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Free DBA cover letter example

Dear Mr. Eakins,

I am writing this to submit my resume for the position of Database Administrator. My Bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems and 4 years of experience as a Database Administrator have given me the skills that I think would make me an asset to your organization.

My professional experience includes using SQL to develop, design and improve databases based on the needs of my employer. I was responsible for developing and improving the databases of Smith Data during my 4 years as a Database Administrator. I’ve become an SQL expert during this experience and I would love the opportunity to bring what I’ve learned to Pathh Data.

Here are some of my skills and accomplishments:

  • Earned Bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from New York University
  • Used SQL to construct employer-specific internal database
  • Updated database security on a regular basis
  • Created database maintenance SOP and oversaw regular implementation by IT staff

One of the qualities that separates me from other candidates is my passion for the world of computers. I spend my free time staying on top of all the latest IT trends, tools, and strategies. If you think my skills and passion make me a good fit for your organization, then I’d love to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.

Gary B. Eicher

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