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Additional Teaching Resume Samples
Second Grade Teacher Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Differentiated instruction to suit the needs of a diverse self-contained class of above grade level students, E.L.L. students, Special Needs students and below grade level second graders.
- Developed a common-core standards based curriculum in all subject areas.
- Created lesson plans for literacy based upon the Fountas and Pinnell model of Readers and Writers Workshop.
- Multi-intelligence lesson planning and implementation to engage and meet the needs of an inclusive second grade class.
- Managed and communicated effectively with student teachers and a one-on-one para in the classroom to meet the common goal of dramatic gains in the classroom and providing a safe, productive and engaging learning environment.
0-5 years of experience
Planned and taught lessons in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies.
- Used a balanced literacy program that included Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Independent Reading, Independent Writing, and Shared Writing.
- Administered formal and informal assessments, formative and summative.
- Maintained a positive climate for parent interaction and participation.
- Experienced with small and large classes and within various age groups, educational and grade level.
- Established and maintained rules and routines of the classroom.
- Observed, monitored and recorded student behavior and academic performance.
- Communicated with teachers, administrators, and support staff to assist in the academic and emotional growth of students.
0-5 years of experience
Created curriculum for Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts.
- Established clear objectives for lessons, assignments, units and projects.
- Guided the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals.
- Created a classroom environment conducive to the process of learning.
- Evaluated the learning progress of students on a regular basis.
- Implemented Cloud 9 World Character Education Program.
0-5 years of experience
Developed and implemented unit plans that were aligned to Common Core Standards.
- Created and conducted small group workshops to facilitate individual student achievement.
- Created and produced theatrical productions to increase parental involvement and engage students.
- Integrated multiple teaching and learning styles to intensify the range of learning.
- Communicated with parents through weekly newsletters and encouraged parental involvement throughout the year.
0-5 years of experience
Differentiated instruction with an emphasis on Marzano’s instructional model, utilizing research-based indicators of effective instruction
- Worked collaboratively with team members to produce lesson plans and resources for each subject on a weekly basis.
- Integrated technology into the classroom, including robotics, MIMIO notebook, ipads, and laptops.
- Planned and implemented a STEAM club (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) as a model for SCPS Educational Pathway for Students initiative
- Planned and conducted hands-on activities to provide students with opportunities to observe, question, and investigate.
- Served as team leader for the second grade team.
6-10 years of experience
Taught full academic curriculum (reading, writing, social skills, mathematics, science, social studies)
- Designed and implemented lesson plans using various teaching strategies and methods.
- Generated progress and evaluated students through assessments and report cards.
- Effectively counseled students and parents on goals, objectives, and plans.
- Prepared safe, comfortable, hands on learning environment for children with all learning abilities.
- Established and maintain positive relationships with students, parents, and colleagues, fostering an environment of open communication and support.
- Integrated technology into the curriculum
0-5 years of experience
Taught students who were varied levels of English Language Learners using researched strategies such as Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) and workshop model instruction
- Created and implemented International Baccalaureate curriculum and skills
- Administered Developmental Reading Assessments (DRA) to students
- Used data to set individual student goals, classroom goals, and plan instruction
- Created a classroom blog to use for morning meeting and guided reading groups
0-5 years of experience
Facilitated, instructed and presented all subject areas to promote educational development of students.
- Applied behavioral strategies in order to manage and build a team environment in the classroom.
- Effectively developed learning concepts to align with the state and College and Career Ready standards.
- Collected data to assess student learning and create groups in order to improve student achievement.
- Presented students with relevant, hands on lessons to uphold student engagement.
0-5 years of experience
Daily engaged learners through technology to access, create and share content
- Implemented and inspired other educators to use flexible learning structures
- Created various PBL assessments to inspire and connect learning to real world
- Collaborated with parents as participants in learning objectives
- Integrated science curriculum using 5E model
- Implemented use of e-portfolios for second grade students
- Instructed students in use of Macs, ipads, and other use of technology
0-5 years of experience
Applied Love and Logic method of life skills learning
- Designed and lead Book Buddy activities between second grade and pre-k students
- Incorporated hands-on Smart Board technology into classroom lessons
- Instilled a love of writing in hesitant students
- Brought struggling readers to near top of the class
- Created and implemented an Incentive Program to reinforce good behavior
- Planned and coordinated second grade and school-wide fundraisers
0-5 years of experience
Designed and implemented rigorous curricula such as International Baccalaureate Thematic units, and taught differentiated lessons for ELL students using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (S.I.O.P) Model of Teaching.
- Analyzed student performance with summative and formative assessments to evaluate instructional effectiveness and to differentiate instruction.
