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High School English Teacher Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Managed a group of 130+ students in a Title 1 school with a high risk drop out and failure rate
- Successfully established a positive learning environment in which to encourage literacy and life-long learning
- Increased the scores of 51% of low performing students by an entire lexile level on standardized testing
- Maintained positive, professional relationships with social workers, media specialists, and administration
0-5 years of experience
Taught ELA classes for sophomore and senior levels, including one full class of inclusion students
- Adapted and modified instruction to suit learning styles of students, including physical, behavioral, mental, and ESL challenged students
- Planned and prepared daily lesson plans and materials on literature, grammar and vocabulary development
- Achieved an average 96% first-time passing average on TAKS testing for sophomore level
- Instructed classes with up to 36 students in regular attendance
- Sponsor of the Japanese Culture Club, 2 years
- Co-Sponsor of National Honor Society, 1 year
- Sponsor of National Honor Society, 1 year
0-5 years of experience
Generated functional curriculum for English department
- Developed and executed exemplar lesson plans for language arts core and elective courses in grades 9-12
- Head Instructor for KRAM – a one month program geared towards raising language arts and math test scores for high school juniors
- Led English Department in consecutively increasing state-wide testing scores 20-35% from prior years
- Prepared high school seniors for Alternative High School Assessment resulting in 40% increase in proficiency scores from prior years
0-5 years of experience
Collaborated with English/Language staff and developed curriculum
- Created curriculum and planned for Advanced Placement (A.P.) English Literature
- Led a career exploration class
- Prepared for and educated three sections of Language Arts 9 with emphasis on 6-trait writing
- Published a bi-weekly newspaper with the technology coordinator
- Assisted high school forensics team and served as a Speech Adjudicator
0-5 years of experience
Taught 10th grade English Academy and World Literature.
- Provided learning experiences in full inclusion class with gifted and learning support students
- Worked with the National Honor Society students to Create and implemented library lessons for children in K, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades
- Developed and displayed scoring rubrics to assess students’ progress
0-5 years of experience
Implemented after school tutorial for at-risk students.
- Increased student standardized testing performance by 20% in one year.
- Created a College Readiness Program and helped students receive over $5,000 in scholarships.
- Created [company name] English Department Writing Guide.
- Named Teacher of the Semester (Fall 2012).
0-5 years of experience
Taught English 9, Introduction to Literature, English 10, American Literature, English 11, British
Literature, English 12, World Literature and Creative Writing
- Practiced authentic biblical integration
- Created the curriculum and body of resources for future use of high school English department.
- Developed curriculum for new elective specifically designed for English Language Learners
- Developed middle and high school wide PBS discipline plan
- Led students on high school mission trip
- Acted as teacher consultant for Student Council and National Honor Society
6-10 years of experience
Taught using 1:1 instruction through Moodle Learning Platform
- Integrated a variety of teaching methods and instructional strategies to generate student interest and testing success.
- Devised a curriculum map with junior high English teacher to align junior high and high school English courses.
- Implemented Advanced Placement English program for high school seniors.
- Maintained positive relationships with students and parents while holding students to high standards of acceptable class work.
0-5 years of experience
Created and developed new units of work that are aligned with the CCSS
- Developed summative and formative assessments that test CCSS skills
- Produced methods of tracking student progress in attaining CCSS
- Integrated CCSS into English literature lessons
- Developed a system that allows students to monitor their progress in obtaining the CCSS
- Helped the department to create a scope and sequence that is focused on the CCSS
- Mentored 9th grade students as part of a class advisor role
6-10 years of experience
Served as 10th Grade English Data Team Leader
- Led a team that improved standardized test scores over 20% in two years
- Aligned English 10 curriculum with State and Federal standards
- Created monthly skills based assessments to measure student proficiency
0-5 years of experience
Taught American & British Literature, Writing, and Grammar to 10th and 12th graders.
- Taught Psychology to 12th graders.
- Organized cooperative learning activities.
