differentiated instruction and brought strategic intervention to the low-ability math group
- Employed the use of the College of William and Mary for Gifted Education to differentiate instruction and expectations for the advanced reading group
- Participated in and led data dialogue meetings to access and reflect on student growth, and created goals to increase the number of students who are named proficient and advanced
- Coached the “Battle of the Books” team, and brought the school a 5th place finish out of 154 teams
0-5 years of experience
Lead staff responsible for gathering, analyzing and entering all data needed for certification.
- Utilized Engrade, an online grade book and messaging system, in addition to teleconferencing and progress reports.
- Organized and secured school wide speaker for Halloween party that incorporated over 125 parents, teachers, and students.
- Championed school fund raiser for classroom and achieved 2nd highest contribution level for the school wide charity.
- Established a successful book donation program between a suburban school and [company name].
0-5 years of experience
Designed and delivered rigorous lessons and units aligned to Missouri learning standards.
- Implemented differentiated ELA centers along with Guided Reading, resulting in 87% of students meeting or exceeding reading growth goals.
- Engaged students in Hands-on Learning through real world Math applications and Science labs.
- Administered testing, progress monitored, and analyzed class performance.
- Used behavior modification techniques as a motivator for improving conduct and encouraging participation.
0-5 years of experience
Collaborated with a co-teacher to develop and implement individualized and appropriately challenging goals for nine students
- Developed and applied specialized management techniques through the data collected from FBA’s based on the needs of individuals as well as the group
- Used data from formal and informal testing to form small, highly-individualized, math and reading groups
- Used manipulatives, interactive media (SmartBoard, videos, etc.), and teacher-made differentiated assignments to make concepts accessible to students with different learning styles
- Created and implemented consistent classroom routines and structure to provide students with a safe and predictable learning environment
- Utilized students’ strengths to build self-confidence and become successful learners
0-5 years of experience
Coached 43 teachers on effectively implementing Thinking Maps into their curriculum and daily teaching to give students a way to organize their thoughts (2009-2010)
- Trained 4th and 5th grade teachers (12 teachers) how to utilize the new Language Arts
- Successfully completed Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) two year
- Piloted use of Mobi View and effectively integrated the use of a SMART board into daily instruction
0-5 years of experience
Obtained data from standardized test and provided feedback to students and teachers
- Administered interventions for medium to low performing students for mastery of TAKS objectives
- Designed science experiments for K-5 grades to aid the mastery of science TEKS
- 96% Pass on TAKS Reading
- 25% Increase Overall on TAKS Science
0-5 years of experience
Taught 48 5th grade students ELA, Math, Writing, Science and Social Studies
- Updated and kept track of grades using the Power School grade book system
- Wrote lesson plans using the Engage NY curriculum for English and Math
- Edited and adjusted lessons to suit the needs of my students
- Collaborated with colleagues to design cross curricular instruction
- Attended workshops on accountable student talk, close reading strategies and various other teaching techniques
- Facilitated curricular meetings with colleagues and parent teacher conferences
0-5 years of experience
Led tutorial classes for 3rd – 5th grade students in danger of failing Georgia’s Criterion- Referenced Competency Test (CRCT).
- Chaired math committee.
- Designed programs to meet district and state requirements.
- Used innovative methods and materials to produce effective learning experiences including cooperative learning, thematic instruction and differentiation.
- Leveraged the use of technology to enhance instruction, infusing the use the latest technology to conduct research and prepare reports, including: Webquest, Teachers Domain, Teacher Tube, Google Docs, and United Streaming.
- Contributed to significant gains in acquisition of vocabulary and reading comprehension skills in student performances on quarterly exams as outlined in the district’s school improvement plan.
- Increased parental involvement through parent communication as well as creation of special events such as “Family Publix Math Night”, A unique interactive educational event for parents and students at the local grocery chain.
- Implemented use of problem solving, critical thinking and research with focus on an inquiry based curriculum.
- Presented instructional techniques at The National Science Teacher Association Conference (NSTA)
- Led seminar for educators at The Georgia Conference for Teachers of Mathematics (GCTM)
0-5 years of experience
Raised students mathematics scores from 3.6 to 5.2 on benchmark testing (1.6 years growth)
- Assessed student’s progress and use the data to strategically plan small groups.
