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Free Headhunter cover letter example

Dear Ms. Reece:

With this letter and the enclosed resume, I would like to express my sincere interest in the headhunter position you are looking to fill. As an accomplished and driven professional with extensive experience and finely honed abilities in talent acquisition and candidate management, I possess the knowledge and credentials that will allow me to contribute toward the success of your company.

My expertise lies in successfully directing full-cycle recruitment processes for Fortune 500 companies, including candidate prospecting, interviewing, negotiating, and hiring. For more than 16 years, I have excelled in dynamic recruitment environments, demonstrating a keen ability to clearly define and understand corporate staffing needs and consistently identify optimal talent to achieve or exceed goals. Additionally, my established network of business contacts, coupled with my expertise in technical and social media recruiting tools, positions me to make a significant contribution to your team as your next headhunter.

The following achievements demonstrate my qualification for this position:

Spearheading the full-cycle recruiting process – including company needs analysis, candidate sourcing and vetting, in-depth interviews, negotiations, and contract signing – to generate outstanding candidate placements and achieve staffing objectives across all business units and levels for companies including Jump Start, Wayworth’s, Pembrook, and Marshall Ltd.

Developing and maintaining a pipeline of talent for current and future opportunities through direct sourcing, social media, job boards, career sites, internal referrals, and advertising

Preparing job candidates by informing them of hiring company’s needs and culture, reviewing job responsibilities, and prepping them for interviews

Partnering with hiring managers, account managers, and full HR teams to ensure realization of corporate hiring goals

Organizing and hosting career and networking events, including happy hours and luncheons

Providing additional career services to job seekers such as resume writing, marketing, and LinkedIn profile development

Establishing solid and trusting partnerships through exceptional relationship-building skills; utilizing solid communication and interpersonal abilities to secure applicant, client, and management trust

My proven dedication to optimizing corporate success through my expert knowledge of staff recruitment and human resources strategies will contribute immensely to the success of your headhunting team. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Jennifer R. Bravo

Include These Headhunter Skills

  • Full-cycle recruiting
  • Candidate sourcing and qualification
  • Candidate vetting
  • Interviews, verifications, and hiring
  • Salary and benefit negotiations
  • Talent acquisition and management
  • Pipeline development and management
  • Career development services and networking events
  • Resume, cover letter, and personal marketing support
  • Web and social media career tools
  • Goal definition
  • Recruitment best practices
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A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!