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Free Computer Technician cover letter example

Dear Ms. Walker:

I am submitting my resume to be considered for the position of Computer Technician. I am a skilled a qualified computer professional, with educational and professional experience that make me a solid candidate to serve the needs of Doze Industries.

My professional experience as a Computer Technician for Computer Dudes included providing first-level support to computer users by researching and answering their questions, resolving their problems and providing other resources. With my educational background and my technical and customer service skills, I am in an excellent position to ensure the smooth maintenance of all of the computer systems at Doze Industries.

The following are some highlights of my qualifications and experience:

Assisted clients by identifying problems, researching answers, and guiding clients through corrective steps.

Improved client references by writing and maintaining documentation.

Participated in development of client training programs by identifying learning issues and recommending improved instructional language.

Monitored compliance with service agreements to avoid legal challenges.

Awarded a Certificate in Web Development, and proficient in Windows 7, 10 and Active Directory, and Office 2013 2016

My tested knowledge as a Computer Technician makes me uniquely qualified to fill this role at Doze Industries. I look forward to discussing this position and my qualifications with you.

Thank you for your consideration.


John Strader

Include These Computer Technician Skills

  • Problem solving
  • Help desk experience
  • Phone skills
  • Customer service
  • Training
  • Verbal communication
  • Documentation skills
  • Network troubleshooting
  • Comptia a+ certification
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