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Free Director cover letter example

Dear Ms. Crawford:

Conceptual innovation, key client relationships, and team collaboration are all essential components to success in creative design. As an award-winning, highly accomplished professional with extensive experience designing and executing successful, visionary advertising projects for high-profile brands, I am positioned to make a significant impact on your organization as your next Director.

I bring to the table more than 15 years of excellent experience managing A-list client accounts and projects—including Sony, Hitachi, and Lexus—as a Creative Director for Chiat Day in Madison. My background lies in driving the design and execution of forward-thinking, cutting-edge creative campaigns and services to maximize brand awareness and accelerate messaging. With expertise in directing design layouts, supervising photo shoots, and ensuring compliance with client specifications—along with my ability to communicate effectively with both clients and peers—I am confident that my talents and abilities will significantly benefit Maximus Advertising.

Highlights of my experience include…

Winning two “Gold Addys” and three “Silver Addys” during my tenure at Chiat Day in recognition of creative and artistic excellence.

Interpreting client messaging to create strategic and compelling advertising strategies in alignment with clients’visions.

Spearheading teams through all aspects of the creative product life cycle—including design, development, evolution, and completion’to generate product sales success and client satisfaction.

Demonstrating expertise in visual direction, artistic innovation, and brand positioning while excelling in fast-paced, time-sensitive environments.

With my proven ability to evolve effective and provocative conceptual campaigns and design projects for top-level clients, combined with my in-depth experience in creative team leadership, I am prepared to excel in providing outstanding services to your agency. I look forward to discussing the position, and my qualifications, in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Margaret B. Smith

Include These Director Skills

  • Leadership and vision
  • Managerial skills
  • Strategic planning
  • Analytical thinking
  • Business acumen
  • Commercial awareness
  • Organizational skills
  • Effective communication
  • Computer competences
  • Knowledge of corporate law
  • Business administration training
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