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Free SAP Consultant cover letter example

Dear Ms. Rodriguez,

Upon learning of an SAP Consultant opening at your organization, I have decided to submit my resume for consideration. As an SAP Consultant with a SAP Business One and SAP Enterprise Resource Planning certification, I think I have what it takes to be an asset to your organization.

My professional experience includes 11 years as an SAP Consultant for Starbright Solutions, during which I advised clients in all aspects of the SAP process. I believe my skills and experience will allow me to help Sunrise Solutions grow and prosper.

Below are my most relevant qualifications and accomplishments:

Earned Bachelor’s degree in Business Technology from Wisconsin university

Earned SAP Business One and Enterprise Resource Planning certification

Used SAP Solution Manager to plan and document the results of solution projects

Coordinated transport routes on a regular basis using Transport Management System

In addition to these accomplishments and qualifications, I believe my organizational skills and my ability to thrive in a collaborative environment makes me stand out against other candidates. If you would like to set up an interview, then please call me at your earliest convenience.


Ryan K. Smithington

Include These SAP Consultant Skills

  • Expertise in SAP software
  • Expertise in enterprise resource planning
  • At least 1 SAP Certification
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business or a related field
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Expertise in FICO
  • Organizational skills
  • Complex problem-solving skills
  • Ability to thrive in a collaborative environment
  • Ability to simplify and explain technical information to non-technical stakeholders
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