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Free Illustrator cover letter example

Dear Ms. Murphy:

Conceptual innovation, a robust work ethic, and finely honed drawing skills are all essential components to success in the art/design world. As a skilled professional with experience producing sophisticated drawings for printed and digital media, I am positioned to make a significant impact within your organization as your next Illustrator.

My background includes driving the design of forward-thinking illustration projects and services for a variety of clients. With expertise in diverse mediums such as pen-and-ink, charcoal, and pencil—as well as proficiency in a variety of art/design software applications—I am confident that my talents will immensely benefit your team.

Highlights of my experience include…

Excelling as an Illustrator over the past 10 years with Comradery Media, utilizing GIMP, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign in combination with traditional mediums such as pencil and charcoal to create and produce commissions—encompassing advertisements, corporate materials, and editorials—for diverse clients.

Overseeing artistic design, creation, tone, and final execution to capture viewer interest while ensuring projects are completed on target and on deadline.

Integrating visual elements such as line, space, mass, color, and perspective to illustrate ideas, emotions, moods, and concrete stories.

Creating and producing a weekly online comic from conception in a freelance role.

Demonstrating excellent originality, creativity, networking, and communication talents.

Earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Wesleyan College.

With my proven ability to produce detailed illustration projects, combined with my steadfast commitment to top-notch artistic quality and production, I am prepared to excel in providing outstanding service to your company. I look forward to discussing the position and my qualifications in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Michael D. Thompson

Include These Illustrator Skills

  • Drawing skills and artistic talent
  • Creativity
  • Customer service orientation
  • Time management and being able to follow strict deadlines
  • Self-promotion skills
  • Computer proficiency
  • Research skills
  • Commercial awareness
  • Being able to work without supervision
Illustrator Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!