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Art Teacher Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Curriculum development and fine art instructor for K-8 in core areas such as drawing, painting, ceramics, 3d design, 2d design, commercial design, print making, aesthetics, art history, art appreciation.
- Designed and Instructed music appreciation program grades K-6.
- Coordinated school-wide special events, community outreach programs, sponsored chapter of the National Art Honor Society.
- Coordinated annual student art exhibition at the Phoenix Art Museum.
- Participated and won awards in annual Phoenix Earth Day science and art programs.
- Grant received from National Art Education Association for program entitled: Kinetic Sculpture: A Junior High School Study of Physics and Sculpture.
0-5 years of experience
Developed and implemented daily and unit lesson plans for 9th-12ths grades, administered tests and other evaluations, as well as examined student performance.
- Adapted those same lesson plans and executed them for grades pre-K through 8th grades.
- Conducted group activities.
- Fostered a classroom environment conducive to learning and promoting excellent student/teacher interaction.
- Participated in faculty and parent conferences.
- Coordinated and supervised field trips.
10+ years of experience
Art Specialist Teacher providing in-depth instructional experiences focusing on creativity and design.
- Proven professional track record of empowering students and teachers with programs to win awards in art exhibitions, contests, and partnerships throughout the community
- Provided expert art instruction defining art standards and objectives
- Organized and implemented effective strategies and monitored student achievement in enrichment program
- Facilitated [company name] Arts Education Conference Workshops for teachers (2013, 2011, 2009)
- Acclaimed “Textile Design Specialist” for [company name]. Student
0-5 years of experience
Students utilized problem solving skills, creative and critical thinking to complete artwork
- Incorporated cross context curriculum into lessons
- Coordinated a consignment lesson with staff
- Encouraged students to participate in Doodle for Google, Jefferson County Fair, District Art Show, and variety of other artist opportunities
- Students incorporated writing to reflect on their art and the process through artist statements
- Collaborated with the French teacher on a field trip to the Denver Art Museum
- Created and developed two dimensional and three dimensional lesson plans in 7 and 8th
10+ years of experience
Design and present exciting lessons (painting, drawing, computer art, digital media, stop animation, Gifted/Talented) that actively engages learners while educating on proper artistic methodologies and various technical aspects. Provide students with the opportunity to reach their fullest potential through creative expression and a broad range of historical and production experiences.
- Developed and implemented various thematic lesson plans utilizing age-appropriate material and focusing on relevant topics
- Prompted student motivation and peer participation through the implementation of positive reinforcement and “Mona Buck†rewards.
- Positively impacted lessons by using smart board, computers, video clips, video cameras, games, and music
- Directed planning and supervision of student contests and arranging of art exhibits.
0-5 years of experience
Teach kindergarten through sixth grade in a rural, low-income school where 99% of students eat free or reduced price lunch
- Service 535 students seeing each student once per week for forty-five minutes
- Create rigorous curriculum that emphasized art creation, critical thinking, and self-expression aligned to state learning standards
- Asses and track student progress: 86% of students master teacher-created summative and 90% of students achieved two years of growth on cognitive drawing rubric
- Certified Teacher (Arkansas) Art, K-12
6-10 years of experience
Grades 7-12
- Produced Graphic works and photographs for the School district
- Created tutorials, designed lessons and taught Multi-media
- Collaborated as a team member of the Technology Committee, Blended Learning
- Planned, organized, wrote step by step instructions, presented and taught lessons
- Organized, advertised, collaborated and ran city wide art shows and events for the school district such as homecoming, winter break out, and staff appreciation
- Budgeted, managed, purchased and inventoried supplies for two art departments
0-5 years of experience
Instructed pupils in art, such as painting, sketching, designing, and sculpturing.
- Prepared lesson plans and established course goals.
- Selected books and art supplies for courses.
- Demonstrated method and procedure to pupils.
- Observed and evaluated pupils’ work to determine student progress or to make suggestions for improvement.
- Inspired students and assisted them in developing their creativity and self-expression through various art forms and media.
