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Free Recruiting Coordinator cover letter example

Dear Ms. Ryan

With this letter and the enclosed resume, I would like to express my strong interest in the Recruiting Coordinator position you are looking to fill. As an accomplished professional with key experience supporting talent acquisition and candidate management tasks, I possess a range of knowledge and skills that will allow me to contribute toward the success of your company.

My background includes successfully assisting with full-cycle organizational recruitment processes, including candidate prospecting, interviewing, and negotiating. For more than five years, I have excelled as a Recruiting Assistant with Randolph Media, demonstrating a keen ability to support HR managers in anticipating staffing needs and identifying optimal talent to achieve or exceed goals. Additionally, my established success building strategic relationships with hiring managers and business partners positions me to make a significant contribution to your organization.

The following achievements demonstrate my qualification for this position:

Supporting all facets of talent acquisition—including job descriptions, candidate sourcing, needs analysis, interviews, negotiations, and relationship management’to generate outstanding candidate placements and achieve corporate objectives.

Scheduling and coordinating all logistical and travel arrangements for potential job candidates while overseeing applicant correspondence and document management.

Facilitating new-hire orientation programs and collecting completed new-hire paperwork.

Charged with assuming responsibility for the contractor / temporary worker recruiting process at Randolph Media, resulting in a total of 32 placements within the company.

Utilizing solid communication and interpersonal abilities to secure employee, client, and management trust.

My proven dedication to optimizing organizational success through my knowledge and support of recruiting strategies will contribute immensely to the success of Bellman Publications. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Steven C. Tennant

Include These Recruiting Coordinator Skills

  • Human resources expertise
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Fast thinking and decision-making skills
  • An eye for details
  • Computer proficiency
  • Self-motivation and drive
  • Networking
  • Organizational skills
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