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Free Nurse Tech cover letter example

Dear Ms. Howard:

Upon learning of your posting for a nurse tech, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. As an emerging nursing professional with strong education and experience in a variety of medical support positions, I will be an excellent addition to your team.

Prepared to graduate at the end of this year with a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the University of Pennsylvania, I am excited to pursue this opportunity and look forward to establishing a lasting commitment to Breyerson Medical Center. From acquiring in-depth medical knowledge in classroom and field settings to amassing comprehensive nursing experience throughout challenging clinical rotations, my background has prepared me to accept the responsibilities of this position.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Excelling in rigorous clinical rotations – encompassing medical-surgical, orthopedics, neurology, and cardiology – while demonstrating outstanding collaboration, communication, and leadership talents and remaining steadfastly focused on providing superior patient-centric care

Treating 12 to 22 patients during each shift, with an emphasis on compassionate and hands-on patient care

Collecting and recording patient data, including temperature, pulse, and weight; taking patient intakes and medical histories; and performing various administrative functions, including charting

Interacting effectively and collaboratively with doctors, nurses, and staff to ensure high-quality patient care

The combination of my dedication to the nursing field and my compassionate, professional nature continues to define my abilities. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your needs and how my talents can contribute toward your team’s objectives.


Emily B. Brownwood

Include These Nurse Tech Skills

  • Patient intakes and histories
  • Direct patient care
  • Admission and discharge
  • Quality assurance
  • Team collaboration
  • Physician and nurse support
  • Supply and inventory counts
  • General administrative support
  • Compliance
  • Meal and clean-up assistance
  • Grooming, bathing, and dressing
Nurse Tech Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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