0-5 years of experience
Instructed camp creativity classes 2011-2012, taught weekend classes 2010-2012
- Taught classes on a variety of topics including painting, collage, color theory, art instillation, earthworks, basic drawing, portraiture and figure drawing. Organized classes and wrote original lesson plans for implementation
- Instructed children ranging in age from five to sixteen.
- Assisted with set up and labeling for weekly art show at Corcoran.
- Introduced topical lessons on past and contemporary art and artists including collage boxes by Joseph Cornell, Peruvian pre-Columbian metallurgy, Native American Art of the Pacific Northwest, Roman Mosaics and tessellations by MC Ecsher
0-5 years of experience
The UFT SCS is in the process of becoming a 6-12 school. It is currently in its 5th year.
- Created, planned and implemented data-driven interdisciplinary art curriculum and lessons for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade regular education and CTT classes.
- Served as the Specials and Arts Department Head. As such, represented Art, PE and Foreign Language on the School Leadership Team.
- C0-created, implemented, and monitored school wide 6th – 8th grade advisory goals and curriculum. Including specific academic, community service learning, social and life skills lessons.
- Acted as advisor for 12-15 at-risk students each school year.
- Intrinsically involved in the following committees: HS Planning, Curriculum and Instruction, Parent Involvement and Engagement, and Community Service Learning.
- Headed School Beautification Project including creation of 5 4ft x 6ft “mural” paintings.
- Managed art department budget for supplies. Used household, discounted, and recycled items whenever possible.
- Organized educational field trips.
0-5 years of experience
Design and present interactive lessons using a diverse amount of teaching styles and methods to grades 6th, 7th, and 8th.
- Taught current and traditional Art History, Drawing & Painting Theory
- Instructed and facilitated an array of visual art projects using diverse mediums
- Managed the school art club concentrating on long-term projects and fundraising
- Prepared and entered students into multiple art competitions within the community
- Assess and evaluate students’ learning while keeping continuous record of achievement, progress, and proficiency
0-5 years of experience
Instructed students in art, such as painting, sketching, designing, and sculpturing.
- Established a positive classroom climate demonstrating efficient classroom management.
- Provided professional instruction and teaching to a diverse population of students in a title one school.
- Established and maintained effective relationships with students, peers and parents.
- Organized and effectively communicated class objectives, standards and requirements for successful achievement, e.g., syllabi, tests, specific tasks
- Demonstrated the use of a variety of art materials, tools, oils, watercolors, brushes, pencil, canvas, paper.
- Provided guidance and assistance to students as needed in order to ensure appropriate assimilation of the class content in an effort to support student success and achievement.
- Administered tests, conducted evaluation, & grading as applicable to the student’s specific assignments. Arranged for exhibitions of student work in and out of school. Assisting students submit art to publishers.
0-5 years of experience
Taught art to grades K-8th
- Designed original lesson plans
- Established and maintained an effectively managed classroom
- Displayed student artwork
- Reported grades in Edison designed grade book
- Worked well with administration, parents, students and coworkers
0-5 years of experience
Provided lesson plans to administrator on a six week basis
- Incorporated different levels of art instruction based on students performance
- Served as a sponsor for the Student Council
- Designed posters and t-shirts for school events
- Integrated the use of technology into the classroom using Mac Applications, Adobe, and various others.
- Initiated an after-school Art club in which students designed t-shirts for events and out- sourced students work.
6-10 years of experience
Formed Art centered after school club to provide students with additional artistic experience.
- Developed and implemented lesson plans based on themes that better introduce artistic concepts.
- Achieved student participation through relevant and real-life experiences to maintain student interest and stimulate student creativity.
- Member of Science Fair Committee
- Reading/Language Arts tutoring
0-5 years of experience
Art Studio Assistant Teacher
- Prepared and facilitated studio lessons for children ages three through Kindergarten for 150 students weekly
- Coordinated with classroom teachers to design activities that were reflective of the emergent curriculum for each grade level.
- Documented student’s work in order to exhibit and celebrate the learning process of each child.
- Aided in organizing and designing student works for a school wide benefit event and art show.