- Sponsored The Beta Club, Yearbook, J.H. Cheerleading, and Dance Team.
- Tutored students seeking additional guidance with course work
- Assessed student performance throughout the term.
- Conducted individual student conferences.
- Wrote and taught dynamic lesson plans and maintained electronic and hard copy grade books.
10+ years of experience
Recognized for raising writing scores in the school (29-59%) for 9th graders. Increase was part of the Blue Ribbon recognition.
- Mentored 7 new teachers
- Featured on Channel 96 for a critical thinking lesson
- Wrote curriculum and taught in the first University High School
- Participated in the yearly Gallery Walk (African American History)
- Sponsored several winners for the county Write-A-Book contest
- Taught grades 9-12 (Writing, Literature) (Comprehensive and College Prep)
0-5 years of experience
Introduced a communication-centered learning environment uncommon to traditional
Japanese education practices
- Implemented curriculum in four high schools, including adult language and film studies
- Developed lesson plans that fostered a holistic understanding of the English language and
- Assisted individual students with speech and debate development and presentation
0-5 years of experience
Collaborated with colleagues in developing purposeful, rigorous, and engaging daily and long term plans aligned to state standards and regularly revised the material.
- Administered and analyzed meaningful and frequent assessments from which re-teaching are planned.
- Maintained a productive, safe, and disciplined learning environment in which teaching objectives, process charts, and student work were clearly displayed.
- Upheld all school policies within the classroom.
- Integrated feedback and goal setting into the lesson delivery.
- Provided the differentiation and accommodations needed for the growth and success of all students.
- Reviewed and complied with guidelines of students IEPs, follow IDEA reporting requirements, and provided information about student’s performance and services received.
0-5 years of experience
- Selected to pilot Scholastic’s Expert-21 Program, a computer data-based literacy course
- Taught Read-180 classes, a computer data-based reading comprehension course focused on basic skills
- Created curriculum for and instructed Drama and Communication Arts classes, producing plays and shows
- Collaborated with city mayor and The Parks Group to produce a ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ presentation
6-10 years of experience
- Oversaw the educational development of 300 junior and senior high school students in the first, second, and third years in both levels.
- Developed and delivered English language classes to Japanese junior and senior high school students which integrated various activities stressing oral communication; handled the preparation of daily, weekly, and quarterly lesson plans
- Planned and set written and oral exams, including the recording and editing of entrance examinations
- Developed and supplied various materials advancing English instruction efficiency, such as written, audio, and visual aids
- Participated school-wide term speech events – individually coached students on their speeches
0-5 years of experience
Instructed and prepared college-bound students in the courses of American Literature, British Literature, English composition, communications and creative writing.
- Created lesson plans to meet the Common Core requirements of the state; assessed and evaluated students’ abilities to ensure proper placement.
- Corresponded with co-workers, department chair, administrators and parents to improve classroom interest and retention.
- Additionally served as an ACT-prep and home bound instructor.
0-5 years of experience
Taught English I, III, and IV and Freshman Seminar
- Consistently produced improved test scores from my students
- Received the highest marks possible in every administrative evaluation and was promoted to the honors house after one year
- Coordinated field trips to local colleges to motivate students to continue to pursue their education beyond high school
0-5 years of experience
Effectively created and taught lessons for courses LAIII, college preparatory LAIV, and ACT Preparation
- Closely supervised and maintained classroom management with 20+ students
- Actively sponsored Beta Club and Drama Club
- Willingly served as Attendance Committee Member
- Productively raised funds as a Senior Class Sponsor and Beta Club Sponsor
0-5 years of experience
Taught 9th, 10th, and 11th grade English (full-time).
- Worked one-on-one with students, and as a whole class.
- Created and implemented lesson plans.
- Helped plan school activities, and trips.
0-5 years of experience
Increased students’ reading and writing ability through a combination of pedagogies including
whole language, process and product writing, and emphasizing various forms of rhetoric.
- Instructed and assessed college preparatory level English classes focusing on development of literature analysis, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills.
