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Free Meter Reader cover letter example

Dear Mr. Torres,Upon discovering your need for a Meter Reader, I am contacting you to submit my resume for consideration. As someone with four years of experience as a Meter Reader for Hudson Power, I think I have acquired and honed the skills necessary to be an asset to your organization.

My professional experience includes efficiently completing route assignments and entering customer utility data free of errors, as well as disconnecting customers who have ceased to make payments without escalation. The role of Meter Reader is integral to a utility company’s bottom line, and I think my understanding of this responsibility would make me a great fit for Hastings Power.

Here are some of my most relevant accomplishments and qualifications:

ÔùÅ Learned and internalized the importance of the Meter Reader to a company’s bottom line through completion of mentorship program at Hudson Power

ÔùÅ Completed assigned customer routes in a timely manner on a regular basis

ÔùÅ Earned recognition for most completed disconnection assignments without incident

ÔùÅ Noticed meter discrepancy that led to the discovery and arrest of a utility theft

I have a dedication to my job that I think puts me above other candidates with similar qualifications. I have a personable demeanor and an ability to remain calm under pressure, which I would love to show you in an interview. If you are interested in scheduling an interview, then please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration.


Casi A. Caldwell

Include These Meter Reader Skills

  • Personable Demeanor
  • Ability to read a utility meter
  • Detail orientated
  • Organizational Skills
  • Ability to remain calm under pressure
  • Customer service skills
  • Conflict management skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication skills
Meter Reader Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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