- Provided additional supports as needed for students with special needs.
- Tutored ELL students in after-school programs in all subject areas.
- Served on various committees which included planning and implementing the following school-wide activities: Reading Day, Science Fair, Honor’s Night, and Hmong New Year Celebration.
- Coordinated and Implemented school wide fundraising with Box Tops
- Fulfilled additional duties such as recess duty, morning duty, and bus duty
0-5 years of experience
Restructured guided reading program and initiated balanced literacy program approach.
- Trained in and executed Responsive Classroom Management Model with excellence.
- Planned farm to table classroom initiative instructional component.
- Implemented Study Island assessments weekly to coincide with curriculum and standards.
0-5 years of experience
Planned and implemented differentiated lessons
- Created and maintained an organized learning environment conducive to group work
- Extended the range of learning via whole class and small group instruction
- Proactively communicated with parents via telephone calls, notes, and e-mail to acknowledge excellent work or areas of concern
- Conducted student evaluations and grading with a focus on helping to develop students
0-5 years of experience
Integrated technology into the learning process with computer lab, Ipads, and smartboard lessons
- Utilized multiple teaching methods that included visual, tactical, and auditory materials to reinforce or simplify complex concepts
- Expanded the range of learning through whole class, individual, and small group instruction
- Maintained excellent classroom management skills and ability to keep students focused on task at hand
- Developed and implemented lessons that aligned with the state standards and common core and met the needs of individual students
- Taught a diverse group of students with a wide range of abilities and special needs such as speech, behavior, ADD, ADHD
- Developed good rapport with other staff, teachers, and parents – working together as a team
0-5 years of experience
Created and taught lessons aligned with state curriculum
- Demonstrated ability to work with special needs students
- Communicated effectively with parents and critical family members
- Created and implemented individualized behavior plans designed to encourage positive behavior
- Participated actively in weekly faculty meetings as well as continuing education workshops
0-5 years of experience
Instructed thematically through the use of the Invitations to Literacy curriculum.
- Participated in a strategic planning committee.
- Incorporated a balanced literacy instruction in both languages.
- Used a 50/50 model with alternating days for the dual language program.
0-5 years of experience
Established positive relationships with students, parents, fellow teachers and school administrators.
- Improved students’ reading levels through guided reading groups and whole group instruction.
- Taught summer enrichment art program with a co-teacher.
- Encouraged students to persevere with challenging tasks.
0-5 years of experience
Developed set rules for academic and behavior expectations for students which included
students’ input to promote ownership
- Created a weekly newsletter to strengthen parent-teacher relationship
- Organized various interdisciplinary units, integrating all subjects, to enhance learning
- Participated in all Mentor/Mentee meetings
0-5 years of experience
- Taught in an economically and culturally diverse second grade classroom.
- Prepared and implemented individual lesson plans and curriculum units designed to address multiple learning styles in all subject areas.
- Worked cooperatively with special education teachers to make necessary accommodations for students on Individual Education Plans.
- Assessed student achievement through formal and informal testing.
- Promoted and sustained a classroom environment conducive to learning and met the social and emotional needs of students.
- Attended regularly scheduled professional development and staff meetings.
0-5 years of experience
- Taught and created lesson plans and homework assignments in multiple subject areas
- Maintained class record of students’ academic performance and behavior
- Hosted general meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and facilitated staff meetings
- Composed multicultural assembly featuring two second grade classes
0-5 years of experience
Created Common Core Aligned Curriculum for multiple subjects including mathematics, English Language Arts, science and Social Studies.
- Implemented behavior modification plans for nine at risk students in the general education setting.
- Differentiated instruction for academically at risk students.
- Began the Response to Intervention process for students presenting with needs requiring additional supports.
- Conducted two day per week after school enrichment for students needing extra help in English Language Arts and mathematics.
0-5 years of experience
Planned and facilitated lessons using the Common Core standards in literacy, math, science and social studies.
- Created and implemented Personalized Student Achievement Plan (PSAP) through analyzing weekly data in order to better understand the achievement of every child.
- Prepared students for quarterly scantron testing in literacy and math.
- Created lessons to supplement the Saxon Math curriculum.
- Implemented the “Teaching with Love and Logic” approach by Jim Fay and David Funk
0-5 years of experience
Designed and taught lessons, in math, science, social studies, and reading curricula in 1st and 2nd grade classroom.