- Administered individualized instruction and adapted curriculum for borderline or failing
- Head Coach for track & field; Assistant-coach for cross-country.
0-5 years of experience
- Planned, taught, and assessed high school English as a second language classes.
- Fulfilled role as tenured teacher as well as a covering teacher.
- Organized and implemented daily lessons and activities designed to aid in the acquisition of English as a 2nd language.
0-5 years of experience
Developed a curriculum that was appropriate for a wide range of English speaking levels within the classroom
- Created and implemented weekly lesson plans based on engaging and educating Thai high
- Involved students in activities designed for maximum interactions in small and large groups
- Built a conducive learning environment for large groups of students who spoke English as a second language
- Evaluated and tested students on relevant units, leading to further conversations and teachings on class material.
6-10 years of experience
Instructed students in both technical and college path English in all grades 9-12
- Assisted in curriculum creation for Freshman Academy, specifically, Content Reading
- Involved in implementation of Freshman Academy at [company name]. Communicated with appropriate supervisors, faculty, staff, and students
- Sponsored Academic Bowl, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Debate Team, and the freshman class.
- Assisted students in credit recovery
- Received outstanding performance reviews
0-5 years of experience
Taught online students grades 9-12 in English literature & writing
- Created engaging web content for student curriculum
- Utilized online & Web 2.0 tools to engage school community
- Facilitated school newspaper staff & publishing
- Served as school’s go-to designer for documents, fliers, web content, technology troubleshooting
0-5 years of experience
Developed and presented lesson plans based on state standards with a focus on: grammar, literature, nonfiction, and writing.
- Implemented various strategies and differentiated assessments to assist students with their diverse needs that helped raise their state and national test scores.
- Implemented classroom management strategies to handle various classroom behaviors.
- Taught twelfth, tenth, and ninth grade regular and inclusion English.
0-5 years of experience
- Created lessons for a wide range of knowledge levels
- Taught lessons in English, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, and Journalism
- Instructed and assisted students in producing school newsletter, “The Growl”
- Instructed and aided individual students with learning disabilities
0-5 years of experience
Developed curriculum for and taught the AP English Language and Composition, British Literature, SAT Prep and Advisory courses to eleventh and twelfth-grade students
- Facilitated data talks, focusing on writing and interim assessment data analysis
- Moved students an average of 1.5 grade levels in reading per year.
- Served as Curriculum Fellow, creating Understanding by Design units for 12th grade during the 2008-09, 2009-10, and 2010-11 school years, revising curriculum mid-year to reflect student gains and needs
- Served as an academic and socio-emotional advisor to a small group of students.
0-5 years of experience
Plan and implement a blended learning environment, providing direct and indirect instruction in the areas of History, Language Arts, and Mathematics based on state standards
- Participation in all TAP requirements, focusing on data-driven instruction
- Create an inviting, exciting, innovative and engaging learning environment that develops student critical thinking and problem solving skills
- Prepare students for strong academic achievement and passing of all required assessments
- Communicate regularly with parents
- Continually assess student progress toward mastery of standards and keep students and parents well informed of student progress by collecting and tracking data, providing daily feedback, weekly assessments, and occasional parent/teacher conferences
- Passed (15/23) 65% English End of Course Assessment (ECA) Remediation being students who failed last year
- School had 44% pass rate total on ECA in 2013. In 2014, student scores are currently predicted to be at 94%
0-5 years of experience
Analyzed data to make determinations about student placement in Middle School Title I, providing the opportunity for students to receive a complete education
- Creatively developed and implemented lessons to a variety of classes, based upon Iowa Educational Standards
- Appropriately implemented approved Second Chance Reading lessons, allowing students to make up deficiencies in reading fluency and comprehension
- Creatively designed and facilitated lessons in every subject of Language Arts, providing an environment where all students were able to learn
6-10 years of experience
- Lectured, demonstrated, and used various instructional methods to present subject matters to middle and high school students
- Prepared and administered tests and recorded results
- Kept attendance and grade reports as required by the school
