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Free Psychiatric Nurse cover letter example

Dear Ms. Dixon:

When I learned of your need for an experienced and dedicated Psychiatric Nurse, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. My experience medicating, treating, and caring for patients suffering from mental illnesses, distresses, or disabilities gives me confidence in my ability to significantly benefit your organization.

With my experience providing comprehensive nursing care to patients suffering from a variety of mental disorders and psychological conditions, my background has prepared me to excel in this position. From conducting intake assessments and evaluating discharge potential to participating in crisis interventions and administering appropriate treatments, my ability to connect with individuals and establish trusting relationships—along with my strong communication and assessment capabilities—position me to thrive in this challenging role.

Please consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Providing vital nursing support and treatment to patients suffering from a broad range of afflictions, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, dementia, and reactive attachment disorder.

Caring for psychiatry patients in a 30-bed unit of the Drivenson Psychiatric Facility in St. Cloud, specializing in rapid stabilizing and crisis intervention; monitoring, recording, and evaluating patients’daily psychiatric medical conditions and reporting status to attending physicians.

Effectively responding to volatile and often violent situations, earning the respect of physicians and peers for level-headed, calm, and sound decision-making skills to ensure the safety and security of both patients and staff.

Working closely with doctors to fully understand and carry out their directives, including testing, medical procedures, consultations, and orders for restraint.

Achieving a Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration in Mental Health Nursing from the University of Minnesota.

Leveraging my excellent interpersonal and problem-solving abilities to provide optimal solutions and support in difficult and highly stressful situations.

With my strong experience in psychiatric nursing and treatment, complemented by my dedication to providing vital patient support and care, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. The opportunity to discuss the position in further detail would be appreciated. Thank you for your consideration.


Paul L. Goodman

Include These Psychiatric Nurse Skills

  • Nursing expertise
  • Medical teamwork
  • Physical strength and stamina
  • Being able to restrain troubled patients
  • Empathy
  • Recordkeeping
  • Computer literacy
  • Health promotion
  • Good communication and interpersonal abilities
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