- Consulted and collaborated school wide improvement plan to analyze attendance, academic and discipline data to select and administer appropriate universal, targeted and individual interventions.
- Develop comprehensive learning systems designed to engage students in their education and empower students to become active and responsible learners.
0-5 years of experience
Taught all subject areas to a class of 28 students.
- Created a warm, calm classroom environment that facilitated student cooperation and engagement.
- Analyzed data from formative and summative instruction to drive both whole group and small group instruction.
- Differentiated curriculum to make it accessible to gifted students, students with learning disabilities, and English Language Learners.
- Implemented the Words Their Way word study plan where students were preassessed to determine their instructional level and conducted word sorts designed to move them forward in reading and writing.
- Created and implemented intervention plans for students performing below target level in reading and monitored student reading performance through DRA progress monitoring assessments.
0-5 years of experience
Provided differentiated instruction based on student needs.
- Served as organizer/leader of school’s Student Government Organization.
- Organized and facilitated a positive learning experience by employing a variety of teaching methods and delivering differentiated instruction.
- Overall highest rated school in Broward County due to student learning gains and proficiency in 2012-2013.
0-5 years of experience
- Co-created and implemented 2 year social studies curriculum
- Co-created and implemented 2 year science curriculum
- Students demonstrated minimum 1.5-2 years growth in reading as measured by the district approved assessment: Informal Reading Inventory (IRI)
- Created and presented training session designed to introduce new teachers to instruction of second language learners at district’s New Teacher Orientation
- Awarded district grants for classroom and program enhancement
- Co-wrote and awarded grant designed to close achievement gap of second language learners
0-5 years of experience
Developed and implemented common core driven daily and unit lesson plans for 5th grade students.
- Administered testing, tracked, and analyzed whole class and individualized performance.
- Conducted group and one-on-one differentiated reading and writing activities.
- Fostered a classroom environment conducive to learning and promoting excellent student engagement.
0-5 years of experience
Shaped and planned rigorous instruction in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science that led 5th grade students, including six students with IEPs, to 86% mastery of state standards
- Analyzed data critically and relentlessly customized instruction, producing significant academic gains (highest in the school) as measured by Acuity, a standardized test used to predict I-STEP performance
- Led students to grow an average of 2.4 years as measured by NWEA national accredited standardized tests in Math and Language Arts (highest in the school)
- Assisted in the development and implementation of the Title 1 reading and math intervention program and coordinated intervention efforts for 1st – 6th grade students
0-5 years of experience
- Proactively lead and managed a productive learning environment for one hundred students.
- Created and executed long range planning across multiple subject areas.
- Developed and implemented techniques for instructional improvement and efficiency.
- Contributed daily to professional collaboration with colleagues.
- Served on the Principal’s Advisory Committee.
0-5 years of experience
Taught students language arts and social studies
- Assisted students with learning disabilities to succeed in the classroom and other learning environments through modifications and support
- Designed and implemented cross-curricular unit lessons
- Actively participated in faculty meetings regarding curriculum
- Enhanced students’ learning through storytelling
0-5 years of experience
Instructed up to 30 students individually and in groups.
- Set up lesson materials, bulletin board displays and demonstrations.
- Promoted physical, mental and social development by implementing classroom games and outdoor recreational activities.
- Adapted teaching methods and materials to meet students’ varying needs and interests.
- Met regularly with parents and guardians to discuss children’s progress.
- Encouraged interactive learning by incorporating educational software and the Internet.
- Observed and evaluated students’ performance, behavior, social development and physical health.
0-5 years of experience
Collaborated with teachers, support staff, administrators, and parents to make appropriate decisions for various school or student based issues.
- Created, organized, and delivered unique and challenging lessons for up to 125 students, addressing individual needs and learning styles.
- Analyzed student and school data to determine individual, class, and school goals.
- Maintained positive, healthy relationships with all staff and students.
0-5 years of experience
Adapted teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students’ varying needs and interests
- Provided a variety of materials and resources for children to explore, manipulate, and use, in learning activities and in imaginative
- Prepared and implemented remedial programs for students requiring extra help
- Attended professional meetings, educational conferences, and teacher training workshops to maintain and improve professional
0-5 years of experience
Created and implemented lessons for math and writing according to the Common Core Standards
- Created and implemented lessons for science according to the New Jersey State Standards
- Worked collaboratively with colleagues to ensure success for all students
- Provided differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students
0-5 years of experience
Developed lesson plan with academic rigor that challenge students in math and science.
