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Free Academic Director cover letter example

Dear Ms. Dilworth:

Upon learning of your posting for the position of Academic Director at The Kellison Enrichment School, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. As an accomplished, visionary leader with comprehensive operational, planning, and program development experience in the educational sector, I am well prepared to significantly contribute to the achievement of your school’s objectives.

My expertise lies in overseeing strategic planning initiatives, budget administration, and program development to improve overall school performance. From conceptualizing and establishing forward-thinking plans and programs to recruiting, training and motivating outstanding team members, I excel at directing strategic enhancements to drive goal achievement while communicating openly and routinely with staff, parents, and faculty.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Spearheading policy and procedure development and implementation, program management, training and leadership, and overall operational leadership tasks to facilitate optimal performance as the Academic Director for the Edgewood School in Seattle for the past eight years.

Forging solid and trusting relationships with students, offering them advice, overseeing academic issues/concerns, and continually growing student engagement and love of learning.

Hiring, training, observing, and coaching teachers to drive performance improvement while cultivating a strong sense of school community to optimize morale and retention; leading more than 30 teacher in-service sessions to enhance instructional skills.

Demonstrating superior organizational, interpersonal, and communication talents throughout my career accomplishments.

My skills in operational oversight and directional leadership have been finely honed, and I am confident my additional strengths will readily translate to your environment at The Kellison Enrichment School. The chance to offer more insight into my qualifications would be most appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Julia A. Hillman

Include These Academic Director Skills

  • Program development and implementation
  • Performance evaluation/improvement
  • Curriculum development
  • Behaviour/discipline management
  • Budget management/expense containment
  • Administrative duties
  • Strategic and tactical planning
  • Recruitment and training
  • Relationship building/partnerships
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