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Free Assistant Brand Manager cover letter example

Dear Ms. Maurice Reyes:

If your company could use the talents of someone with skills, drive, and a flair for outstanding customer service plus a passion for the sale, then you need look no further than my resume. I have a passion for wine. I am a top wine salesman in my distributorship. In addition, I have insight into restaurant operations and a depth and caliber of wine knowledge honed in high-end establishments. My wine knowledge has grown exponentially throughout my career.

My objective is to secure a role as Assistant Brand Manager at Ste. Michelle Estates. As Assistant Brand Manager at your firm, I believe developing and increasing brand values happens by living and becoming the brand. I reach customers and distributors to ultimately increase distribution and sales. Specifically, the role of brand manager for a quality company such as Ste. Michelle Estate would be an opportunity I would relish.

Highlights of my qualifications include:

Certified Wine Sommelier by the International Wine Guild

Increased sales revenue and territory growth from $350K to nearly $1M in only 4 years.

Implemented strategic marketing plans in order to grow sales account volumes.

To date my sales career is marked by my consummate ability to adapt to quickly changing sales and marketing objectives. My contributions at each account have always led to increases in wine sales and menu share, improved staff know-how (leading to direct sales), and customer satisfaction. I was always proud to be part of the effort that achieved these objectives.

I would like to include the names of two references at Ste. Michelle Estates who can be contacted in order to provide additional insight into my skills and background: Trevor Neal, Division Manager and Patsy Anderson, Business Development Manager.

I am confident in my ability to make an immediate and long-term contribution to (Company Name) and would welcome an opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications and candidacy in further detail.


Jose Cruz

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