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Free Audit Associate cover letter example

Dear Mr. Chicoine:

Upon review of your posting for an Audit Associate, I hastened to send you my resume. With my strong understanding of auditing and taxation principles gained throughout my background, as well as my superior organizational and analytical skills, I feel confident that I would significantly benefit your team at KPG Financial.

My financial skill set aligns quite well with your firm’s areas of expertise. With a strong knowledge of tax strategies, regulatory compliance, and auditing operations, along with my key ability to conduct research and analyze reports, my experience has prepared me to excel in this role. Additionally, my degree in accounting and finance coupled with my communication and team collaboration abilities position me ready to thrive in this capacity with your firm.

Highlights of my background include:

Coordinating audits for publicly and privately held clients across multiple industries including communications, technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and non-profit; preparing audit work papers, compiling statements, and performing appropriate testing.

Excelling in an audit assistant role with Smith & Associates, delivering overarching auditing and accounting support while communicating directly with clients regarding general financial issues.

Coordinating special financial and accounting-related projects while excelling within detail-oriented, deadline-driven environments.

Preparing to graduate with a Master’s degree in Accounting and currently sitting for the CPA exam; attaining comprehensive knowledge of strategic financial planning, tax preparation, audit coordination, and general accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Demonstrating expertise in advanced Microsoft Excel tools and functions.

With my strong experience in finance and accounting, coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication to achieving success, I believe I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position in further detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Deborah P. Young

Include These Audit Associate Skills

  • Financial expertise
  • Training in finance and business administration
  • Technical capacity and knowledge of company operations
  • Ethical conduct and integrity
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • Analytical thinking
  • Reporting skills
  • Computer competences
  • Good presentation skills and self-confidence
  • Tact and diplomacy
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