6-10 years of experience
Designed and implemented standards-based curriculum and assessments using a range of media from drawing and painting to ceramics and jewelry making
- Collaborated with faculty to implement an advisory program to improve school climate
- Participated in district-level assessment committee to define learning benchmarks
- Facilitated and supervised an after-school yearbook and art club
6-10 years of experience
Created curriculum to teach art concepts as well as art history to elementary-age children
- Conducted weekly art classes with projects at various age levels
- Secured supplies and books for age specific class time
- Invented and conducted art camps for children during the summer
0-5 years of experience
After School Art Program
- Developed art programs for students’ ages pre-school – middle school, integrating many different mediums and techniques to encourage exploration and creativity.
- Created specialty art classes with focus on one aspect of art such as portraiture, cartooning, painting implementing the elements of art.
- Focusing on process over product while letting students explore art with their senses.
- Collaborated with teachers to incorporate letters, numbers, patterns, colors and reinforcing their lessons to help the students make connections to art in their worlds.
- Utilized books, songs, and games to engage the students and make art fun.
- Promoted an experimental and fun environment while introducing many different art mediums through the works of famous artists. (“Watch the van go .”)
0-5 years of experience
- Explained and demonstrated the Elements of Art and Principles of Design.
- Maintained student attendance, grades, and other required records.
- Served on academic committees dealing with institutional policies, departmental matters, and academic issues.
- Participated in campus and community events.
- Displayed student work.
- Evaluated and graded student class projects and performance.
0-5 years of experience
Designed and implemented lessons for levels K-9
- Taught studio art, drawing, painting, sculpting, and other forms of mixed media
- Integrated art history, art appreciation, and art criticism into all lesson plans
- Planned and organized art shows displaying student work
0-5 years of experience
Created the first art curriculum for 1,300 2nd and 3rd grade students
- Organized the first district wide art fair
- Directed six workshops for parents and teachers in the fine arts
- Developed units to integrate art into the curriculum with classroom and fine arts teachers
0-5 years of experience
Taught a thematic unit based on Folktales with multicultural and historical emphasis.
- Incorporated technology based assignments.
- Integrated language arts within students’ art projects.
- Held an art gallery for students to have a “real” experience in viewing and examining artwork.
- Created a professional exhibition of student works including two thematic installations.
0-5 years of experience
Instructed classes in art
- Assessed student progress via written grade reports and parent conferences
- Incorporated art historical background, multicultural background and themes concurrent with other classroom studies into lessons.
- Prepared and displayed student artwork within school and community
- Arranged for visiting artists to provide demonstrations and interact with students.
- Planned and implemented field trips to local museums and galleries, preparing students for events
- Directed students in production of artwork and stage designs for school plays and events
- Participated with faculty in responsibilities for school functions, fund-raisers, etc.
0-5 years of experience
Provided instruction at 2 buildings for grades 5-8
- Created and implemented an engaging art program curriculum while structuring art classes to maximize instructional time
- Assisted the Director of Operations with building level Informational Technology support & clerical duties
- Met weekly with all staff to problem-pose systems and routines, professionally developing school programs as form of Action Research
- Assisted casework Managers with IEP’s, collecting data on behaviors to adjust curriculum accordingly
0-5 years of experience
- Instructed grades PK-5 Visual Arts in drawing, painting, ceramics and crafts on the Zuni Indian Reservation.
- Collaborated with grade-level teachers to integrate the core academic curriculum into visual arts lessons
- Assisted with planning and facilitating the annual Rainbow Arts Festival at Dowa Yalanne Elementary
0-5 years of experience
Planned and organized a diversified art program
- Monitored and evaluated appropriate activities for kids of all ages
- Developed weekly lesson plans for club members
- Supervised club members as well as junior staff and volunteers
10+ years of experience
I taught a wide range of grade levels, as well as, ability levels. I designed lessons to accommodate a broad range of learning styles. I encouraged students to creatively reach their fullest potential. I set aside time for students if they wanted to go over lessons and fully understand them.
- Proposed and initiated an Art History class at the high school level.
- Received a grant to utilize technology in the classroom.
- Served as fine art department chairperson for past 6 years.
- Served as class advisor.
- Participated as a literacy team member.
- Member of the building committee.
- Coordinated art shows inside and outside of school.
