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Free Accounts Administrator cover letter example

Dear Mr. Corliss,

Upon learning of your need for an Accounts Administrator, I am submitting my resume for consideration. As an Accounts Administrator with four years of experience handling the accounting and finances for Lesley Enterprises, I believe my experience has honed the skills and abilities I need to make a difference at your organization.

My professional experience includes facilitating the smooth flow of accounts receivable and accounts payable, and promptly addressing payroll issues as they arose. I am confident I can use what I learned from this experience to help Meriwether Industries succeed.

Below is a list of my most important qualifications and accomplishments.

Earned Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Michigan State

Prepared daily, weekly, and monthly financial reports and presented them to decision makers

Performed bookkeeping tasks on a regular basis

Managed life cycle of payroll process for approximately 50 employees, from collecting and validating employee timesheets to processing payroll and paying payroll taxes

Processed payroll deductions such as child support garnishments and 401K deductions

Oversaw and controlled all accounts payable responsibilities, and managed 941 tax duties

I believe what separates me from other candidates is I fully understand the importance of the role of Accounting Specialist and have the skills to succeed in the job. I take my job seriously, and you would not be disappointed by bringing me onto your team. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to arrange an interview


Gavin J. Milne

Include These Accounts Administrator Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting
  • Advanced proficiency in spreadsheet and accounting software
  • Organization and planning skills
  • Financial analysis skills
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Money management skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Presentation skills
Accounts Administrator Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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