- Created and implemented interdisciplinary literature study based on international theme
- Worked with ABEKA textbooks and Curriculum
- Maintained a positive classroom environment through positive reinforcement and student accountability
0-5 years of experience
Taught curriculum that included Language Arts, Reading, and Mathematics
- Facilitated a class size of five children
- Coached parents to help them teach curriculum at home
- Conducted parent-teacher conferences to discuss child’s academic and social progress
- Worked with other teachers to streamline standards for each grade level
0-5 years of experience
Provided data-driven instruction in math, science, reading and writing
- Addressed student needs by modifying and supplementing the City’s curriculum
- Collaborated with colleagues to create standard lead objectives
- Maintained a positive and productive relationship with students and parents
0-5 years of experience
Effectively taught and managed twenty-two children
- Differentiated instruction for gifted, special needs, and regular classroom students
- Engaged students by regularly integrating technology into lessons
- Established and maintained two after-school clubs
- Regularly communicated with parents to acknowledge superior work and problem areas
- Tutored students seeking additional help after school
0-5 years of experience
Planned and instructed in all academic disciplines
- Collected and kept data on students benefitting from Response to Intervention
- Enhanced parent communication through newsletters and the school website
- Collaborated with teachers and administration on effective classroom differentiation opportunities
6-10 years of experience
Provided various word processing documents
- Composed, edited, assembled, coordinated, and processed various documents
- Answered multi-line telephones and directed to correct personnel
- Screened telephone calls and assisted in daily correspondence
0-5 years of experience
- Created and taught differentiated instructed lessons
- Classroom managed to maintain a safe and educationally stimulating environment
- Maintained accurate and complete student records
- Created open communicative relationships with student parents/guardians
10+ years of experience
Maintained safe and positive learning environment
- Provided varied forms of instruction to accommodate different learning styles of students
- Monitored and increased student achievement toward district grade level objectives
- Cultivated an intrinsic love for learning in students by demonstrating an enthusiasm and love for teaching
- Provided fair and consistent classroom management
- Modeled appropriate interpersonal skills with students, parents, school staff and community
- Director of TAPS after school program
10+ years of experience
Provide instruction for literacy and oral language development
- Develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills by presenting challenges that boost self-esteem and performance
- Planned and instructed each subject area using a wide variety of teaching aids, strategies, and thematic units
- Creative, resourceful teacher with proven ability to enhance students’ performance
- 18 out of 22 students are on or above grade level in Reading
0-5 years of experience
Created and implemented lesson plans in all subject areas based on district/school objectives.
- Modified instruction and assignments for students with Individualized Education Plans.
- Utilized a balance literacy approach to English Language Arts instruction.
- Effectively administered the English Language Arts Profile for student assessment.
0-5 years of experience
Collaborated with grade level weekly, creating lessons allowing for differentiation
- Assessed students, progress monitored those below benchmark in Reading and Math
- Consulted with special services staff when appropriate concerning both academic and social needs of students
- Implemented behavior modification systems for individual students
- Frequent communication with parents for both positive and constructive feedback
0-5 years of experience
Utilized DRA and MRZ data to target instruction for remediation and extension
- Participated in weekly team planning meetings to unpack standards, lesson plan and come up with common assessments
- Collaborated with ESOL, math and reading specialists to effectively meet instructional needs of students in our diverse title one setting
- Utilized responsive classroom methods for building classroom community and classroom management in accordance with the school wide classroom management plan
- Created organized and planned daily instruction
- Worked one on one and in small group with students on a daily basis
- Used my communication skills to present information to parents and the school community
- Instructed students to use their critical and creative thinking skills by using the patterns of thinking methodology to teach critical and creative thinking skills
- Conducted small group and individual classroom activities with students on differentiated learning needs to ensure all students are learning at full potential
- Used Ecart to find resources and create assessments
0-5 years of experience
- Assisted with fundraising efforts to raise money for equipment for a visually impaired school
- Provided guidance, emotional support, and small counseling groups to students
- Offered classroom support for the teacher and students
- Supervised and instructed students
0-5 years of experience
Taught Writing, Listening, and Speaking skills to English Language
Learners using SIOP and whole brain teaching strategies.
- Created and implemented curriculum map for math and ELA.
- Lead students in learning through whole and small group instruction.
- Differentiated instruction to reach all learners and 1:1 for tier 3
0-5 years of experience
Integral part of team in first year of school including culture and curriculum
- Used benchmark data to inform and drive instruction in the classroom
- Performed curriculum unit assessments and nationally-normed assessments
- Participated in and facilitated professional development
- Moved all students to proficiency in nationally normed reading assessments (mClass Amplify)
0-5 years of experience
Incorporated literacy centers, cooperative learning, and problem- based learning.
- Strong emphasis on critical thinking, higher order thinking, and Common Core alignment.
- Helped create an atmosphere for social and emotional development in the classroom.
- Integrated accommodations, IEP requirements and RTI interventions in the classroom.
