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Free Technology Consultant cover letter example

Dear Ms. Campbell,

I am writing to apply for the position of Technology Consultant at Iron Technologies. My Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and six years of experience constructing, managing, and improving computer networks makes me a solid candidate for your organization.

My professional experience includes developing the network operations for a number of major corporate clients. I am certified in several IT languages, including Ruby and Perl C++. I think I can be a great asset at Iron Technologies with my education and set of skills.

Here are my most relevant skills and accomplishments:

Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Virginia Tech.

Engaged and managed strong business relationships with customer accounts to ensure high levels of service, response, and the overall success of customer-driven business and technical strategies.

Managed all aspects of IT design, implementation, administration, and support processes to ensure the availability, operability, and stability of all network assets.

Researched and recommended new technologies to achieve improved network performance while controlling and reducing the costs of IT operations.

While you may come across candidates with similar qualifications, I am confident that my adaptability sets me apart from the crowd. I pride myself on being able to keep ahead of the ever-changing IT world and using my skills to meet the latest needs of clients. If you are interested in learning more about how I can be an asset to Iron Technologies, then I’d be happy to schedule an interview. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Brian W. Musselman

Include These Technology Consultant Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology or a related field
  • Computer network acumen
  • IT knowledge
  • Ability to perform multiple IT roles
  • Ability to supervise others
  • Logic and reasoning
  • Complex problem solving skills
  • Analytical skills
Technology Consultant Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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