- Taught rules of conduct and maintained a suitable learning environment in the classroom
- Evaluated student performance and discussed progress with parents
- Taught multi-level age group of ages 12-18 through direct instruction and hands-on experience
- Trained and assisted all levels of administration and faculty on how to use various software programs such as Thinkwave, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook and how to use various kinds of technology in an instructional environment
0-5 years of experience
Implemented creative and unique curriculum based on four core literary novels
- Edited hundreds of analytic, expository, and creative essays for content, mechanics, focus, and organization
- Maintained and updated an on-line teacher web site with assignments, class Power Point lessons, and helpful links
- Organized and developed individualized education plans and assessments for students of different learning styles and abilities
- Multi-tasked with time-sensitive deadlines on a daily basis: grading papers, developing lesson plans, updating curriculum maps, and pursuing professional and personal development
- Developed a positive rapport with peers, students, and administration with openness to feedback, constant communication, and a daily positive attitude
- Worked in a team environment to implement a more engaging and student-centered summer reading program
- Balanced first-year teaching duties while volunteering to advise the school newspaper, chaperone dances, monitor behavior at sporting events, and coach the girls’ track and field team in an effort to help create a whole person educational environment
- Championed the conversion of the school newspaper from print to online
0-5 years of experience
- Facilitated a credit recovery and dual credit program necessary for high school graduation.
- Developed standards-based curriculum for 9th grade Pre-Advanced Placement English courses.
- Analyzed state test data to implement targeted remediation strategies for at-risk students.
- Active collaboration in weekly professional development cohort utilizing research-based evaluation model.
- Recruited students in cooperation with school staff and administrators to participate at regional Academic Decathlon competition with an emphasis in essay writing and public speaking.
10+ years of experience
Reading and writing workshop, creative writing, mythology, children’s literature, modern literature, American Cultural Studies, Honors freshman English
- Interim co-department head of the English department
- Served on a team that initiated and maintained a RTI study block
- Co-teacher with Social Studies
0-5 years of experience
Prepared students to be career and college ready through facilitating resume writing and cover letter workshops, and assisting students with the college admissions process
- Taught English Language Arts for students in grades 10, 11, and 12
- Demonstrated leadership skills through position as Head Swim Coach, Assistant Track and Field Coach, and Leadership Newsletter Editor
- Collaborated with a wide range of diverse students and faculty
6-10 years of experience
Instructed high school students
- Taught students of various abilities in a classroom setting
- Taught one class of mentally challenged students
- Introduced a self-paced curriculum to the English department
- Initiated a National Honor Society chapter
6-10 years of experience
Anticipated, assessed, and met the needs of individuals and groups
- Analyzed state and district standards and benchmarks in order to create relevant assessments and dynamic lesson plans and units
- Collected and assessed data to determine the success of established goals
- Created and executed plans based on collected data to help individuals who were not meeting goals obtain success
- Communicated individual and group achievements and areas of improvement to various stakeholders in a timely fashion
- Collaborated with other professionals to research and establish courses/programs and protocols to ensure success of individuals and the organization
- Trained staff on new requirements
- Established and maintained positive relationships among parents, students, colleagues, and administrators
- Maintained and created accurate records of stakeholder contact, individual, group, and organization – wide achievements, professional development, and other related data
- Supervised and managed small and large groups
- Established an environment that emphasized the organization’s mission and vision
0-5 years of experience
- Developed lesson plans and supplementary materials compatible with the division’s instructional philosophy and congruent with course / SOL standards
- Identified student needs and cooperates with other professional staff members in assessing and helping students solve learning, health, and attitude problems
- Adapted English material and methods to develop relevant sequential assignments and lesson plans that guide and challenge students
0-5 years of experience
Developed and implemented daily lesson plans for high school students.
- Administered tests and evaluations.
- Analyzed student performance.
- Conducted group/individual English activities.
