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Free Dental Technician Cover Letter Examples cover letter example

Dear Mr. Whitestone:

I am submitting my resume for the position of Dental Technician. For the past six years, I’ve worked in a large dental lab as a successful and award-winning Dental Technician who has handled a variety of responsibilities. I believe these responsibilities have primed me for other Dental Technician roles and responsibilities such as the ones Three Tier Laboratory Services is offering.

My extensive experience in creating, modifying and repairing a wide range of dental appliances and my ability to maintain an efficient and organized work environment under pressure align perfectly with the qualifications you are seeking. In addition, I am well versed in using computer programs to create appliances.

The following are some highlights of my related qualifications and experience:

Consistently built porcelain crown units and rebuilt dentures with zero errors.

Engaged in troubleshooting between dentists and laboratory to effectively resolve issues Identified minute color deviations and provided exact tone matches to natural teeth.

Consulted with dental surgeons to clarify specifications for prosthetics.

Received a Dental Technician award for accuracy three years in a row Tested and adjusted model products while following laboratory procedures.

Developed production procedures that reduced production time by 25 percent.

Due to my competence in all dental lab-based technologies and areas of dental fabrication, I am confident that I can serve as a valuable asset to Three Tier Laboratory Services. I am available at your earliest convenience to discuss my qualifications for this position and answer any questions you might have. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you for your consideration.


Barb Johaunsen

Include These Dental Technician Cover Letter Examples Skills

  • Following dental work orders and prescriptions
  • Maintenance and repairs on dental devices or appliances
  • Bending, forming and shaping dental materials
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