0-5 years of experience
Art teacher for two Title I schools
- Followed Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and administered Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests
- Utilized smart board technology and audio/visual equipment into periods of instruction
- Participated in after-school and community art exhibits
- Created curriculum and lesson plans
6-10 years of experience
Prepared and taught lessons for grade levels K-5.
- Participated and entered student artwork in exhibits and various contests.
- Electronically graded students at each grade level.
- Collaborated with classroom teachers to incorporate learning through art.
- Created costumes and backdrops for students’ plays and programs.
0-5 years of experience
- Taught students Grades 1- 8. Arranged classroom. Planned art curriculum, units and daily lessons.
- Assessed and displayed student work on walls, online and in slide show. Kept grade book.
- Managed classroom behavior for various grades with consistent rules and procedures.
- Led discussions with Grades 5 – 8 of landmark artwork, its meaning and history.
0-5 years of experience
Engaging students by creating assignments that focus on technical skills and conceptual theory.
- Developing creative curricula for 7th and 8th grade art classes.
- Integrating technology into the classroom environment.
- Differentiating instruction to ensure accurate assessment of skills taught.
- Displaying visually exciting student work to the community.
- Motivating students by creating teacher samples, graphic organizers, worksheets, slideshows and written assignments.
0-5 years of experience
Student Teacher of studio art, sculpture and special needs class (Art in Our Lives).
- Created lesson plans that incorporated the N.Y.S Standards and the elements and principles of design.
- Developed and taught lessons for still-life drawing, printmaking, watercolor painting, found object sculpture, texture and line drawings.
- Developed Rubrics, assessment sheets and student questionnaires for all lessons.
- Created lessons that incorporated art history and artists such as M.C. Escher, Picasso, Monet, David Smith and Henry Moore.
0-5 years of experience
Develop and implement various thematic lesson plans for students ages two to twelve years, utilizing age-appropriate material that introduce children to art historical periods, artists, an art vocabulary, and artistic mediums
- Developed and implemented a new program at the center that focuses on lessons for children ages two to three and their parents/caregivers
- Prompt student motivation, participation and creativity through differentiated instruction and positive reinforcement
- Expertise in Incorporating audio, written, and visual resources in classroom activities
- Effectively instruct on the use of different artistic mediums such as clay, fiber, metal, paper, plastic, wood, print-making, mixed media, watercolor, oil pastels, chalk pastels, and charcoal
6-10 years of experience
Collaborates with the art department to prepare unit plans that address school curriculum and blueprint for teaching and learning visual arts according to New York City Department of Education standards
- Creates art programs with rich interdisciplinary foundation that integrated other non-art subjects and numerous cultures, genders and social issues
- Focuses in teaching variety of areas of art, such as painting, drawing, illustration & design, and art history
- Develops and implements art lessons to achieve curriculum goals based on specific students’ needs
- Utilizes introduction of artists and visual arts as prologue to facilitate familiarizing students with art movements and characteristics of such in order to stimulate motivation to build creative art work
- Reported directly to chairperson of the art department, communicated with other teachers about student’s progress and curriculum
0-5 years of experience
Taught grades7-12 in Art I, II, III, and ceramic sculpture
- Created units incorporating the STEM design process and centering in printmaking, ceramics, drawing, painting, fashion design, color theory, and art history
- Worked with students in entering and winning the Superintendent’s holiday card contest, and the Columbus Firefighters Arson Awareness Week Poster Contest
- Partnered with the Columbus Museum of Art in the Focus 2011 photography program
- Partnered with the PAST foundation to apply for and receive a grant from the Women’s Fund for the 2011-2012 Girls Empowerment Mural
0-5 years of experience
- Created and executed weekly lesson plans for 7th – 9th grade art
- Collaborated with Middle School teachers with curriculum mapping
- Attended faculty meetings and Fine Arts Support Team meetings
- Chaperone for the Washington D.C. “March for Life” pro-life trip
0-5 years of experience
Observed classroom management, student behavior, and learned supply ordering and management
- Taught graphic design lessons under my cooperating teacher’s supervision to 9-12 grades
- Participated in departmental meetings, club meetings and art show preparation
- Developed lesson plans, lectures, slideshows and assessments to reinforce my lessons
10+ years of experience
Instructed students in creative and historical art classes through the use of innovative projects and displays.