0-5 years of experience
Designs and implements curricula that meets and exceeds Common Core State Standards, preparing students to be
college and career ready
- Builds powerful relationships with students, instilling confidence and utilizing individual interests and strengths
- Develops and maintains strong classroom management through positive reinforcement, fostering positive student
- Piloted alternative seating in a classroom of 21 diverse learners, differentiating learning styles for all students and instilling choice and ownership into student learning
- Integrates daily use of technology, promoting 21st Century Learning Skills
- Creates benchmark assessments, based on Common Core State Standards, using student results to inform instruction
0-5 years of experience
Worked with a variety of children with special needs such as: ADD, ADHD, Down syndrome, Dyslexia, and Autism.
- Worked one on one with individuals with language and speech disorders.
- Very open-minded about ways to teach.
- Taught many hands on learning skills.
- Nurtures professional relationships with the parents.
- Worked closely with children to: increase self- esteem, maintain anger management, and decision- making skills.
0-5 years of experience
Created and taught lessons in English for language arts, math, social studies, and science using Macmillan McGraw Hill, Houghton Mifflin, and Harcourt curriculums
- Taught writing using the 6+1 Writing Traits and assessed skill using rubrics
- Used English language learners techniques to conduct lessons
- Administered MAP and Baseline assessments and used data to develop differentiated instruction
- Conducted guided reading using data from MAP and Baseline assessments
- Communicated with parents via class website, emails, parent teacher conferences, and weekly homework sheets
- Integrated technology daily with the use of Mimio interactive boards, computer classes, curriculum software, and educational websites
- Managed schedule, attendance, report cards, school and classroom announcements on student information system webpage
- Actively participated in curriculum meetings using Common Core State Standards
- Participated in education conferences (APL, Learning and the Brain)
- Lead after school tutoring sessions for students of various ages and abilities
0-5 years of experience
Worked on a military campus with military children ( Title 1 school)
- Was a member of the writing and campus conduct committees.
- Collaborated with others to develop daily lesson and unit plans based on TEKS.
- Taught using balanced literacy, experiments, and hands on learning
- Participated in staff development, grade level meetings, and teacher/parent conferences
- Math textbook adoption committee-was the first grade representative for the school, helped make the district’s textbook decision
- Member of the “Campus Design Team”- we planned professional development and made school wide decisions
- Campus liaison for the district conduct committee, went to monthly meetings and took the information back to the school conduct committee, and helped make school decisions based on the information
0-5 years of experience
Creating and implementing developmentally appropriate lesson plans in accordance to the Common Core Standards
- Establishing a learning environment that facilitates collaboration with family participation of approximately 67 students.
- Develop literacy skills, phonemic awareness, and phonics
- Proctor district and national standardized assessment
- Develop critical thinking skills through read-aloud texts and extension activities
- Develop strategies and understanding in Mathematical skills
6-10 years of experience
Provides accurate assessment of student learning abilities.
- Designs and implemented standards based appropriate instruction to ensure meeting all individual needs including English as a second language learner and students with IEPs (Instructional Educational Plans).
- Organizes Instructional field trips to enhance learning.
- Planned effective lesson plans and thematic units.
- Administrated Standardize Achievement Test (ITBS, CRCT, Cogat)
- Organized classroom environment to minimize potential disciplinary problems.
0-5 years of experience
- Maintained a godly, positive atmosphere for learning in the classroom
- Established clear objectives for all lessons, units and projects
- Improved students’ reading levels through guided reading groups and whole group instruction
- Used children’s literature to teach and reinforce reading, writing, grammar and phonics
- Encouraged students to persevere with challenging tasks
- Established positive relationships with students, parents, fellow teachers and school administrators
- Accepted coaching from fellow teachers and administrators and immediately incorporated feedback
0-5 years of experience
- Managed a classroom of students while teaching all subjects through various art forms to make learning an ongoing process
- Coordinated meetings with other educators to execute initiatives as a group
- Identified student needs and used data based instruction to meet measurable goals
- Creatively displayed documentation pieces to showcase student learning
- Organized a year-long curriculum, data charts, assessments, and other professional information
- Effectively corresponded with stakeholders via weekly newsletters and daily emails and phone calls
- Displayed flexibility and strong attention to detail while creating and implementing daily lessons
6-10 years of experience
Organize, develop, and prepare lesson plans for class sessions using the Common Core Standards as guidelines.
- Teach class across all curriculum areas including Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies
- Conduct parent conferences and have open communication with parents
- Interpret standardized test scores to see the best way students learn
- Work in conjunction with school psychologist and counselor to address student’s needs
- Learn students learning styles and adapt lessons to suit their needs