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Free Industrial Designer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Stewart:

With this letter and the enclosed resume, I would like to express my strong interest in the Industrial Designer position you are looking to fill. As a highly skilled and successful product design specialist with more than eight years of experience developing concepts and designs for manufactured products, I am confident in my ability to contribute toward the success of your company.

My expertise lies in successfully conceptualizing, designing, and modifying products while working directly with engineers to continually evolve and refine product development. From defining sketch forms and creating illustrations to designing packaging graphics and producing storyboards, my background has enabled me to excel in designing consumer-friendly manufactured products to achieve customer objectives and preferences. With my technical aptitude and my professional achievements, I am prepared to put my experience and skill set to work for you.

Consider the following highlights of my professional achievements:

Designing, developing, and facilitating production of a variety of consumer goods products, strategizing and finalizing designs based on cost targets, material quality, legal requirements, and brand guidelines.

Spearheading design projects through full life cycles, encompassing ideation, sample development, client review, and final production.

Led design teams in working on design concepts and modifying existing designs based on input from clients, material suppliers, engineers, and consumer focus groups.

Communicating directly with overseas production factories regarding sample making, materials procurement, reverse cost engineering, and production quality assurance; fluent in Mandarin Chinese.

Extensive knowledge of various materials and manufacturing processes to enhance products with appropriate details expected by customers.

Proficiency in Adobe Graphic software, 3D Modeling software, and various design techniques.

Earning a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design from the New York Institute of Engineering & Design.

My successful history of overseeing and enhancing industrial product design and development will contribute immensely to the success of your company. Furthermore, my superior time management talents and my tireless work ethic are sure to render me an immediate asset to your team. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Shawn B. Fairbank

Include These Industrial Designer Skills

  • Technical skills
  • Industrial design experience
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Research skills
  • Customer service abilities
  • Computer proficiency and knowledge of relevant software
  • Time management
  • Good communication skills
Industrial Designer Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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