- Provided differentiated instructions in small groups.
- Researched; interpreted data from weekly, quarterly, and yearly assessments to development a plan to strengthen students’ ability in strong and weak areas.
- Conducted conferences with students and parents to set goals for student achievement.
6-10 years of experience
Utilized and integrated technology and multi-media into daily lessons both for instruction and student use; used Flip cameras, WISE (Web-based Inquiry in Science Education), classroom blogs, and multi-media websites
- Designed and implemented standard-based curriculum using direct instruction and discovery/constructivist methods
- Utilized school-wide programs including Guided Reading, Guided Math, DRA, and 6-Trait Writing
- Helped school research and adopt materials for new reading program and new report card
- Participated on interview teams; performed Lead Teacher duties for 2.5 years
- Performed as a cooperating teacher for University of Phoenix student teacher practicum.
- Ran after school running club for 5th and 6th grade for the past 3 years
- Involved in Need in Deed program to create service learning project on child abuse
- Participates on science curriculum committee
0-5 years of experience
Strengthened reading comprehension skills through guided reading and small group instruction to raise student’s reading scores 8.4% overall
- Modified instruction by using data from benchmark testing and grouped students accordingly
- Infused writing skills with social studies curriculum through the use of sensory language and figurative language in poetry and expository essays
- Incorporated science labs for kinesthetic learners to reinforce relevant concepts
- Tutored students in after school literacy program
- Implemented classroom management techniques based on the Responsive Classroom model
0-5 years of experience
Created, prepared and implemented common core lesson plans for students of various ability levels
- Collaborated with 5th grade team
- Collected and used data to drive instruction for student growth
- Differentiated instruction for Special needs students and struggling students
- Established effective communication systems with parents, co-workers, and other staff
0-5 years of experience
Implement curriculum tailored for students in accordance with Georgia Common Core Standards
- Develop/create Individual Instructional/Intervention Plans according to varied student needs for 100% of class, updating plans quarterly
- Sustain direct communication with parents and other stakeholders to ensure that student success is maintained
- Foster a communication medium between administrative team and staff, participate in shared decision making regarding school concerns
- Started and advised the 4th/5th grade debate team at Miles Elementary.
0-5 years of experience
Developed and implemented daily and unit lesson plans for 5th grade, administered tests and evaluations, and analyzed student performance.
- Conducted group/individual reading, math and science activities.
- Fostered a classroom environment conducive to learning and promoting excellent student/teacher interaction.
- Participated in faculty and parent conferences.
- Co-Chair of communications commitee
0-5 years of experience
GATE/accelerated cluster and literacy-focused
- Instructed students based on state standards through core subjects.
- Collaborated with GATE-instructing colleagues in the district and with district’s GATE teacher coordinator for further training.
- In literacy-focused class, addressed the needs of ELL students through focus on phonics and vocabulary building as supported through Open Court Reading materials and supplementals.
- Organized various school assemblies, end-of-year activities for students including field trips.
0-5 years of experience
- Implemented a positive discipline plan which promoted student responsibility, problem solving skills, and student accountability.
