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Free Vet Tech cover letter example

Dear Ms. Hennessey:

Upon review of your posting for a Vet Tech position, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. With experience in animal health care gained throughout my educational and professional background, I am confident I would be able to make a significant contribution to your clinic.

Having recently achieved my Associate’s Degree in Veterinary Technology from Biloxi College, I am eager to apply my acquired skills and knowledge towards this challenging position. With a solid foundation in a range of subjects including animal physiology, nutrition, and general care, my additional strengths in team collaboration, communication, and record keeping support position me to thrive in this field.

Highlights of my background include:

Demonstrating a commitment to pursuing a career within the veterinary sector, evidenced by enthusiastic project participation and a strong academic record.

Excelling in hands-on practicum roles at numerous veterinary clinics, helping veterinarians in checking vital signs, cleaning and wrapping wounds, administering various treatments, and sanitizing working areas.

Serving as volunteer for more than 4 years with the Biloxi Animal Shelter, assisting with animal surgeries, nutrition, cleanliness, and care.

Possessing superior time management, interpersonal, and organization skills as well as an on-going love of animals.

With my academic-based experience, coupled with my dedication to achieving success in this field, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Ellen B. Pierson

Include These Vet Tech Skills

  • Love of animals and the ability to provide care for them
  • Concentration and stamina
  • Attention to details and observational skills
  • Physical fitness
  • Customer service orientation
  • Teamwork
  • Effective communication
  • Confidentiality and integrity
  • Good numeracy skills
  • Computer competences
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