- Developed unique and creative lesson plans for art projects that were separate from children’s regular educational curriculum.
- Introduced art history and new art materials knowledge through engaging hands on art projects.
- Worked with auction committee to design projects that children made for auction items.
0-5 years of experience
Taught advanced art, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, digital design, and 2D/3D design for grades 6-12
- Portfolio production and college preparation
- Differentiated instruction for special needs students
- Studio and budget management
- Trained in nonviolent crisis intervention, CPR, and First Aid
- Trained in Bullying Prevention, Cultural Competency, Suicide Prevention, and Strength Based Care
6-10 years of experience
- Instructed secondary art students in grades 9-12 in the creative process utilizing a wide variety of media
- Instructed students in Drawing and Painting, Graphic Design, Sculpture and Advanced Placement Studio Art
- Aided students in developing college entrance art portfolios
- Developed murals, displays and presentations of artwork
- Instructed students in the use of Adobe Photoshop in the creative process
- Coached and Assisted students in showing their work in area competitions
- Sponsored the Society of Fine art Students and the National Art Honor Society
0-5 years of experience
- Art teacher grades kindergarten-5
- Generated detailed written lesson plans
- Provided art instruction to elementary students in an engaging manner
- Participated in Professional Learning Communities and Professional development
- Collaborated and worked with other special area teachers to plan events and activities
- Assisted in district wide art show.
0-5 years of experience
Utilized a variety of instructional materials to plan and deliver English, Art and Humanities lessons to students in grade 7-12
- Provided a dynamic and productive learning environment in a special needs therapeutic high school setting
- Worked with Special Ed Coordinator to assess and accommodate students with learning differences and behavioral issues
- Provided regular progress reports related to student IEP’s and ISP”s
- Trained in Positive Control de-escalation methods to prevent and intervene in student conflicts
- School librarian
0-5 years of experience
Teacher of students grades 4-8
- Designed student growth objectives based on the elements of art and principles of design.
- Differentiated the learning process to promote individualized growth
- Coordinated arts festival and tolerance week activities
- Committee member for academic resiliency of school refusal students
0-5 years of experience
- Developed art curriculum that teaches drawing techniques such as shading, color theory, value, contrast depth, volume, and blending for students in two groups: grades 1-6th and 7th-post high school.
- Behavior management and directives were included in the instructions for students with developmental delays such as fine motor skills, social skills development, and ADHD.
- Parents who were interested in drawing were also involved in the art learning process.
10+ years of experience
Teach all art courses (Drawing, Painting, History, Contemporary Design, Computer Graphics)
- Team-taught the computer graphics classes with technology teacher to include web design and some elements of computer programming
- Design and create exciting lesson plans that actively engage learners
- Provide students with the opportunities to reach their full artistic potential through creative expression, cognitive strategies, aesthetics, history, critical analytical skills, and art production skills
- Created and updated all art classes for Stockbridge High School, including being one of the first to teach a high school computer graphics course in Ingham County in 2001
- Worked closely with other professionals to align and maintain curriculum and state standards
- Member, Technology committee, Arts committee, Stockbridge Area Artists, Curriculum Committee
- Advisor, Quizbowl, Yearbook
0-5 years of experience
Lead art teacher in a 370 student elementary school; teaching k-12, including special needs students.
- Instructing and teaching the Foundations of Art and Art history
- Occasional lessons in Kagan style practice (research- based instructional strategies that have a track record of improving academic and achievements and social outcomes).
- Volunteers in the School Improvement Team committee (SIT) weekly meetings to produce helpful ways to share information for teachers allowing them to become better leaders in their classrooms. (internet, blogs, and discussion boards)
- Organizing PTA programs (collaborating with the music teacher to produce students music performances and art show)
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for teaching Visual Arts, Fashion Illustration and Creative Writing Courses for on-level and special needs
students aged 4 through 21 (grades Pre-K through 12).
- Prepare lesson plans and syllabi for all teachers, ages, and programs while establishing course goals.
- Facilitate class art history lectures and assignments.
- Demonstrate methods and procedures to pupils.
- Observe and assess pupils’ work in order to determine student progress and make suggestions for improvement.