- Counseled students when adjustment and academic problems arose and met with parents
- Developed academic and behavior contracts when needed
- Assisted in the development of 504 Plans/IEPs
- Developed enriching, multiple disciplinary lessons through the use of project-based learning and student-centered learning approaches
- Integrated technology into the classroom through student-centered learning, projects, and assessment opportunities
- Provided opportunities for students to represent mathematical concepts, evaluate, and justify their reasoning by using models and written language in a math journal
0-5 years of experience
Teacher of the Year Nominee
- Professional Development Speaker-Topic: Expanding Vocabulary Using
- Developed and delivered lessons and daily writers’ workshop with firm
- Incorporated cooperative learning strategies to teach a diverse student
0-5 years of experience
Managed a stimulating classroom with 27 students, with responsibility for teaching, testing, grading, assessment, and conduct
- Built rapport with students and families from a wide range of cultural backgrounds
- Worked closely with extra support teachers within the building
- Facilitated before school tutoring program
- Coached soccer and basketball for 5th and 6th graders
0-5 years of experience
Dual Immersion planning and instruction
- Collaborated with staff and 5th grade team to better enhance student learning
- Exposed students to various opportunities of technology usage
- Communicated with parents constantly through technology and conferences
- Analyzed test data with staff to plan and modify instruction as needed
- Participated in all staff development meetings and trainings
0-5 years of experience
Planned weekly and daily lessons
- Managed, organized and supervised students
- Collaborated with coworkers and the Math Department
- Involved with attendance committee
- Collaborated with Raytheon’s Outreach Committee
- After school math tutor
0-5 years of experience
Planned and implemented curriculum for a grade 5 general education classroom
- Maintained accurate and up-to-date records for all students
- Developed common assessments for grade 5 Science and Social Studies
- Drama Club Sponsor – planned all aspects of a middle school theater production
- 8th Grade Girls Track Coach – held practices and responsible for athletes at all meets
- Intramurals Supervisor-4/5 basketball, volleyball and softfall
- Lunch/Recess Supervisor
0-5 years of experience
Facilitated daily guided reading groups by utilizing Fountas and Pinnell question stems
- Instructed daily math lessons utilizing Go Math curriculum
- Developed science lessons based on FCAT item specifications
- Created standards based reading lessons for an extended reading block
- Built a behavior management plan differentiated for a wide variety of behaviors utilizing technology
0-5 years of experience
Upper Elementary Team Leader (3-5th grades)
- Responsible for daily lesson plans for a 5th grade self-contained classroom; class sizes varying from 13-26 students
- Prepared students for Math, Reading, and Science state based testing through daily lessons and activities
- Integration of the daily use of technology as well as hands-on activities into daily lessons
- Developed and adjusted curriculum and daily lessons to accommodate the individual needs of students
- Disaggregated TAKS data to ensure that students were successful in all objectives measured
0-5 years of experience
5th grade team chair
- Planning and executing 5th grade graduation
- Organized and planned End of the year trip for 4th and 5th grade
- Established honor sorority for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls
- Accountable for the safety of children
- Responsible for adhering to and implementing the adopted curriculum
0-5 years of experience
Implemented a variety of educational techniques to meet the individual needs of each student
- Incorporated interdisciplinary units of study within the curriculum
- Effectively incorporated various assessment techniques to meet the diverse needs of students
- Took leadership of the 5th Grade team, planning grade level activities including field trips, guest speakers and parent days.
- Provided a structured learning environment for students which improved student’s academic success, behavior and engagement in core curriculum
- Produced outstanding results in Statewide tests in Math, Reading and Science
6-10 years of experience
Developed and implemented engaging and effective reading, writing, and social studies lessons for heterogeneous group of fifth grade students.
- Created and organized class, group, and individual behavior plans for students.
- Assessed students on a regular basis to adapt teaching strategies and measure growth.
- Provided guidance to the group of students involved in student government so that they could perform the following tasks: run elections and campaigns, fundraising, field trip to city hall, and social action projects.
- Worked collaboratively with other teachers to create effective lessons that met the needs of all students including: English Language Learners, Students with IEPs, G.A.T.E, and Newcomers.
- Created long range plans with colleagues in preparation for a new academic year.
- Attended parent conferences, faculty and team meetings, IEP meetings, data review, and professional development days.
- Served as a Spanish translator for front office, teachers, and parents on a regular basis.
- 5th grade RTI representative and case manager.