- Participated in faculty and parents meetings.
- Prepare, administer, and grade tests, listen to oral presentations, and maintain classroom discipline.
0-5 years of experience
Developed, adapted, and implemented lessons for English classes grades 7-12
- Created a positive learning environment in which students felt safe to express themselves
- Practiced classroom management skills
- Participated in Parent-Teacher conferences
- Directed the Christmas musical
0-5 years of experience
Created the first profitable yearbook in 8 years through maintaining $50,000 budget.
- Diffused situations involving students and family members.
- Problem solved situations as they arose while maintaining order over 120 students a day.
- Utilized technology to increase student engagement and understanding of course material.
- Taught Photoshop, Gimp, and basic HTML to students.
0-5 years of experience
Taught 11th grade American Literature and Creative Writing
- Collaborated with teachers across the curriculum to develop inquiry-based lessons
- Attended weekly Professional Developments to understand ELL development,
- Developed meaningful and relatable lessons for students of all learning levels
0-5 years of experience
- Taught English communication and American history to 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students
- Acquired over 500 hours of public speaking and classroom management experience
- Developed motivational strategies and interactive exercises to optimize student-driven learning initiatives
0-5 years of experience
- Instructed juniors at honors and college preparatory levels
- Taught and revamped the curriculum for SAT prep, working with continuously revolving sets of students (per section)
- Created a website via Google Sites to provide SAT students with course information and resources for independent test preparation
- Worked with the junior PLC (Professional Learning Community) to help standardize assessments, grading practices and procedures, and academic philosophies
0-5 years of experience
Provided instruction in conversational English to High School, Middle School, and Elementary School students
- Developed and executed age appropriate lesson plans
- Collaborated with team of international instructors within the English department
- Integrated music and innovative, high energy interactive teaching techniques
- Microsoft Suite, Microsoft Access, QuickBooks, SAP, HTML, database software, overall computer savvy and professionalism.
- Publishing experience: production coordination, subscriber access, copyright permission inquiries, etc.
- Excellent communication, math and science skills as proven by extensive teaching/tutoring of English, Calculus,
- Extensive customer service experience; excellent communication skills developing rapport with legal research clientele.
0-5 years of experience
- Tackled the unique challenges of an urban community
- Worked in a team based model to form a “school within a school, ” with the end goal of reducing freshman failure rates
- Effectively decreased freshman failures from nearly half to roughly five percent
- Implemented a visual vocabulary unit across the department
- Co-wrote a golden apple grant to gain funds dedicated to provide students with contemporary urban young adult literature in the classroom
- Developed interesting and unique short stories in creative writing club after school
- Advisor to anime club
0-5 years of experience
Implement English Common Core State Standards through engaging and rigorous lessons
resulting in 87% mastery based on semester exam
- Facilitate English department meetings and collaborate with department members to ensure that instructional strategies and processes are relevant and accessible to all students
- Participate in professional development relating to quality curriculum implementation
- Collaborate with administration on a biweekly basis to establish goals for student and school success as they relate to our Student Performance Data and School Quality Rating
- Examine student data on standardized testing and identified COMPASS and STAR test
- Evaluate the impact of school programs and policies as they align with school goals
- Develop socio-emotional intervention strategies using research-based materials to help
0-5 years of experience
Work with students who are learning English as a second language and with students who have native or heritage experience.
- Uphold to the English Language International Standards on the secondary level.
- Created student-centered lesson plans to ensure instruction, activities, and assessments were differentiated to accommodate individual learning needs and modalities.
- Use of consistent classroom management to monitor behavior and ensure that all students, staff, and the school is respected.
- Maintain accurate records.
- Build professional relationships with Administration and Staff to promote collaboration.
