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Free Apprentice Lineman cover letter example

Dear Ms. Ennis:

I am submitting the enclosed resume for the position of apprentice lineman. With a high school diploma, an associate’s degree in electrical systems, several years of hands-on experience, a passion for learning, and a valid driver’s license, I believe I would be a valuable asset and helpful assistant to the Tennessee Electric team.

My experience thus far includes various courses on electrical systems and safety, as well as two years of hands-on experience repairing and maintaining electrical power lines and transformers, including both overhead and underground electrical distribution systems.

The following are some highlights of my education and experience:

Drove and operated heavy machinery, including electric bucket trucks

Repaired and restored power outages during adverse weather conditions

Contracted by other municipalities to restore power

Gained vast experience as an apprentice lineman over the course of two years

I am passionate, personable, and very eager to learn. I hope to have the opportunity to bring those qualities to an apprenticeship at Tennessee Electric. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you further about this position.

All the best,

Orson T. Millhouse

Include These Apprentice Lineman Skills

  • Ability to operate vehicles
  • Knowledge of safety measures and standards
  • Communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Team collaboration
  • Willingness to learn
Apprentice Lineman Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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