0-5 years of experience
Developed, scheduled, and implemented daily lesson plans
- Maintained student records and developed an organizational system for student information
- Created a district-wide social studies curriculum
- Created a before-school learning program in which students showed
- Scheduled and conducted conferences with parents, principal, and staff
- Established a positive environment
- Implemented the use of technology in the classroom
- Developed math and reading curriculum
- Participated in and led staff meetings
0-5 years of experience
Acclimate students through the A BEKA curriculum
- Guided the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals
- Assist in the aims and purposes of the school by successfully reaching the student’s needs in academic achievement
- Effectively contained a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to all learners
- Applied multiple tactics to assist all students who needs one on one time pertaining to their learning styles
- Maintained standards of appropriate student behavior and discipline
0-5 years of experience
- Managed reading groups each quarter for all students
- Created curriculum based on state standards
- Conferenced with parents in person and via e-mail/phone call
- Maintained data records, wrote report cards
- Presented content material and provided scores and feedback
0-5 years of experience
Developed and implemented lesson plans and assessments following county guidelines and initiatives
- Accessed students prior knowledge and built upon those concepts to guide instruction
- Created rubrics, assignments, and ways to assess the students in all core subjects
- Differentiated instruction to fit the needs of each student
- Implemented cross curriculum reading and writing projects to help prepare students for state given assessments
- Encouraged students to participate in extracurricular activities and tied those activities to content areas
- Assisted in leading a step/dance team
- Co-chaired for our chorus ensemble
6-10 years of experience
Designed and implemented lessons in various subjects such as Math, Science, Language Arts/Reading, Social Studies.
- Implemented Scholastic READ 180 program with average reading students.
- Conduct unit lessons in science using FOSS KITS, which are provided by Charleston County School Districts.
- Coordinated unit lessons in various subjects such as Math, Science, Language Arts/Reading, Social Studies with the lead teacher.
- Participated in grade level curriculum meetings, parent/principal conferences, Social Studies text book training, FOSS KIT training, field trips, and New teacher Induction Program.
- Grade level chair person in charge of attending meetings and reporting back to grade level team.
- Mentoring of a first year teacher by evaluating and assisting with school related activities.
- Serve as a liaison person for the Charleston Promise Neighborhood program
6-10 years of experience
- Provided students with opportunities to problem solve, explore, and discover through authentic learning communities relevant to the real world
- Supported a balanced Language Arts program through the implementation of writing and reading workshops
- Actively engaged students in the learning process through the use of diverse manipulatives, as well as varying teaching strategies
- Broadened and deepened mathematical understanding by reinforcing writing in math class; allowing students to revisit their thinking and reflect on their ideas
- Collected and analyzed test score data to better differentiate classroom instruction
- Participated as a Math Curriculum Committee member to determine a new district-wide program aligned with the Common Core Standards to fully prepare students for the future
- Participated in Professional Learning Communities
0-5 years of experience
- Developed tiered lesson plans aligned with district and TEKS standards for all content areas to accommodate differentiated student learning needs
- Participated and collaborated as a member of the campus Positive Behavior Instructional Strategies (PBIS) team
- Implemented new balanced literacy program per district guidelines
6-10 years of experience
Instructing 5th grade English Language Arts and Science
- Directing the school’s CYO program
- Responsible for the Boys’ and Girls’ Cross-Country team during the Fall season for grades 4-8
- Coaching the Boys’ Varsity Basketball Team during the Winter
- Instructed Kindergarten – 8th grade Spanish and Technology (2008-2010)
- Directed in writing the Technology and Spanish reports for the Middles States certification (2009)
0-5 years of experience
Grade level planning with colleagues
- Exchanging students
- Implement SFA (Success for All) reading curriculum for two hours daily
- Taugh language learning for two hours
- Implemented a positive discipline plan which promoted student responsibility, problem solving skills, and student accountability
- Parent Involvement
0-5 years of experience
Taught Reading, Math, Writing, and Science (Social Studies was integrated throughout the curriculum)
- Grade Chair for 5th grade
- Participated in weekly Professional Learning Communities/Collaborative Planning
- Participated in the following professional development trainings: Writing Cadre, Dana Center ELA training (focus on CCSS), Math training (with Dottie Trapnell & Kerri Foster)
- Familiar with “Reading Wonders” and “GO! Math” curriculums
- Wrote lesson plans based on Florida Standards (Common Core) – focused on Reading, but also wrote science and math lesson plans occasionally (Reading & Math plans followed the EATS format, and Science plans followed the 5E format)
- Tutored 5th grade students after school in reading and math
- Familiar with and comfortable using various Kagan strategies (collaborative pairs/groups)
0-5 years of experience
- Taught Language Arts, Mathematics, General Science & Social Studies to 5th Graders. Co-taught with Special Ed teacher.
- Prepared Lesson Plans, Tests, and Assignments. Record keeping and Individual Portfolio including Anecdotal. Coaching students for State’s Standardized tests.
- Served as Team Leader for three 5th Grades
- Held parent conferences each quarter to discuss student progress.