10+ years of experience
Develop interesting course plans to meet academic, intellectual and social needs of students
- Establish and enforce rules for behavior and procedures for maintaining order among a diverse class of students
- Coordinate after school tutoring sessions to help students in need of extra attention
- Use theatre skills to direct and produce plays and musicals for extra-curricular activities
- advising The Class of 1995 and The Student Congress
0-5 years of experience
Use differentiated instruction for 12th grade students in a Title I, alternative high school
- Adept at oral and written communication skills
- Disseminate information to students, parents and other teachers
- Break down complex subject matter in a manner that is suitable for the ability levels of the students
- Prepare lesson plans and grade assignments
- Use technology in the classroom such as Edmodo
- Implement and supervise a student-teacher mentor program
- track student progress and present the information to parent
High School English Teacher Duties and Responsibilities
Teaching students how to critically analyze literature and compose essays involves many duties and responsibilities. We researched high school English teacher job descriptions to procure the following list of duties and responsibilities:
Plan Literature and Composition Lessons High school English teachers plan their literature and composition lessons according to the English and language arts standards set by their state. They must show in each lesson plan how the lesson meets at least one of the curriculum objectives.
Deliver Lessons and Facilitate Class Discussion High school English teachers spend a majority of their time in front of the class teaching their lessons. This typically involves facilitating a class discussion on assigned chapter readings.
Grade Student Work High school English teachers grade quizzes, tests, assignments, and essays according to their state’s English and language arts standards. This involves explaining to students why they received their grade and providing constructive feedback for improvement. It also involves keeping track of student grades using a grade book or grade book software.
Prepare Juniors and Seniors for College Level Writing High school English teachers who teach 11th or 12th grade are responsible for helping students craft their personal essays for their college applications. They are also responsible for teaching them the type of composition styles they will be expected to use in college.
Participate in Department Staff Meetings High school English teachers meet with each other monthly, usually under the leadership of a department head. Teachers collaborate on teaching strategies and curriculum enforcement.
High School English Teacher Skills
English Teachers are literary experts. They have read all the classics numerous times and have a firm understanding of the various literary devices that make these pieces great. High school English teachers are experts in grammar, as part of their job is editing student essays. They also have to be experts in composition to teach students written communication skills. High school English teachers need to be comfortable speaking in front of groups. They also have to have a thick skin, as high school students can be brutal in how they talk about their teachers. Besides these traits and areas of knowledge, one must possess the following skills to find a job:
- Planning lessons in standard lesson plan format
- Ensuring lesson plan objectives comply with state English and language arts standards
- Connecting with students using compassion and interpersonal skills
- Collaborating with other high school English teachers to improve the student experience at their school
- Providing one-on-one counseling to struggling students
High School English Teacher Education and Training
High school English teachers have to possess a dual bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education. Coursework covers various genres of literature, schools of literary criticism, linguistics, educational theory, diversity in education, and similar topics. Before students graduate, they complete a semester of student teaching. They start by observing their mentor teacher and gradually work up to getting experience leading a classroom on their own. After graduation, they must pass the licensing exam issued by their state. Each state has slightly different licensing requirements. They then must get their master’s in education to obtain their professional license.
High School English Teacher Salary
According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national median salary for high school English teachers is $58,030. Those in the highest 10 percent make above $92,920, while those in the lowest 10 percent make below $38,180.
High School English Teacher Resources
National Council of Teachers of English – The National Council of Teachers of English is divided into four sub-organizations: Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and College. High school teachers can find networking events, lesson planning resources, and stories from fellow teachers in the secondary section.
International Literacy Association – Founded in 1956, the International Literacy Association has grown to a membership of thousands spread out over 75 countries. Its resources for teaching reading can help high school English teachers who need to get their struggling students up to a grade-appropriate reading level.
Teaching Tolerance – Teaching Tolerance is a resource that helps high school English teachers incorporate diversity into their lessons in a respectful and progressive manner.
Purdue Online Writing Lab – The Purdue Online Writing Lab has amazing resources for all types of writing and citation formatting. It’s a great way for high school English teachers to prepare their students for college-level writing.
Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers – This book is designed to help teachers run a classroom. It contains step-by-step instructions on crafting and enacting a classroom management strategy.